A way of combining elements to add a feeling of equilibrium or stability to a work of art.

Once a developing artist begins to understand the seven elements of art, he/she may then find himself/herself wanting to further perfect that of his/her craft—as there is always room for improvement. It is through doing so, that he/she may find himself/herself wondering as to what he/she can do to make his/her piece stand out visually. This is where the seven principles of art come into play, which are listed as follows; 1. Rhythm, 2. Balance, 3. Emphasis, 4. Proportion, 5. Harmony, 6. Variety, and 7. Movement. Through the mastering of each of these techniques, those who are practicing the arts, are not only able to understand the importance of each, but to witness it first hand.

First and foremost is rhythm, “a principle of design that indicates movement, created by the careful placement of repeated elements in a work of art to cause a visual tempo or beat”. Second is balance, which is “a way of combining elements to add a feeling of equilibrium or stability to a work of art”. Third is emphasis, which is “a way of combining elements to stress the differences between those elements”. Fourth is proportion, “a principle of design that refers to the relationship of certain elements to the whole and to each other”.

Fifth is harmony, which is “a way of combining similar elements in an artwork to accent their similarities”. Sixth is variety, which is “a principle of design concerned with diversity or contrast—achieved by using different shapes, sizes, and colors”. And last is movement, which is “a principle of design used to create the look/feeling of action, and to guide the viewer’s eye throughout the work of art”.

As a result of these principles, those who are in the process of learning art are able to better understand how to put the pieces together visually—and gain further knowledge as to the effect of each. In combination with the elements of art, individuals may find themselves developing their own unique style, as they gain more experience—and comfortability—with each principle. It is then that one can achieve the effect that he/she wants—within his/her work—with precision and ease. In conclusion, rhythm, balance, emphasis, proportion, harmony, variety, and movement all serve as a guide for both experienced artists, as well as beginners. It is through such that a wide range of individuals are able to create and analyze art, as well as discuss it with others.h

By: Mindy Wong

Elements and Principles of Art

Elements of Art

Line: An element of art defined by a point moving in space. Line may be two-or three-dimensional, descriptive, implied, or abstract.

Shape: An element of art that is two-dimensional, flat, or limited to height and width. Form An element of art that is three-dimensional and encloses volume; includes height, width AND depth (as in a cube, a sphere, a pyramid, or a cylinder).

Value: The lightness or darkness of tones or colors. White is the lightest value; black is the darkest. The value halfway between these extremes is called middle gray.

Space: An element of art by which positive and negative areas are defined or a sense of depth achieved in a work of art .

Color: An element of art made up of three properties: hue, value, and intensity. • Hue: name of color.

Texture An element of art that refers to the way things feel, or look as if they might feel if touched.

Form: An element of art that is three-dimensional and encloses volume; includes height, width AND depth (as in a cube, a sphere, a pyramid, or a cylinder). Form may also be free flowing.

Texture: An element of art that refers to the way things feel, or look as if they might feel if touched.

(The visual components of color, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value)

Principles of Art

Balance: A way of combining elements to add a feeling of equilibrium or stability to a work of art. Major types are symmetrical and asymmetrical.

Emphasis (contrast): A way of combining elements to stress the differences between those elements.

Proportion: A principle of design that refers to the relationship of certain elements to the whole and to each other.

Gradation: A way of combining elements by using a series of gradual changes in those elements. (large shapes to small shapes, dark hue to light hue, etc) Harmony A way of combining similar elements in an artwork to accent their similarities (achieved through use of repetitions and subtle gradual changes)

Variety: A principle of design concerned with diversity or contrast. Variety is achieved by using different shapes, sizes, and/or colors in a work of art.

Movement: A principle of design used to create the look and feeling of action and to guide the viewer’s eye throughout the work of art.

(Balance, emphasis, movement, proportion, rhythm, unity, and variety; the means an artist uses to organize elements within a work of art. Rhythm A principle of design that indicates movement, created by the careful placement of repeated elements in a work of art to cause a visual tempo or beat.)

Elements and Principles of Art in NATURE

Elements and Principles of Art in the World.


Remember All of the Elements and Principles of design work together to create a piece of Artwork. The combination of these is called a composition.

The End.

What refers to a way of combining elements to add a feeling of equilibrium or stability to a work of art?

Balance. A way of combining elements to add a feeling of. equilibrium or stability to a work of art. Major types are symmetrical and asymmetrical.

What element adds feeling of equilibrium or stability?

3: Balance Artists combine elements to add a feeling of equilibrium or stability to a work of art. Symmetry and asymmetry are manifestations of balance.

What refers to equilibrium in a work of art?

Balance. Balance is the impression of equilibrium in a pictorial or sculptural composition. Balance is often referred to as symmetrical, asymmetrical, or radial.

What refers to a feeling of equilibrium?

Balance. refers to a way of combining elements to add a feeling of equilibrium or stability to a art work.


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