A type of communication that is competent in one setting will be competent in another. true or false

The three types of noise that can block communication are

A. loud, moderate, and soft.
B. mass communicational, personal, and transactional.
C. external, physiological, and psychological.
D. sociological, psychological, and communicational.
E. linear, interactional, and transactional.

  1. The way the term "communication" is used in this text

      a. includes all human, animal, and mechanical communication.
      b. includes communion, as used in a religious sense.
      c. includes radio and television programming.
      d. includes none of these.
  2. "Communication is a process" means that

      a. communication has clear beginning and ending points.
      b. communication resembles still pictures more than motion pictures.
      c. communication is ongoing and continuous.
      d. communication consists of discrete and separate acts.
  3. The same behavior in two different contexts may be perceived as competent in one setting and incompetent in another. This situation best illustrates the concept that communication competence

      a. involves choosing inappropriate behavior.
      b. involves conflict.
      c. requires cognitive complexity.
      d. is situational.
  4. Journaling (keeping a private journal in which you write down your feelings and thoughts with the intention that only you will read it) is an example of

      a. dyadic communication.
      b. intrapersonal communication.
      c. mass communication.
      d. interpersonal communication.
  5. Which of these is dyadic communication?

      a. two sisters arguing
      b. a husband and wife making plans for the weekend
      c. a coach and player discussing last week's game
      d. All of these are correct.
  6. An example of self-monitoring is

      a. videotaping your practice interview
      b. carrying a checklist to remind you of some skills to practice
      c. paying attention to the sound of your voice
      d. All of these are correct.
  7. When we say that communicators occupy different environments, we mean that

      a. one might be rich and one poor.
      b. one might be from China and one from the U.S.
      c. one might be retired with time on her hands, while one is rushing to meet family and career demands with never enough time.
      d. All of these represent differing environments.
  8. A plane flying overhead and interfering with your conversation is an example of __________ noise.

      a. external
      b. physiological
      c. psychological
      d. All of these are correct.
  9. An instructor is lively and joking in a class in which students come prepared and always do more than the assigned work. The same instructor is strict and unyielding in a class that tries to slide by with minimal work and comes without having read assignments. Although this is the same instructor, the communication behavior illustrates which concept?

      a. All communication is equally effective and competent.
      b. Communication is linear.
      c. communication is static.
      d. Communication is transactional and relational.
  10. Symbols

      a. stand for something other than themselves.
      b. represent ideas, but not people, things, or events.
      c. mean exactly the same thing to various people.
      d. are not arbitrary; all symbols have logical reasons for their existence.
  11. The instructor dislikes the music group pictured on your shirt. Her attitude toward the group and its impact on her attitude toward you is an example of _______________ noise.

      a. external
      b. physiological
      c. psychological
      d. All of these are correct.
  12. You have an auditory processing difficulty and cannot always understand directions when they are spoken too quickly. You experience _____________ noise.

      a. external
      b. physiological
      c. psychological
      d. All of these are correct.
  13. Your friend asks to borrow your car. Recently, you’ve had car problems and have been bombarded by other friends for requests to use your car. You’re not feeling well and just want to go home. You respond angrily to your friend’s request, although on other occasions this particular friend has borrowed your car with no problems. Your reaction this time best illustrates which principle?

      a. Communication will not solve all problems.
      b. No single person or event causes a reaction.
      c. Communication does not always require understanding.
      d. More communication is not always better.
  14. Which statement is accurate regarding communication competence?

      a. It is situational.
      b. You either have it or you don't.
      c. For any situation, there is one ideal way to communicate.
      d. Competence requires meeting one goal at the expense of another.
  15. In most situations, competent communicators will

      a. be able to choose from a wide range of behaviors.
      b. demonstrate empathy.
      c. employ self-monitoring behaviors.
      d. All of these are correct.

What kind of communication is competent communication?

Competent communicators are aware of their own ethical beliefs, and they communicate in ways that are consistent with those beliefs. Good communicators are aware of their own behavior and its effect on others. Researchers call this awareness self-monitoring.

What is competent in communication?

Communication competence refers to the knowledge of effective and appropriate communication patterns and the ability to use and adapt that knowledge in various contexts.

What is an example of competent communication?

For example, a competent communicator will engage in turn taking when in conversations instead of interrupting. A competent communicator would know when it is appropriate to ask questions to further the conversation, and read nonverbal cues/feedback from the receiver to know when the conversation is over.

How do we become competent in communication?

To be a competent communicator, you should have cognitive knowledge about communication based on observation and instruction; understand that individual, social, and cultural contexts affect competence; and be able to adapt to those various contexts.


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