_____ are descriptive statements that generalize the results in a marketing research report.


________ provide diagnostic information about how and why we observe certain effects in the marketplace, and what that means to marketers.
A) Marketing insights
B) Marketing metrics
C) Marketing channels
D) Marketing information systems
E) Marketing-mix models

Page: 97


________ is the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company.
A) Marketing communications
B) Internal marketing
C) Marketing research
D) Market segmentation
E) Marketing planning

Page: 98


Anne, a beautician by profession, owns a salon in the small town of Franklin, New Jersey. Every weekend, she makes it a point to visit the other salons in Franklin to find out about the beauty services they offer to customers. Anne is attempting to conduct market research by _______.
A) studying customer behavior
B) forming alliances with competing firms
C) using experimental research techniques
D) checking out rivals
E) tapping into marketing partner expertise

Page: 98


Which of the following types of marketing research firms gathers consumer and trade information and then sells it for a fee (e.g., Nielsen Media Research)?
A) custom marketing research firms
B) syndicated-service research firms
C) specialty-line marketing research firms
D) generic marketing research firms
E) focused marketing research firms

Page: 99


Amity Inc., is a firm which collects and processes household data and sells it to other firms which produce consumer durables. Amity is an example of a ________.
A) custom marketing research firm
B) specialty-line marketing research firm
C) syndicated-service research firm
D) generic marketing research firm
E) focused marketing research firm

Page: 99


A field-service firm is a ________.
A) custom marketing research firm
B) syndicated-service research firm
C) specialty-line marketing research firm
D) consumer marketing research firm
E) social marketing research firm

Page: 99


You are the marketing research director of a medium-sized manufacturing firm and you would like to engage an outside marketing research firm to conduct field interviews. Which of the following options categories of marketing research firms should you use?
A) syndicated-service research firms
B) custom marketing research firms
C) global research management firms
D) specialty-line marketing research firms
E) brand management specialty research firms

Page: 99


The marketing research process begins by ________.
A) developing a research plan
B) defining the problem, the decision alternatives, and research objectives
C) analyzing the internal environment
D) reading marketing research journals
E) contacting a professional research consultant

Page: 99


Which of the following is considered to be the last step in the marketing research process?
A) presenting findings
B) analyzing information
C) controlling the environment
D) arriving at a decision
E) drafting the report

Page: 99


If the goal of marketing research is to shed light on the real nature of a problem and to suggest possible solutions or new ideas, the research is said to be ________.
A) descriptive
B) quantitative
C) primary
D) secondary
E) exploratory

Page: 100


Unistar Inc., is an FMCG company that produces a wide range of offerings such as grocery items and personal care products. If Unistar wants to estimate the demand for its new line of body moisturizers, which are all priced at $18, it should opt for ________ research.
A) descriptive
B) exploratory
C) prescriptive
D) causal
E) qualitative

Page: 100


A company would like to study the impact of advertising expenditure on sales and sales revenue. This is an example of ________ research.
A) prescriptive
B) causal
C) secondary
D) exploratory
E) qualitative

Page: 100


The marketing manager needs to know the cost of the research project before approving it. During which stage of the marketing research process would such a consideration most likely take place?
A) Step 1 defining the problem
B) Step 4 analyzing the information
C) Step 5 drafting the report
D) Step 2 developing the research plan
E) Step 3 collecting information

Page: 100


Designing a research plan calls for decisions on all of the following EXCEPT ________.
A) research objectives
B) data sources
C) research approaches
D) research instruments
E) sampling plans

Page: 100


________ are data that were collected for another purpose and already exist.
A) Primary data
B) Secondary data
C) Primitive data
D) Cross-sectional data
E) Ordinate data

Page: 100


Before Sandra opened her florist shop she read all she could about the floral industry. She also consulted several published research reports to understand growth patterns in the local area with particular interest in the location of florists throughout the city. This ________ helped her to decide on the location of her store.
A) primary data
B) secondary data
C) primitive data
D) tertiary information
E) licensed information

Page: 100


Primary data can be collected in several ways. Installing CCTV cameras in a retail store whereby consumers' actions can be recorded is an example of ________.
A) focus group research
B) survey research
C) observational research
D) behavioral research
E) experimental research

Page: 101


________ approach uses concepts and tools from anthropology and other social science disciplines to provide deep cultural understanding of how people live and work.
A) Cognitive research
B) Inductive research
C) Archaeological research
D) Ethnographic research
E) Deductive research

Page: 101


The goal of ethnographic research is to ________.
A) capture cause-and-effect relationships by eliminating competing explanations of the observed findings
B) understand consumers' behavior by observing a sample groups discussing various topics of interest at length
C) study demographic variables such as age, gender, income, education, and so on, in relation to consumer buying patterns
D) analyze customers' purchasing behavior through catalog purchases and customer databases
E) immerse the researcher into consumers' lives to uncover unarticulated desires that might not surface in any other form of research

Page: 101


A(n) ________ is a gathering of 6 to 10 people carefully selected by researchers based on certain demographic, psychographic, or other considerations and brought together to discuss various topics of interest at length.
A) target group
B) pilot group
C) focus group
D) customer base
E) ethnographic group

Page: 101-102


As the marketing manager of Cominform Pvt. Ltd., a manufacturer of health drinks, you have selected 10 individuals who match the profile of your target customer, to participate in a discussion on changing lifestyle trends related to health. You have also hired a skilled moderator to facilitate the discussion and ensure that everyone participates and stays focused on the topic. The moderator provides questions and probes based on the "script" prepared by you. The discussions are also recorded for further analysis. Which of the following methods of acquiring primary data is being used in this case?
A) observational research
B) surveys
C) behavioral data
D) experiments
E) focus groups

Page: 101-102


Why must the researchers avoid generalizing from focus-group participants to the whole market?
A) Participants' responses are not reliable.
B) Most of the participants are likely to be ignorant about the topic of discussion.
C) The size of the group is too small and the sample is not drawn randomly.
D) Most of the participants are likely to exhibit similar tastes and preferences.
E) The participants usually come from diverse backgrounds.

Page: 102


Which of the following is used to assess people's knowledge, beliefs, preferences, and satisfaction and to measure these magnitudes in the general population?
A) observational research
B) descriptive research
C) quantitative research
D) survey research
E) experimental research

Page: 103


The most scientifically valid research is ________ research.
A) observation
B) focus-group
C) survey
D) behavioral
E) experimental

Page: 103


________ is designed to capture cause-and-effect relationships by eliminating competing explanations of the observed findings.
A) Experimental research
B) Behavioral research
C) Observational research
D) Focus group research
E) Descriptive research

Page: 103


Which of the following rules must be kept in mind while framing a questionnaire?
A) Use broad and loosely defined words in the questions.
B) Avoid using response bands.
C) Ensure that fixed responses overlap.
D) Frame hypothetical questions.
E) Allow for the answer "other" in fixed-response questions.

Page: 104


Because of its flexibility, ________ are the most common technique of collecting primary data.
A) questionnaires
B) telephonic interviews
C) behavioral research studies
D) experimental designs
E) focus groups

Page: 104


________ allow respondents to answer in their own words and often reveal more about how people think.
A) Open-end questions
B) Dichotomous questions
C) Likert scale questions
D) Multiple choice questions
E) Semantic differential questions

Page: 104


Which of the following is true of qualitative research?
A) It is a structured measurement approach that permits a range of possible responses.
B) It is indirect in nature, so consumers may be less guarded.
C) It requires large sample sizes.
D) Its results can be easily generalized to broader populations.
E) It generally results in similar results and conclusions across researchers.

Page: 104


A scale that connects two bipolar words is called a ________.
A) dichotomous question
B) multiple-choice question
C) Likert scale
D) semantic differential
E) word association

Page: 105


A question that respondents can answer in an almost unlimited number of ways is called a ________.
A) structured question
B) closed-end question
C) completely unstructured question
D) dichotomous question
E) multiple choice question

Page: 105


"Truancy should be checked in schools: 1) Strongly disagree, 2) Disagree, 3) Neither agree nor disagree, 4) Agree, 5) Strongly agree." This is an example of a ________.
A) Likert scale
B) semantic differential
C) multiple choice question
D) Thematic Appreciation Test (TAT)
E) dichotomous question

Page: 105


An item in a questionnaire states that "most politicians cannot be trusted." Respondents are required to provide their answers by choosing any one of the following options: 1) Strongly disagree, 2) Disagree, 3) Neither agree nor disagree, 4) Agree, 5) Strongly agree. This is an example of a ________.
A) semantic differential
B) word association question
C) Thematic Appreciation Test (TAT)
D) Likert scale
E) dichotomous question

Page: 105


If a marketing researcher chooses to use word associations, the researcher is using ________.
A) closed-end questions
B) Likert scale questions
C) open-end questions
D) rating scale questions
E) semantic differential questions

Page: 105


In which of the following types of tests is a picture presented and respondents are asked to make up a story about what they think is happening or may happen in the picture?
A) visual perception test
B) Rorschach Ink-blot Test
C) story completion test
D) Thematic Apperception Test
E) Renfrew Action Picture Test

Page: 105


The question "What is your opinion of the measures taken by the government to control inflation?" is an example of a ________ question.
A) semantic differential
B) word association
C) completely unstructured
D) story completion
E) dichotomous

Page: 105


In which of the following qualitative method are subjects asked to complete an incomplete stimulus?
A) word association
B) projective techniques
C) visualization
D) brand personification
E) laddering

Page: 106


________ requires people to create a collage from magazine photos or drawings to depict their perceptions.
A) Brand personification
B) Projective technique
C) Visualization
D) Laddering
E) Metaphor Elicitation Technique

Page: 106


The primary purpose of ________ is to identify the range of possible brand associations in consumers' minds.
A) experimental research
B) deshboarding
C) laddering
D) semantic differentials
E) word associations

Page: 106


With respect to the sampling plan, three decisions must be made: (1) the sampling unit—who is to be surveyed; (2) sample size—how many people should be surveyed; and (3) ________.
A) sample cost—how much does sampling cost
B) surveyor skill—who should conduct the survey
C) sample security—how should the sample data be protected
D) sampling procedure—how should respondents be chosen
E) sample supervisor—who leads the sampling effort

Page: 107


During a focus-group session, one set of participants indicated that Dell computers reminded them of a surfer, Apple computers of a mad scientist, and IBM was equated to Ebenezer Scrooge from Charles Dickens's tale, "A Christmas Carol". Which of the following qualitative research approaches relates to the approach described above?
A) projective techniques
B) visualization
C) brand personification
D) laddering
E) brand architecture

Page: 107


According to the concept of ________, a series of increasingly more specific "why" questions can reveal consumer motivation and consumers' deeper, more abstract goals.
A) word association
B) projection
C) visualizing
D) brand personification
E) laddering

Page: 107


________ measure the interest or emotions aroused by exposure to a specific ad or picture.
A) Tachistoscopes
B) Polygraphs
C) Galvanometers
D) Audiometers
E) GPS systems

Page: 107


________ flash an ad to a subject with an exposure interval that may range from less than one hundredth of a second to several seconds.
A) Tachistoscopes
B) Audiometers
C) Polygraphs
D) GPS systems
E) Galvanometers

Page: 107


________ attached to television sets in participating homes now record when the set is on and to which channel it is tuned.
A) Tachistoscopes
B) Polygraphs
C) GPS systems
D) Audiometers
E) Galvanometers

Page: 107


Which of the following statements about telephonic interview is true?
A) It usually takes a long time to gather information through telephonic interviews.
B) The interviewer is unable to clarify questions if respondents do not understand them.
C) The response rate for telephonic interviews has been typically lower than for mailed questionnaires.
D) The U.S. government generally encourages telemarketing by firms.
E) Telephone interviewing in the U.S. is getting more difficult because of consumers' growing antipathy toward telemarketers.

Page: 108


If a marketing researcher wishes to reach those people who would not give personal interviews or whose responses might be biased or distorted by interviewers, he or she should use ________.
A) mail questionnaires
B) telephonic interviews
C) online interviews
D) focus groups
E) observational research

Page: 108


Which of the following is considered to be the most versatile of all the contact methods?
A) mail questionnaires
B) telephone interviews
C) personal interviews
D) online interviews
E) field trials

Page: 109


In ________ interviews, researchers stop people at a shopping mall or busy street corner and request an interview on the spot.
A) intercept
B) arranged
C) group
D) structured
E) behavioral

Page: 109


Which of the following is an advantage of personal interviews?
A) It is a relatively inexpensive method of gathering information.
B) The possibility of interviewer bias is minimized.
C) Participants can choose to respond at their own convenience.
D) It facilitates anonymous responses.
E) Interviewers can record additional observation about the respondent such as body language.

Page: 109


Which of the following is one of the key disadvantages of online market research?
A) Online research is expensive.
B) Online research is time consuming.
C) People tend to be dishonest online.
D) Online research lacks versatility.
E) Samples can be small and skewed.

Page: 110


Which of the following is an advantage of online research?
A) Samples are generally representative of the target population.
B) Members of online panels and communities tend to have low turnover.
C) Online research is relatively free of technological problems and inconsistencies.
D) People tend to be honest and thoughtful online.
E) Online research is slow but gather detailed information.

Page: 110


The ________ phase of marketing research is generally the most expensive and the most prone to error.
A) contact
B) research planning
C) questionnaire design
D) interview design
E) data collection

Page: 101


After collecting the relevant information, the next step in the marketing research process is to ________.
A) develop the research plan
B) define the problem and research objectives
C) present the project report
D) make the final decision
E) analyze the acquired data

Page: 111


After computing averages and measures of dispersion for the major variables and applying advanced statistical techniques and decision models in the hope of discovering additional findings from the gathered information, the researchers ________.
A) define the problem, the decision alternatives, and the research objectives
B) present findings relevant to the major marketing decisions facing management
C) evaluate the costs associated with data collected
D) analyze the appropriateness of the data sources used
E) develop the research plan

Page: 111


Why do firms employ more than one persona to gather information about the target consumers?
A) Within a group, consumers usually exhibit similar tastes and preferences.
B) The distribution of income and wealth are more or less equal across different customer segments.
C) Although customers have uniques, essentially their basic needs and requirements are the same.
D) Any target market may have a range of consumers who vary along a number of key dimensions.
E) The firms want to provide consumers with a greater number of product choices.

Page: 112


A ________ has been defined as a coordinated collection of data, systems, tools, and techniques with supporting software and hardware by which an organization gathers and interprets relevant information from business and environment and turns it into a basis for marketing action.
A) marketing metric
B) marketing channel system
C) marketing decision support system
D) marketing research system
E) database management system

Page: 112


All of the following are considered to be among the seven characteristics of good marketing research EXCEPT ________.
A) the scientific method
B) research creativity
C) multiple methods
D) ethical marketing
E) independence of models and data

Page: 113


________ are a structured way to disseminate the insights gleaned from the two complementary approaches to measuring marketing productivity within the organization.
A) Marketing metrics
B) Marketing decision support systems
C) Marketing dashboards
D) Marketing segments
E) Marketing mix models

Page: 114


Two complimentary approaches to measure marketing productivity are ________ and marketing-mix modeling.
A) quality ratios
B) salesperson satisfaction rates
C) marketing metrics
D) retailer satisfaction indices
E) customer feedback surveys

Page: 114


Which of the following refers to the set of measures that help firms to quantify, compare, and interpret their marketing performance?
A) marketing diagnostics
B) marketing information systems
C) marketing simulation
D) marketing intelligence
E) marketing metrics

Page: 114


London Business School's Tim Ambler believes the evaluation of marketing performance can be split into two parts: ________.
A) long-term results and changes in brand equity
B) short-term results and changes in brand equity
C) long-term results and changes in consumer perceptions
D) short-term results and changes in profitability
E) changes in market share and changes in profitability

Page: 115


Which of the following is an external marketing metric that companies need to monitor?
A) resource adequacy
B) staffing or skill levels
C) active innovation support
D) market share
E) relative employee satisfaction

Page: 115


Which of the following is an internal marketing metric that companies need to monitor?
A) market share
B) consumer satisfaction
C) relative perceived quality
D) total number of customers
E) relative employee satisfaction

Page: 115


________ analyze(s) data from a variety of sources, such as retailer scanner data, company shipment data, pricing, media, and promotion spending data, to understand more precisely the effects of specific marketing activities.
A) Marketing metrics
B) Marketing-mix models
C) Marketing forecasting
D) Marketing intelligence databases
E) Marketing decision systems

Page: 116


When the marketers of a mobile phone manufacturing company want to determine the impact of individual media such as television and online display ads on sales as well as that of trade activities like every day low price, off-shelf display and so on, they usually use ________.
A) marketing metrics
B) market segmentation strategies
C) market capitalization techniques
D) market basket analysis
E) marketing-mix models

Page: 116


A ________ records how well the company is doing year after year based on measures such as the average perception of the company's product quality relative to its chief competitor.
A) customer-performance scorecard
B) stakeholder-performance scorecard
C) marketing balanced scorecard
D) vendor scorecard
E) generic scorecard

Page: 116-117


If a company actively tracks the satisfaction of its suppliers, banks, and distributors, it is using what is called a ________.
A) customer-performance scorecard
B) stakeholder-performance scorecard
C) marketing balanced scorecard
D) vendor scorecard
E) generic scorecard

Page: 116


According to marketing consultant Pat LaPointe, the ________ measurement pathway of the marketing dashboard reflects how prospects become consumers.
A) customer metrics
B) unit metrics
C) cash-flow metrics
D) brand metrics
E) productivity metrics

Page: 117


According to marketing consultant Pat LaPointe, the ________ measurement pathway of the marketing dashboard focuses on how well marketing expenditures are achieving short-term returns.
A) customer metrics
B) unit metrics
C) cash-flow metrics
D) brand metrics
E) productivity metrics

Page: 118


Good marketing insights often form the basis of successful marketing programs.

Page: 97


Most large companies prefer to use external marketing research consultants rather than employ their own marketing research department.

Page: 98


When the companies engage students to design and carry out projects, the payoff to the students is experience and visibility; the payoff to the companies is a fresh sets of eyes to solve problems at a fraction of what consultants would charge.

Page: 98


A good example of a syndicated-service research firm is Nielsen Media Research.

Page: 99


Custom marketing research firms sell field interviewing services to other firms.

Page: 99


After developing the research plan, the marketing researcher should define the problem and research objectives.

Page: 99


The goal of exploratory research is to shed light on the real nature of the problem and to suggest possible solutions or new ideas.

Page: 100


The purpose of causal research is to test a cause-and-effect relationship.

Page: 100


James collected primary data when he distributed a survey to dorm residents to discover their attitudes and opinions on campus life.

Page: 100


Secondary data are data freshly gathered for a specific purpose or for a specific research project.

Page: 100


The goal of ethnographic research is to immerse the researcher into consumers' lives to uncover unarticulated desires that might not surface in any other form of research.

Page: 101


Researchers should generalize findings from focus-group participants to the whole market.

Page: 102


Keeping a survey short and simple and contacting customers no more than once a month are two keys to drawing people into the data collection effort.

Page: 103


A good example of collecting behavioral data would be when a store uses scanners to read bar codes on products selected by consumers.

Page: 103


Behavioral research is the most scientifically valid research.

Page: 103


Experiments call for selecting matched groups of subjects, subjecting them to different treatments, controlling extraneous variables, and checking whether observed response differences are statistically significant.

Page: 103


Owing to its greater flexibility, a questionnaire is by far the most common instrument used to collect primary data.

Page: 104


Qualitative research techniques are relatively structured measurement approaches that permit limited possible responses.

Page: 104


A questionnaire should contain sophisticated and uncommon words.

Page: 104


If a marketing researcher decides to use a Likert scale, the researcher has chosen a technique wherein the respondent reviews a statement that shows the amount of agreement/disagreement with some product, service, or concept.

Page: 105


A dichotomous question is a question with three or more answers.

Page: 105


A scale that describes the respondent's intention to buy a particular product is called a rating scale.

Page: 105


Visualization requires people to create a collage from magazine photos or drawings to depict their perceptions.

Page: 106


Once they have determined the sampling unit, marketers must develop a sampling frame so that a small section in the target population has a greater chance of being sampled.

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Samples of less than 1% of a population can often provide good reliability, with a credible sampling procedure.

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Probability sampling allows confidence limits to be calculated for sampling error and makes the sampling more representative.

Page: 107


The response rate is usually very high for mail questionnaires.

Page: 108


If a marketing researcher is looking for a contact method that can gather information quickly and allow the interviewer to clarify questions if necessary, he or she will choose the telephone interview method.

Page: 108


A good illustration of what is called the arranged interview occurs when interviewers stop people in a shopping mall or on a busy street and solicit information necessary to their research effort.

Page: 109


Online surveys are fast because the survey can automatically direct respondents to applicable questions and transmit results immediately.

Page: 110


One of the characteristics of good marketing research is that it uses multiple methods to increase confidence in the results.

Page: 113


Marketing researchers should have a healthy skepticism toward glib assumptions made by managers about how a market works.

Page: 113


Marketing expenses and investments as inputs can be quantified only in the long run, whereas the resulting outputs such as broader brand awareness, enhanced brand image, greater customer loyalty, and improved new product prospects manifest themselves in the short run.

Page: 114


Marketing-mix modeling is used to estimate causal relationships and measure how marketing activity affects outcomes.

Page: 114


Marketing accountability means that marketers must more precisely estimate the effects of different marketing investments.

Page: 116


Especially popular with such companies as Procter & Gamble, marketing-mix modeling is used to allocate or reallocate expenditures.

Page: 116


Marketing-mix modeling focuses on baseline sales or long term effects instead of incremental growth.

Page: 116


Management can assemble a summary set of relevant internal and external measures in a marketing dashboard for synthesis and interpretation.

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A stakeholder-performance scorecard tracks the satisfaction with the company and its products and services among such entities as suppliers, banks, and stockholders.

Page: 116

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