Fvm is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

Upgrade Flutter Channel#

As described in our Principles FVM does not override standard Flutter behavior. Therefore to upgrade a channel you will have to use standard flutter upgrade. You can find more about it in the Running Flutter section.

Monorepo support#

Suppose you have a nested package(s) that you want to share the same Flutter version. You can set up the FVM config at the root of the monorepo.

FVM will do an ancestor look-up to find the config and use it as the default.

Cannot install latest version of FVM#

When running pub global activate fvm, pub will grab the latest FVM version that is compatible with the installed dart-sdk. Upgrade to the latest version of the Dart, and run the command again. Go to //dart.dev/get-dart for more information.

How to uninstall FVM#

Run command fvm list this will output the directory used for Flutter cache. Delete that directory. If you installed using pub run dart pub global deactivate fvm, if you used a standalone installation please follow its instructions.

Commands run twice on Windows#

This happens due to a pub issue //github.com/dart-lang/pub/issues/2934. To avoid this issue from happening make sure you PATH is in the following order. Please read the following.

Invalid kernel binary or invalid sdk hash when running FVM#

There are a few reasons this can happen. However it means that the FVM snapshot is not compatible with the Dart version that is installed.

Please do the following:

  1. On Windows make sure your env variables are in the following order as described here.
  2. Run dart pub global deactivate fvm
  3. Run dart pub global activate fvm

Command 'pub' not found#

If you get Command 'pub' not found, then make sure to append export PATH="$PATH:/usr/lib/dart/bin" to your ~/.bashrc (gets reiniated each time you open a bash shell) or ~/.profile (only read at login) file.

Environment variables order for Windows in PATH#

Flutter comes with Dart embedded. Because of that you can find some conflicts when running standalone Dart and Flutter together. Here is a suggestion of what we found to be the correct order of dependencies to avoid issues.

  1. Pub Cache for global packages
  2. Dart SDK (if installed outside of Flutter)
  3. Flutter SDK

It should look like this.


Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash.

Flutter Version Manager (or FVM) is the easiest way to manage Flutter SDK versions on your machine. So I could say it is a local development game-changer like NVM is.

This means that we can define a specific Flutter version for each project. Additionally, they get cached, so we don’t have to go through the full installation process all the time.

The following is an explanation of the installation and setup process of the FVM on a Linux operating system.

1. Install FVM on Your Machine

  • First, make sure that Flutter is installed. In the command line, execute the flutter command:

  • Once we have determined that Flutter is installed, we can execute the pub global activate fvm command:

  • There is a warning message at the end of the installation process. So the next step would be to add fvm path to our shell’s config file (.bashrc, bash_profile, etc.). In order for the fvm command to work, it is necessary that you have three following lines defined within the file:
export PATH=”$PATH:`pwd`/flutter/bin”
export PATH=”$PATH:`pwd`/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin”
export PATH=”$PATH:`pwd`/.pub-cache/bin”
  • Executeecho $PATH to confirm that you have successfully added a path to the FVM.
  • If that is the case, you can execute the fvm command and see all available options that this CLI offers:

2. Install Flutter SDK Version With FVM

FVM gives you the ability to easily install many Flutter releases or channels.

  • To install the stable Flutter SDK version, execute fvm install stable.The installation process may take a while.

  • If you want to check out all the Flutter releases that you can download, just execute fvm releases:

  • To install a concrete version (e.g. 1.22.0), just execute fvm install <version you want>:

  • To list all installed SDK versions, executefvm list:

3. Use FVM in Your Project

The goal is to apply a specific Flutter version to your project by using FVM.

  • Create a Flutter project in your development folder by executing flutter create project_name:

  • Switch to your project directory and executefvm use [version.you.want]:

  • If you run fvm listonce again, you can see a tick mark by the version you are using in the project:

4. Set Up Your IDE to Understand Which SDK Version You Are Using

The last step is to configure your IDE. In my example, I will show you how to finish the setup process inAndroid Studio.

  • Open the created project in Android Studio.
  • Open a terminal in the IDE and navigate totheflutter_sdk folder to get the full path of the SDK by using the pwd command. Copy that path:

  • Open Settings and search for Flutter. The next window will appear. Paste the path to the framed section marked in the photo below:

  • Click Apply and restart the IDE. Voila, you are finished!

If you are wondering how you can configure the VSC IDE, see the official docs.


If you are a fan of short, interesting articles covering various Flutter topics and you want to get into the habit of learning Flutter with me over the next 21 weeks, you can read my articles every Tuesday.

If you have any questions or comments about this article, feel free to reply below.

For those who want to jump into our Flutter journey, links from the previous weeks can be found below:

  • Week #1 — Roadmap for learning Flutter
  • Week #2 — How to create intro sliders
  • Week #3 — How to easily generate routes
  • Week #4 — Recommendation for certain Flutter packages
  • Week #5 — Bottom navigation bar
  • Week #6 — Holy trinity of every animation
  • Week #7 — New Material Buttons in Flutter version 1.22
  • Week #8 — Top five discoveries related to Flutter packages in October

See you next week. Don’t break the streak!

How do I activate Fvm?

The following is an explanation of the installation and setup process of the FVM on a Linux operating system..
Install FVM on Your Machine. First, make sure that Flutter is installed. ... .
Install Flutter SDK Version With FVM. ... .
Use FVM in Your Project. ... .
Set Up Your IDE to Understand Which SDK Version You Are Using..

How do I use Fvm in Windows?

Install Multiple Flutter Version using FVM (Flutter Version....
Activate FVM. flutter pub global activate fvm..
Check FVM. Note-: If you are using window terminal (Command Prompt) you see and crash then switch to Power shell. ... .
Installing Flutter Versions. ... .
Setting Project Path..

What is Fvm in Flutter?

Flutter Version Management (or FVM) is a simple CLI to manage different Flutter versions on a per-project basis. This means that we can now define a specific Flutter version for each project.

How do I switch between versions of flutters?

Flutter CLI has GIT-controlled version management, so it's easy to switch even with git checkout <tag> command. To see the list of the versions that you can check out just run git tag -l then press q to quit when found the needed.

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