After undergoing a liver biopsy, a client should be placed in which position?

A liver biopsy is a procedure doctors use to diagnose and monitor liver diseases. The recovery process varies depending on the biopsy type. Some types of liver biopsy require only a local anesthetic, while others require a general anesthetic.

Doctors often advise people to avoid intense physical activity and heavy lifting for up tofollowing a liver biopsy. After that, people can resume their usual activities. People may find liver biopsy recovery uncomfortable, but any pain should resolve quickly after the procedure.

This article looks at liver biopsy recovery and what to expect. It also covers potential complications and when to seek help.

Types of liver biopsy

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There areof liver biopsy:

  • Percutaneous liver biopsy: During this procedure, a doctor administers local anesthetic to reduce pain. They then insert a needle through the skin of the abdomen over the liver to take a sample of liver tissue. They may use an ultrasound or CT scan to find the best place to insert the needle.
  • Transjugular liver biopsy: Doctors also use a local anesthetic for this procedure. It involves inserting a thin, flexible tube into a vein in the neck. The doctor then threads a biopsy needle down the tube and into the liver to take a tissue sample.
  • Surgical liver biopsy: This type of biopsy requires general anesthetic, which makes a person unconscious. A surgeon will conduct the biopsy via open surgery or laparoscopic surgery. Open surgery involves making a large cut in the abdomen to access the liver. In contrast, laparoscopic surgery involves inserting special tools through small cuts in the abdomen to get the sample.

Recovery times for a liver biopsy

The total recovery time following a liver biopsy depends on the type of liver biopsy a person has, as well as their overall health.

Usually, people can resume typical activities after1 week. Before this, it is important to avoid intense activity and heavy lifting.

Generally, a liver biopsy does not require an overnight stay in the hospital. However, if someone has a surgical liver biopsy with general anesthetic, they may need to stay in the hospital overnight to recover.

After the procedure, healthcare professionals check the person’s vital signs regularly for 2–4 hours. Usually, any complications from percutaneous liver biopsies are evidentwithin the first hourafter the procedure. Once the medical team confirms that the person has recovered sufficiently and it is safe for the person to go home, they may do so.

The individual may be groggy after the liver biopsy. Therefore, they may require a friend or family member to take them home.

Recovery position after a liver biopsy

People who have undergone a percutaneous liver biopsy may need to lie on theirright sidefor a few hours following the procedure. This allows the weight of their body to press on the wound, which helps with wound clots and aids healing.

After a transjugular liver biopsy, a person does not need to maintain a specific recovery position. However, they may find it more comfortable to lie on their back or on the opposite side from where the doctor inserted the catheter.

People who have undergone open surgery may find it more comfortable to stay on their back.

What to do during recovery

A person’s medical team will give them advice on what to do during recovery. Here are some general guidelines:

Caring for the wound

A person must keep their wound dressing clean and dry. A doctor may recommend waiting a few days before bathing the area. After this time, a person may be able to remove the dressing and wash the area as usual.

If a person had a surgical biopsy, they might have stitches. They should keep the stitches clean and dry and watch for any signs of infection, such as pus, swelling, or pain.

A person should avoid contact sports and swimming until the wound heals.

Rest and movement

Doctors usually advise people to rest after a liver biopsy. An individual should avoid intense activity and heavy lifting for.


There is no specific diet to follow for liver biopsy recovery. However, an individual may feel nauseated after the procedure and may prefer bland foods that they can digest easily.

Drinking plenty of fluids after the procedure is essential to prevent dehydration and aid recovery.


A person’s doctor may recommend over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications for them to take after the biopsy. Alternatively, the doctor may prescribe pain medications for short-term use.

Before a liver biopsy, a doctora person to stop taking medications that affect blood clotting or that could interact with an anesthetic. In this case, individuals should ask their doctor when they may start taking their regular medications again.

Risks and complications of liver biopsies

Liver biopsies are typically safe and straightforward procedures. The risk of serious complications is low, at around1%. Only about 1 in 10,000 people who have a liver biopsy die for reasons directly related to the procedure.

The most common complication an individual may experience after a liver biopsy is pain. Individuals may experience this pain in their upper right abdomen or their right shoulder. Generally, the pain is not serious and resolves within a few hours.

Another potential complication is internal bleeding. This can cause severe pain, low blood pressure, and a rapid heartbeat. Bleeding happens in around1 in 500procedures. Severe bleeding occurs in 1 in 2,500–10,000 liver biopsies.

Other uncommon complications may occur following a liver biopsy, including:

  • infection, which could lead to sepsis
  • a collapsed lung
  • hemothorax, a buildup of blood in the space between the lungs and the chest wall
  • injury to other organs

When to seek help

If someone experiencesafter a liver biopsy, they should seek immediate medical attention:

  • bleeding at the biopsy site
  • swelling around the wound
  • pain in the abdomen, shoulder, or chest that lasts more than a few hours
  • pus
  • fever
  • dizziness, weakness, or fainting
  • nausea and vomiting
  • racing heart
  • shortness of breath
  • swelling or bloating in the abdomen
  • black or bloody stool

These symptoms may signal complications such as internal bleeding or an infection. People with internal bleeding need hospital treatment and blood transfusions. They may also need surgery or another procedure to stop the bleeding.


Liver biopsy recovery is typically straightforward. People can often go back to their usual activities after. Some may experience pain, but they can usually manage it with OTC pain medications.

Many people will be able to return home the same day they have a liver biopsy. However, if a person undergoes open surgery, they may need to stay in the hospital overnight.

If an individual experiences severe pain, low blood pressure, or symptoms of an infection after a liver biopsy, they should seek immediate medical attention.

When preparing a client for a liver biopsy which instruction would the nurse provide to the client?

Stop aspirin, Motrin, Advil, Aleve, ibuprofen, Coumadin, pradaxa, or any other blood thinners for at least 1 week before your procedure. Arrive at least one hour before your scheduled procedure. Arrange for someone to drive you to and from the hospital. No lifting or bending for 24 hours after your procedure.

How is liver biopsy done?

A liver biopsy is commonly performed by inserting a thin needle through your skin and into your liver. A liver biopsy is a procedure to remove a small piece of liver tissue, so it can be examined under a microscope for signs of damage or disease.

For Which complication should a nurse be careful to monitor a patient after a liver biopsy group of answer choices?

The most common complication after liver biopsy is pain. Severe abdominal pain should increase the concern for a significant bleeding complication. Careful monitoring is always required following liver biopsy, particularly in the first hour.

In what location would the nurse palpate for the liver?

Begin palpation over the right lower quadrant, near the anterior iliac spine. Palpate for the liver with one or two hands palm down moving upward 2-3 cm at a time towards the lower costal margin. Have the patient take a deep breath. The liver will move downward due to the downward movement of the diaphragm.


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