Ainsworth argued that attachment depends upon how the infant acts upon the mothers emotional cues.

  • School Pensacola State College
  • Course Title ESC DEP2004
  • Type

    Test Prep

  • Uploaded By teeman2
  • Pages 21
  • Ratings 94% (69) 65 out of 69 people found this document helpful

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9-83. Mary Ainsworth devised the “Strange Situation” that contains 4 categories.Page: 249Level: DifficultType: Factual

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9-84. Ainsworth argued that attachment depends upon how the infant acts upon themother’s emotional cues.Level: DifficultType: Conceptual

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9-85. Infants’ reactions to the Strange Situation vary depending on the nature of theirattachment to their mothers.Level: MediumType: Conceptual

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9-86. The quality of attachment style in a child has nothing to do with the quality ofrelationships the child forges as an adult.Answer: FalsePage: 251Level: EasyType: Conceptual9-87. In early research on attachment, there were few mentions of the father and his role.Answer: TruePage: 251Level: EasyType: Conceptual9-88. Infants can form their primary initial relationship with their fathers.Answer: TruePage: 251Level: MediumType: Applied9-89. Research has shown that human attachment is not as culturally universal as Bowlbypredicted.Answer: TruePage: 251Level: MediumType: Factual9-90. Research suggests that there is no difference between Western and non-Westerncultures and parenting style when it comes to attachment patterns.Answer: FalsePage: 251Level: MediumType: Conceptual9-91. Infants are unable to demonstrate the capacity for socialization.

Answer: FalsePage: 252Level: MediumType: Conceptual9-92. Babies across diverse cultures express basic facial expressions.Answer: TruePage: 253Level: EasyType: Applied9-93. Chinese infants are generally more expressive than European, American, andJapanese infants.Answer: FalsePage: 253Level: MediumType: Applied9-94. Research suggests that although babies exhibit facial expressions of emotions, theydo not actually experience emotions.Answer: FalsePage: 253Level: MediumType: Factual9-95. When we speak of personality, we mean that from the time a baby is born untilhe/she grows up, there will be stable traits and behaviors that lead to their development asdistinct individuals.Answer: TruePage: 264Level: EasyType: Conceptual9-96. Temperament refers to what children do and why they do it.Answer: FalsePage: 264Level: MediumType: Conceptual9-97. Temperament tends to be unstable before adolescence.Answer: FalsePage: 264Level: MediumType: Conceptual

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Mary Ainsworth, Erik Erikson, John Bowlby, Medium Type, difficult type

Who defined attachment as an emotional tie between one animal or person and another individual?

Mary Ainsworth defined attachment as. an emotional tie between one animal or person and another individual. John Bowlby viewed infant behaviors such as crying, smiling, and clinging as. essential to the infant's survival.

Do babies across diverse cultures express basic facial expressions?

Babies across diverse cultures express basic facial expressions. Research suggests that there is no difference between Western and non-Western cultures and parenting style when it comes to attachment patterns.


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