Briefly explain how one specific historical development represents an accomplishment of the national

  • School Brooklyn College, CUNY
  • Course Title HISTORY 101
  • Pages 1
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A)Briefly explain how ONE specific historical development represents anaccomplishment of the national government under the Articles ofConfederation.

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B)Briefly explain ONE specific argument critics used in the 1780s to supportrevising the Articles of Confederation.

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Unit 3 #1a.Briefly explain ONE specific historical development represents an accomplishment of thenational government under the Articles of Confederationb.Briefly explain ONE specific argument critics used in the 1780s to support revising the Articlesof Confederationc.Briefly explain ONE specific way in which the United States Constitution addresses a criticism ofthe Articles of ConfederationRia’s answer: One specific historical development represents an accomplishment of the nationalgovernment under the Articles of Confederation is the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. The NorthwestOrdinance of 1787 created a plan for admitting new states to the union.One specific historical development represents an accomplishment of the national government under theArticles of Confederation is the Articles preventing states from forming their own republics. This led tomore unity instead of states having their own republic.Ria’s answer: Another argument criticized occurred is Shay’s Rebellion as it showed the weaknesses inthe Article of Confederation.Shay’s Rebellion was a rebellion that occurred in Massachusetts that wascaused by high taxes and caused issues with the farmers as they were not making a lot of money. Thisrebellion exposed the issues in the Articles as the national government could not step in and stop therebellion. Also, the Article only allowed for a state to get one vote that could led to unequal representationof the people.Ria’s answer: One specific way in which the United States Constitution addressed criticism in the articlesis when the federal government was given the power to tax. An exampleOne specific way in which the Constitution addressed the criticism against the article was when

Julian D. answered • 02/05/21

There were a few accomplishments of the Articles of Confederation, you can choose any of the following to answer your question. You will need to explain how any one of the following was an accomplishment: The Articles of Confederation created a framework for government that helped to organize the various colonies to help them defeat the British. During the war the Articles provided a way for the colonies to ally with France. The Articles also helped to organize the Northwest territory through the Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

There were a few accomplishments of the Articles of Confederation, you can choose any of the following to answer your question. You will need to explain how any one of the following was an accomplishment: The Articles of Confederation created a framework for government that helped to organize the various colonies to help them defeat the British. During the war the Articles provided a way for the colonies to ally with France. The Articles also helped to organize the Northwest territory through the Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

What is one specific historical development that represents an accomplishment of the national government under the Articles of Confederation?

The establishment of the Northwest Territories was a significant accomplishment of the U.S. government under the Articles of Confederation, given the weakness of its central decision-making power.

What is one historical development illustrated by the preamble?

There are multiple different historical developments explained in the Preamble. One of these is the repairs made to the Articles of Confederation.

What is one specific way in which the United States Constitution addresses a criticism of the Articles of Confederation?

Briefly explains ONE specific way in which the United States Constitution addresses a criticism of the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution gave the federal government the power to tax.

What changes were made from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution?

One of the most significant changes between the Articles of Confederation and Constitution was the creation of the three branches of government: the executive, legislative, and judicial. This separation of powers ensured that power would not be concentrated in one particular branch.


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