For which reason is low-fat milk not recommended for an infant less than 6 months old Quizlet

1. Has positive attitudes about eating and about food.

2. Demonstrates food acceptance skills that support eating an ever-increasing variety of the available food.
- Offer new foods often.

3. Has internal regulation skills that allow intuitively consuming enough food to support an appropriate weight gain (for children) or support a stable weight (for adults). IE. Eat when hungry, enjoy your food, and stop when full.

4. Has skills and resources for managing the food context and orchestrating family meals and snack.

Which condition in a 6 month old infant is consistent with drooling?

Sialorrhea or hypersalivation involves excessive saliva flow.

Which new gross motor skill would the RN expect a 7 month old infant to perform?

Advancing motor skills. By this age, most babies can roll over in both directions — even in their sleep. Some babies can sit on their own, while others need a little support. You might notice your baby beginning to scoot, rock back and forth, or even crawl across the room.

Which statements are true in reference to the function and importance of fat in the infant's diet?

Which statements are true in reference to the function and importance of fat in the infant's diet? Fat helps with the development of the infant's nervous system. Fat helps infants meet their calorie needs given their small stomach capacities.

Which number of deciduous teeth would be present in a child one and a half years of age?

There are typically 20 primary teeth — 10 upper and 10 lower. Commonly, most of them erupt by the time the child is about 2½ years old.


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