Based on the population pyramid above, which of the following will pose the greatest demographic


Based on the population pyramid above, which of the following will pose the greatest demographic challenge to China beginning in 2029? 

A: Providing for the needs of its aging population 

B: Finding enough teachers to educate the young

C: Limiting out-migration of the 60- to 64-year-old age cohort

A: Providing for the needs of its aging population


Environmental determinism theory states that 

The physical environment controls human culture


Which of the following is the belief that one’s own culture is the best or better than other cultures?

A: Prejudice

B: Ethnocentrism

C: Stereotype 

B: Ethnocentrism


This is the ring around the city where milk is supplied without spoiling.

Milk shed


Environmental laws, labor availability, and access to markets are major factors affecting which of the following? 

A: Property tax rates

B: Manufacturing locations

C: Transportation costs

B: Manufacturing locations


Which of the following characteristics is currently shared by Switzerland, Canada, and New Zealand? 

A: High infant-mortality rates

B: Membership in the European Union (EU)

C: Low population-growth rates

C: Low population-growth rates


Which of the following terms best describes regions that make up the political geographic divisions within a country? 

A: Perceptual

B: Vernacular

C: Formal

C: Formal


Which of the following describes typical characteristics of federal states? 

A: A small land area and high population density

B: A compact shape and a primate city

C: A large land area and multiple ethnic groups

C: A large land area and multiple ethnic groups


In bid-rent theory what happens to the cost of land?

It gets cheaper


Name at least 3 characteristics of Alfred Weber’s analysis of location decisions?

Transportation, raw materials, market, bulk gain, bulk loss, site factors (workers, capital, land)


Source: NASA, Columbia University, Natural Earth GIS

The map shows the number of people per unit of land. Which of the following types of data are shown in the map?

A: Arithmetic

B: Agriculture

C: Physiological

A: Arithmetic


Milkshed: A region in which fresh milk is produced and can be delivered without spoilage for sale and consumption. A dairy farm sits at the center of an area, the size of which is determined by how far fresh milk can be shipped and still maintain shelf-life for consumers.

Given the definition, milksheds can best be classified as what type of region?

A: Formal

B: Functional

C: Vernacular

B: Functional


The former international border between East Germany and West Germany is best described as 

A: a relict boundary

B: an antecedent boundary

C: a geometric boundary

A: Relict Boundary


The shaded areas on the map above most likely indicate regions that are affected or threatened by which of the following?

A: Depopulation

B: Deforestation

C: Desertification

C: Desertification


The high-tech firms of Silicon Valley in California are clustered together to take  advantage of

A: Economies of scale

B: Access to markets

C: Agglomeration


This is the demographic stage that the United states, Canada, Germany, Britain and other MDC's are in.

Stage 4


The map above represents what kind of projection?

Mercator projection


Which of the following is an example of Balkanization? 

A: Greece

B: Hungary

C: Yugoslavia

C: Yugoslavia


Growing crops for a few years and switching fields to allow the previously used field to replenish itself and Slash-and-Burn are both techniques of what?

Shifting cultivation


Political geographers consider which of the following as the core area of the United States?

A: The Los Angeles-San Francisco area

B: The New York-Washington, D.C., area

C: The Chicago-Detroit area

B: The New York-Washington, D.C., area


This geographer had the theory that the population will eventually outrun food supply.

Thomas Malthus


The map shown above best fits which of the following map types? 



In contrast to folk culture, popular culture is typical of 

A: large heterogeneous groups

B: indigenous groups

C: groups that have little interaction with other groups

A: large heterogeneous groups


This model includes a series of rings including 1. CBD 2. Intensive Agriculture 3. Forest Resources 4. Grain Farming 5. Livestock Farming

The Von Thunen Model


Which of the following sectors of the economy has grown the fastest in the United States since the mid-1970s?

A: Service

B: Agriculture

C: Retail

A: Service

Click to zoom

What will pose the greatest demographic challenge to China beginning in 2029?

Based on the population pyramid above, which of the following will pose the greatest demographic challenge to China beginning in 2029? Providing for the needs of it's aging population.

Which of the following is most characteristic of societies currently in the last stage of demographic transition?

Which of the following is most characteristic of societies currently in the last stage of demographic transition? D, Aging population.

Which of the following best describes a country in Stage 2 of the demographic transition?

Stage 2 of the Demographic Transition Model (DTM) is characterized by a rapid decrease in a country's death rate while the birth rate remains high. As such, the total population of a country in Stage 2 will rise because births outnumber deaths, not because the birth rate is rising.

Which of the following describes a concern for a country with an aging population quizlet?

Which of the following describes a concern for a country with an aging population? As the proportion of older people in the country increases, fewer young workers are available to contribute tax revenues to support programs that provide services to the older population.


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