Der 100 jährige der aus dem fenster stieg und verschwand imdb

This is a magical movie. Even if you turn off the sound and just watch it, it is beautiful. Of course, if you turned off the sound, you would miss the beautiful music. As for the story, it is a fairy tale, totally unrealistic. But it is a very, very romantic fairy tale. I'm an overage, overweight, cynical old lady, but I still cried through half the movie. If you watch this movie, have a big box of tissues, a big box of chocolates, and a large dose of the willing suspension of disbelief. If you have even one romantic bone in your body, you'll love it. If you can't suspend your disbelief, skip it - you will just be irritated.

The film is always in the present, we're right there with him. The camera style and movement is compelling and tied so close to our lead we can't see another perspective. He's a great anti-hero. It's a survival film, the lead character (superbly played) can't stop, he keeps moving forward like an untamed animal, acting in the only way he knows how. And I appreciate the filmmaker's restraint in not revealing every little motivation he has.

This is based on a true story, which I wasn't aware of going into it, clearly the filmmaker understood the essence of the character was most important, not every minute detail, and I feel that's captured and conveyed brilliantly. I'm looking forward to checking out his other films

'Finch (2021)' is, essentially, exactly what you'd expect it to be. It's an inoffensive, low-key sci-fi set in a post-apocalyptic future about a man who builds a robot to look after his dog. The main problem with the piece is that it doesn't really know what it wants to be. Nailing down exactly what it's about, for lack of a better term, is quite difficult and it doesn't seem to have a proper underlying theme to it. Is it about the relationship between the robot and the dog, as its premise would suggest, or is it about the relationship between the man and his companions, as the title would suggest? Is it about the robot coming to terms with his blossoming sentience or is it about the man coming to terms with his dire situation? The answer to all of these questions is, more or less, "yes" - even though they aren't really "yes or no" questions. It wants to be about all these things but, as a result, ends up not really being about any of them. Don't get me wrong, it's entertaining enough. There are some charming moments, mainly surrounding the innocence of the robot and the inherent 'doginess' of the dog, and Hanks' almost 'one-man show' acting hits home as much as his performances tend to. The visual effects are also surprisingly excellent. From what I understand, the robot is brought to life via a combination of practical puppeteering and computer generated imagery; both are as convincing as each other, and the general performance of the machine man is wonderfully convincing. The overall movie just isn't all that compelling, though. Its music, both original and licensed, isn't all that great, either (which is, frankly, astounding considering that the composer, Gustavo Santaolalla, is the same guy who did the music for 'The Last Of Us (2013)' and its sequel). Ultimately, this is a perfectly fine slice of science-fiction that has some highlights but is mostly just a bit inconsequential. It's underwhelming, really. It's entertaining enough for what it is, though, and those who love dogs will probably get a kick out of it. 6/10.

'The Skeleton Key' starts off very slow, then towards the middle picks up pace, then it's slow again, then it concludes with a fantastic and unpredictable ending. Part of the reason I'm giving 'The Skeleton Key' a good review, is because the ending makes up for the constant dragging of the film. It's not so much that the screenplay is bad, it's actually quite intriguing, it's just that a lot of time could have been shaved off of the final cut of 'The Skeleton Key' and it could have made as much sense and ultimately flow a hell of a lot more smoothly. I was expecting a scary movie out of 'The Skeleton Key', and got a movie that was just kind of creepy. If you want to see crazy and terrifying ghost visuals and blood 'The Skeleton Key' is definitely going to disappoint you, but if you want a film with more psychological terror then you'll enjoy 'The Skeleton Key'. Kate Hudson gives a solid performance as the lead Caroline. Gena Rowlands is fantastic as the o'le southern housewife, and John Hurt is great as the gorked out husband, who really only has one or two lines. The film also stars Peter Sarsgaard in a near-riveting performance as the small town's estate lawyer, who Kate Hudson becomes attracted to. The four leads work great together, and nobody in the film seems out of place.

If you see 'The Skeleton Key' don't be expecting this year's 'Sixth Sense' because it's no where near that caliber. I think the less you expect out of 'The Skeleton Key' prior to seeing it, the more you will get out of it. Try not to fall asleep during the more tedious parts of the film, because you need to really pay close attention to the film to get the ending. Really, if it wasn't for the shock ending I wouldn't recommend 'The Skeleton Key', and with the shock ending I loosely recommend it for theaters. Grade: B- (screened at AMC Deer Valley 30, Phoenix, Arizona, 8/15/05)

my ratings guide - A+ (absolutley flawless); A (a masterpiece, near-perfect); A- (excellent); B+ (great); B (very good); B- (good); C+ (a mixed bag); C (average); C- (disappointing); D+ (bad); D (very bad); D- (absolutley horrendous); F (not one redeeming quality in this hunk of Hollywood feces).

Who wrote the 100 year old man who climbed out the window and disappeared?

Jonas JonassonThe Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared / Authornull

Who climbed out the window and disappeared?

After living a long and colorful life, Allan Karlsson finds himself stuck in a nursing home. On his 100th birthday, he leaps out a window and begins an unexpected journey.

Who plays Laura in the movie Old People?

Old People (2022) - Bianca Nawrath as Laura Wagner - IMDb.


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