According to the guide, which housing is recommended preferentially for domesticated rodents?

Which of the following sets of IACUC members are required by the AWA and/or PHS?
A. A practicing scientist with experience in animal research, person who is not a scientist, person who is not affiliated with the organization, and public relations specialist.
B. A public relations specialist, veterinarian, person who is not a scientist, and person who is not affiliated with the organization.
C. A public relations specialist, veterinarian, practicing scientist with experience in animal research, and person who is not a scientist.
D. A veterinarian, practicing scientist with experience in animal research, person who is not a scientist, and person who is not affiliated with the organization.


Category E of the USDA report form applies to " animals upon which teaching, experiments, research, surgery or tests were conducted involving accompanying pain or distress to the animals and for which the use of appropriate anesthetic, analgesic, or tranquilizing drugs would have adversely affected the procedures, results, or interpretation of the teaching, research, experiments, surgery, or tests."

What factors affect mice’s housing behaviour?

Another example of an apparently inconsequential housing variable is the colour of the cage, which could influence the levels of anxiety experienced by the mice and increase their attempts to flee from their cage and their handlers.

How are postoperative care records maintained for rodents?

For rodents, individual postoperative care records are not usually maintained. D. Written postoperative care records are not necessary, as long as proper care is provided and treatments are administered. D Written postoperative care records are kept for individual animals larger than rodents, but written records for groups of rodents are the norm.

Can rats be housed individually?

3.2.1 Rats should not be housed individually unless with the express permission of the Animal Ethics Committee of the institution on the basis of compelling evidence for the need to house rats in this way. In such cases, rats should be able to be in visual, auditory and olfactory contact with other rats.

Do mice need to be bedded?

If grids or wire mesh are used, a solid or bedded area should be provided for the animals to rest on unless specific experimental conditions prevent this and are authorised by the project licence [ 20 ]. The living space of mice is three dimensional and consists of the floor area as well as the vertical space.

Which of the following is true of the nonhuman primates psychological well being program mandated by the AWR?

Which of the following is true of the nonhuman primate psychological well-being program mandated by the AWR? The AWR require use of psychological enrichment for nonhuman primates; however, with suitable justification, the enrichment can be omitted with IACUC approval.

What are animal welfare considerations?

The animal should be provided with a suitable environment for its needs. This can be different for each species, and it may refer to indoor and outdoor areas, housing and enclosures, and also size and space. The environment should protect the animal from the elements, potential predators or any harm.

Who is authorized to overturn a decision by an IACUC to suspend an activity involving animals?

8: Suspend an activity involving animals. If an IACUC suspends an activity or denies approval of an animal activity, the decision cannot be reversed by an institutional authority. However, institutional leadership may say no to an animal activity that was approved by an IACUC.

Which statement is true regarding the conduct of surgery in rats?

Which statement is TRUE regarding the conduct of surgery in rats? Applicable federal mandates require the use of aseptic technique for survival surgery in rats.


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