Advertisers can measure the relative effectiveness of a direct-marketing program quickly by using


CPM is advertising jargon for

A) the estimated number of audience members who will be exposed to an ad.

B) the cost per million readers, viewers, or listeners reached by an ad.

C) the number of people each dollar of advertising will reach.

D) the money it takes to reach a thousand audience members with an ad.


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Related questions

Q: With respect to advertising, CPM is defined as A) the cost of one medium relative to the costs of other media (e.g., direct mail versus television, radio, or outdoor), each of which are divided by the multiple of their respective reach and frequency. B) the reach multiplied by frequency divided by the cost of reaching 1,000 individuals or households. C) the cost of reaching 1,000 individuals or households with the advertising message in a given medium. D) the cost per minute of television or radio airtime. E) the number of consumers exposed to an advertising message, in thousands.

Q: Lizzie binge-watched an entire season of a sci-fi series in a couple of weeks, watching through her cable provider's on-demand services. She saw the same ads for CarMax and Verizon too many times to count. In advertising terms, CarMax and Verizon have achieved high ________ with viewers of this program. A) reach B) frequency C) gross rating points D) cost per thousand E) ratings

Q: The average number of times a person in the target audience is exposed to an advertisement is referred to as A) the exposure rate. B) GRPs. C) frequency. D) the coverage rate. E) CPM.

Q: In television or radio advertising, rating refers to A) the number of different people or households exposed to an advertisement who then buy the offering that was advertised. B) the average number of times a person in the target audience is exposed to a message or advertisement. C) the percentage of households in a market that are tuned to a particular television or radio station. D) a commonly used reference number an advertiser calculates (reach multiplied by frequency) to determine whether it has achieved its advertising objectives. E) the percentage points of market share a firm garners for its advertisements relative to its competitors.

Q: The number of different people or households exposed to an advertisement is referred to as A) scope. B) share. C) CPM. D) rating. E) reach.

Q: Media buyers use many terms to help select the right media for an advertising campaign. Define reach, rating, frequency, gross rating points (GRPs), and cost per thousand (CPM).

Q: What are the two conflicting goals that advertisers face when choosing advertising media? What is the relationship of reach and frequency to these goals?

Q: The term demographics refers to: a. how many ads Americans see and hear in a day. b. the analysis of audience characteristics, such as sex, age and marital status. c. how many people see or hear certain advertisements. d. cost per thousand people reached.

Q: The number of main points should be limited to help audience members keep track of the ideas. a. True b. False Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Q: Briefly describe the process of measuring the results of marketing communications.

Q: Advertisers can measure the relative effectiveness of a direct marketing program quickly by using: A. cost per thousand (CPM). B. the breakeven point. C. reach and frequency. D. cost per order (CPO). E. net sales.

Q: Which of the following statements about network advertising is true? A. Using network advertising significantly complicates the purchase of television media time for national advertisers. B. Network advertising is cheaper and more selective than local advertising. C. The high cost of network time can be a drawback to advertisers with limited media budgets. D. National advertisers have to negotiate with both the network and local affiliates when they want to make a media buy. E. Network advertising is less effective than spot advertising for mass consumption products.

Q: The share of a television audience indicates the: A. percentage of the defined target market that is exposed to a message at least once during the relevant time period. B. percentage of households using TV in a specified time period that are tuned to a specific program. C. average number of exposures to a message received by each member of the target market. D. percentage of all households using television during a specific time period. E. number of people who responded to a televised direct-response ad.

Q: Which of the following is a similarity between advertising on broadcast TV and cable advertising? A. Both offer fewer segmentation opportunities. B. Both create longer buyer lead times for preparing and placing ads. C. Both offer greater reach and lower frequency opportunities with individual stations. D. Both do not enable advertisers to reach large number of viewers with a single media buy. E. Both can be purchased on a national, regional, or local (spot) level.

Q: Advertising on television to specialized audiences that has been made possible by cable advertising is known as _____. A. zipping B. zapping C. narrowcasting D. multiplexing E. gladvertising

Q: Which of the following statements is true about syndication? A. Syndicated programs are of limited value to advertisers since they reach a limited number of viewers. B. First-run syndication is the only form of syndicated programming. C. Syndication has become a major business that generates revenue comparable to the major networks. D. National advertisers rarely use syndicated programs. E. Syndicated programs are attractive to national advertisers since they contain a lower level of advertising clutter.

Q: _____ is a figure used by advertisers that represents the medial number of times the target audience reached by a media schedule is exposed to a media vehicle over a specified period. A. Effective reach C. Average reach D. Average frequency E. Effective frequency

Q: Which of the following statements is true about advertising reach? A. Reach refers to the number of times a viewer is exposed to an ad. B. Reach of a media vehicle can be defined as the "opportunities to see" an ad. C. Frequency level expressed in a media plan overstates the actual level of reach to an ad. D. The actual exposure to an ad is referred to as reach of a media vehicle. E. Reach is of trivial importance at later stages of the adoption hierarchy.

Q: _____ is the number of times a receiver is exposed to a media vehicle in a given time period. A. Potency B. Reach C. Coverage D. Frequency E. Audience contact

Q: _____ is a measure of the number of different audience members exposed at least once to a media vehicle in a given period of time. A. Contact B. Reach C. Viewer number D. Coverage E. Exposure

Q: _____ is a measure of cost effectiveness of advertising employed by direct marketers. A. Cost per thousand B. Cost per ratings point C. Cost per order D. frequency and reach E. Breakeven point

Q: Advertisers can measure the relative effectiveness of a direct marketing campaign quickly by looking at: A. cost per thousand (CPM). B. the breakeven point. C. reach and frequency. D. cost per order (CPO). E. net sales.

Q: Advertisers who are seeking broad reach and frequency in their media schedules: A. find magazines very effective since individual publications reach a very broad target audience. B. can use monthly magazines to easily obtain desired frequency. C. must purchase space in a number of magazines since most publications have thin penetration of households. D. need to advertise repeatedly in the same magazine. E. will find broad reach and frequency an easy goal to accomplish with magazines.

Q: The share of a television audience indicates the: A. percentage of the defined target market that is exposed to a message at least once during the relevant time period. B. percentage of households using TV tuned to a particular program in a specified time period. C. average number of exposures to a message received by each member of the target market. D. percentage of all households using television during a specific time period. E. number of people who responded to a televised direct-response ad.

Q: Which of the following statements is true about syndication? A. Syndicated programs are of limited value to advertisers since they reach a limited number of viewers. B. There is basically one form of syndicated programming. C. Syndication has become a major business that generates revenue comparable to the major networks. D. National advertisers rarely use syndicated programs. E. Syndicated programs are attractive to national advertisers since they contain a lower level of advertising clutter.

Q: Which of the following statements about network advertising is true? A. Using network advertising significantly complicates the purchase of television media time for national advertisers. B. Network advertising is cheaper and more selective than local advertising. C. The high cost of network time can be a drawback to advertisers with limited media budgets. D. National advertisers have to negotiate with both the network and local affiliates when they want to make a media buy. E. Network advertising is less effective than spot advertising for mass consumption products.

Q: _____ is the number of times the average household reached by a media vehicle is exposed to the vehicle over a specified period of time. A. Effective reach C. Average reach Average frequency E. Effective frequency Advertisers use a figure that they call average frequency, or the average number of times the target audience reached by a media schedule is exposed to the vehicle over a specified period.

Q: Effective reach refers to the: A. number of people in the target audience exposed to the ad. B. number of people seeing the ad that took some action as a result of the ad. C. number of people who can recall the ad. D. percentage of a media vehicle's audience reached with the addition of one more showing of an ad. E. number of times an ad appears in primetime television.

Q: Which of the following statements is true about advertising reach? A. Reach refers to the number of times a viewer is exposed to the ad. B. Reach of a media vehicle can be defined as the "opportunities to see" an ad. C. The total number of persons exposed once to a vehicle is referred to as reach saturation. D. Overlap that results from multiple exposures is referred to as wasted reach. E. It is easy to determine what level of reach will be required to achieve various levels of awareness in a target audience.

Q: _____ is the measure of the number of different audience members exposed at least once to a media vehicle. A. Frequency B. Reach C. Viewer number D. Coverage E. Exposure

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