An attack that takes advantage of bugs or weaknesses in the software is referred to as __________.


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Chapter 15

A piece of code that sits dormant for a period of time until some event invokes its payload is known as a__________ Logic bomb
A ____________________ is a software or hardware device used to observe trafficas it passes through a network on shared broadcast media. Sniffer
An attack that takes advantage of bugs or weaknesses in software is called_______ Software Exploitation
____________________ is a type of attack in which data is made to look like it hascome from a different source. Spoofing
____________ is the term used to describe attackers attempt to discover unprotected modem connections to computer systems and networks. Wardialing
An attack in which the attacker is attempting to deny authorized users accesseither to specific information or to the computer system or network itself is knownas a ____________________ attack. Denial‐of‐Service
A_________ is a piece of code that attempts to propagate through penetration of network and computer systems Worm
Attacks designed to take control of an already existing session between aclient and a server are called ____________________ or ____________________. TCP/IP hijacking, session hijacking
__________ is a term commonly used refer to programs that attackers install AFTER gaining unauthorized access to system to ensure that they can continue to have unrestricted access to that system. Backdoor
A ____________________ is a piece of malicious code that replicates by attachingitself to another piece of executable code. Virus
A SYN flood is an example of what type of attack? Denial-of-Service
An attack in which attackers place themselves in the middle of two otherhosts that are communicating in order to view and/or modify the traffic is known as… A man‐in‐the‐middle attack
Which attack takes advantage of a trusted relationship that exists between two systems? Sniffing
In what type of attack does an attacker resend the series of commands andcodes used in a financial transaction in order to cause the transaction to beconducted multiple times? This is the description of a replay attack.
The trick in both spoofing and TCP/IP hijackings is in trying to_________ Maintain the correct sequence numbers for the response packets
The most ominous aspect of the Slammer worm was the fact that… It spread so quickly, affecting 90 percent of vulnerable systems in less than10 minutes
The ability of an attacker to crack passwords is directly related to the method the user employee to create the passwords in the first place as well as_____________ The dictionary and rules used by the cracking program.
A piece of malicious code that must attach itself to another file in order toreplicate is known as… A Virus
A piece of code that attempts to propagate through penetration of network and computer systems is known as_________ A worm
An attack in which the attackers attempt to lie and misrepresent themselvesin order to gain access to information that can be useful in an attack is known as what? Social engineering
A virus that attempts to avoid detection by periodically modifying portions of itself would be what type of virus? A polymorphic virus
The best way to minimize possible avenues of attack for your system is to… Limit the information that can be obtained on your organization and the services that are run by your Internet‐Visible systems.
A wardialing attack is an attempt to exploit what technology? Modems and public switched telephone networks (PSTN's)
How can you protect against worms of the type that Robert Morris unleashed on the Internet? Follow the same procedures as you would to secure your system from a human attacker.
Malicious code that is set to execute its payload on a specific date or at a specific time is known as__________ A time bomb


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