Are conceptual patterns or ideas that provide the basis of parents strategy in the parenting role group of answer choices?

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Terms in this set (40)

-from birth to grave
-teach hygiene skills, manners, exercise, work, entertainment, sleep, eating patterns, study skills, dating, marriage, parenting skills, etc
-teach their children at every age and mentor them through example and actions into successful roles of their own

Sets with similar terms

Is the process of separating oneself one's identity and one's dependence on others especially on parents?

Individuation is the process of separating oneself,one's identity, and one's dependence on others, especially on parents. Children begin separating from parents in their second year, and gradual efforts at independence are visible as children master certain self-care processes during childhood.

Is an emotional tool devised to control and sometimes break the will of a child so that he or she would conform to the parent's will?

Shame rarely is. The generation that raised the Baby Boomers used shame the same way they used a belt. It was an emotional tool devised to control and sometimes break the will of a child so that he or she would conform to the parent's will. Many of those Baby Boomers use shame today on their children and grandchildren.

What characteristic do preschoolers who are raised by permissive parents tend to exhibit?

Their motto is often simply that "kids will be kids." While they are usually warm and loving, they make little or no attempt to control or discipline their kids. Because there are few rules, expectations, and demands, children raised by permissive parents tend to struggle with self-regulation and self-control.

When there is a need to change a negative behavior What is the first step quizlet?

Step 1 is to clarify your reasons for why you want to change a particular unhealthy behaviors. It will help you to establish specific goals. Step 2 is to identify your needs. If you know your weaknesses and strengths, you can plan to build on your strengths and overcome weaknesses.


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