How did fundamentalist tactics around 1900 mimic the tactics used during the Second Great Awakening of the 1820s and 1830s?

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Terms in this set (77)

For which reason did Walter Camp of Yale and other coaches in the late nineteenth-century claim football make an especially worthwhile activity?

Drawing on the workplace model of scientific management, Camp emphasized drill and precision. He and other coaches argued that football offered perfect training for the competitive world of business.

Which technology challenged the dominance of painting within the art world in the nineteenth century?

In the visual arts, technological changes helped introduce a new aesthetic: by 1900, some photographers argued that the rise of photography made painting obsolete.

Which statement describes the significance of the 1896 U.S. Supreme Court decision in the case Plessy v. Ferguson?

It ruled that Jim Crow laws did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment as long as separate facilities were equal.

Which political party sought to ban alcohol in the United States in the 1880s?

prohibition party
A new political party, the Prohibition Party, exercised considerable clout in the 1880s. Women worked in the party as stump speakers, convention delegates, and even candidates for local office.

To which of the following religions or religious sects did most native-born Americans adhere during the early 1900s?


Which of these was the most popular team sport in the United States before the Civil War?


Conservative ministers held an annual series of Bible conferences between 1876 and 1897 that originated which idea?

Niagara Creed

In what environmental group, formed around the turn of the twentieth century, did women play a leading role in their effort to save wild birds?

National Audubon society

What did Elizabeth Cady Stanton mean by "the solitude of self"?

Men and women need equal protection

What did Mark Twain, America's most famous fiction writer of the late nineteenth century, satirize?

notation of progress

Why was football a controversial sport when elite colleges in the United States began to sponsor teams in the 1880s?

Football violence resulted in players growth

Which strategy was key to families' upward mobility in the nineteenth century?

limiting family growth

Who wrote the influential book On the Origin of Species published in 1859?

Charles Darwin

Which statement describes the African American colleges founded in the United States during Reconstruction?

they are usually coeducational

What objections did critics raise against Social Darwinism and the views of William Graham Sumner?

The argument was based on false analogy.

Why did future president Theodore Roosevelt promote sports like boxing, weightlifting, and martial arts beginning in the 1890s?

to preserve American civilization

Which group did nineteenth-century showman P. T. Barnum proclaim was the key audience for his famous traveling circus?


Why did Charles Darwin, who coined the term "natural selection," disapprove of the word "evolution"?

He believed it implied upward progress rather than random change.

Which of the following outdoor activities became a recognized form of recreation by the turn of the century?


Why did the rate of college attendance in the United States increase from 2 percent in the 1880s to 8 percent in 1920?

Public universities expanded dramatically during this period.

Why did Catholic traditionalists create a network of Catholic schools in the United States in the early twentieth century?

To insulate Catholic children from the American pluralism

Which president signed an act creating the National Park Service in 1916?

Woodrow Wilson

What was the impact of the Comstock Act of 1873?

It had limited success in preventing the spread of contraceptives.

Why did many American authors take up literary realism after the 1880s?

o replace sentimentality in literature with facts

Which course would have been a likely part of the curriculum at Harvard during the presidency of Charles W. Eliot (1869-1909)?


Which development stemmed from the popularity of Social Darwinism and eugenics in the early twentieth century?

Restriction of immigration increased

Who was the main figure responsible for building the environmental movement in the second half of the nineteenth century?

John Muir

Which organization was the main manifestation of the Social Gospel movement on street corners in American cities in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

salvation army

which institution did Booker T. Washington found in 1881?

The Tuskegee Institute

What was a negative side effect of the state game laws that became more common in the late nineteenth century?

They penalized the rural poor

Until the 1870s, most amateur baseball players in the United States came from what groups?

Clerks and white collars workers

The ministers who formulated the Niagara Creed in the late nineteenth century reflected what faith tradition?


What goal led John Muir to found the Sierra Club in 1892?

To promote the preservation and enjoyment of mountain regions.
The Sierra Club tried to foster both preservation and the enjoyment of nature.

What was the primary focus of the National Association of Colored Women, formed in 1896?

to build stronger communities

What was the name of the club that was formed in 1912 and attracted feminist intellectuals, journalists, and labor organizers?

Heterodoxy Club

How did the department store change the relationship between family and consumer culture at the turn of the twentieth century?

it made women the chief family shoppers

What phrase was used for a popular advertising image depicting a beautiful athletic woman in outdoor settings?

Gibson Girl

Which innovation aided couples seeking to limit the size of their families in the nineteenth century?

Vulcanized Rubber

By 1900, scientists and ordinary Americans had accepted the belief of what theory?


Through what means did the American public gain knowledge about the important scientific discoveries of the nineteenth century?

A series of world's fairs

Who was the charismatic leader of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union after 1879?

Frances Willard

The Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) was a Protestant effort in the second half of the nineteenth century to promote which of the following ideals?

Muscular Christianity

Which state was home to the first public women's college in 1885?


In the late nineteenth century, most club women sought to justify their work in political reform movements based on what ideal?


Why did wealthier visitors to New York's the Catskill Mountains begin to develop gated communities in the late nineteenth century?

To avoid associating with the working class

What did women of the late nineteenth century gain by working on reform programs aimed at ending alcoholism, poverty, and other social and economic ills?

A sense of their potential ability and influence

Which public spaces were some of the sites targeted by the Woman's Christian Temperance Union in the late 1800s?


Who was one of the most famous evangelical preachers at the turn of the century?

Billy sunday

Which act gave American presidents the power to create national monuments?

Antiquities Act

What made Acadia National Park in Maine unique in the United States in 1917

It was the first nation park east of Mississippi River

In what part of the country did suffragists win three crucial victories in the late 1800s?

The West

The largest African American women's group arose within which church in 1900?

The National Baptist Church

How did national parks differ from national monuments in the early twentieth century?

Logging was permitted in national forests.

How was the Salvation Army able to succeed around the turn of the twentieth century?

By borrowing techniques prominent in business at the time

In contrast to many native-born Jews, most Yiddish-speaking Jews who arrived in the United States from Eastern Europe after the 1880s were

poorer and more orthodox in their beliefs.
→ Generally, Yiddish-speaking Jews who arrived in the United States from Eastern Europe at the end of the nineteenth century were poorer and more orthodox in their religious beliefs than the native-born Jews they encountered here. This group founded Orthodox synagogues and worked to preserve its traditions.

Why was the leadership style of Booker T. Washington particularly well suited for the difficult era after Reconstruction?

His avoidance of confrontation was a response to severe racial repression.

Washington's style of leadership was based on avoiding confrontation with whites and cultivating patronage and private influence. He hoped that education, hard work, and respectability would erase white prejudice against African Americans.

Why were sports like baseball and football becoming popular in the late nineteenth century in the United States?

With industrialization, men lacked means to work with their muscles and independently and thus used sport as a substitute.

Industrialization changed expectations in the workplace. Traditionally, the mark of a successful American man was economic independence: he was his own boss. Now, tens of thousands worked for other men in big companies — and in offices, rather than using their muscles. How could they develop toughness and strength? One answer was athletics.

How does this image of a Christian mission in Japan in 1909 reflect a common characteristic of American missions around the turn of the twentieth century?

Asia is the setting for the image.

How did fundamentalist tactics around 1900 mimic the tactics used during the Second Great Awakening of the 1820s and 1830s?

Effective use of revival meetings

Like the Baptists and Methodists in the 1820s and 1830s, fundamentalists around 1900 made effective use of revival meetings to win over sinners.

What did some critics warn against regarding women's colleges in the United States in the 1870s?

College would unsex women.

Intensive brain work, doctors warned, would unsex young women and drain energy from their ovaries, leading them to bear weak children later in life.

What changed in the curriculum at public universities relative to the curriculum at private universities around 1900?

Emphasis was placed on technical training.

Public schools emphasized technical training, for instance in engineering or business at this time. Conversely, private schools led by Harvard President Charles W. Eliot (1869-1909) emphasized the liberal arts.

Which virulently nativist group around the turn of the twentieth century expressed outrage at the existence of separate Catholic schools while demanding, at the same time, that all public school teachers be Protestants?

American Protective Association

Why were women's protest and reform work in the late 1800s and early 1900s significant?

The foundation was laid for progressivism and modern women's rights.

By engaging in selfless community service, women gained a new sense of self-worth and began pushing for equality, as they did before, during, and immediately after the Civil War.

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is significant because it was the

first park established outside the U.S. mainland.

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park was the first national park established outside the U.S. mainland, a year before Denali in Alaska.

What statement can be made about woman suffrage based on this map?

In general, states in the East adopted woman suffrage later than states in the western half of the nation.

States in the West instituted woman suffrage first; the right to vote spread gradually east but did not reach large parts of the East until the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment.

What did the early histories of baseball and football in the United States have in common?

Both started as amateur sports before becoming professionalized by astute businessmen.

Both baseball and football were sports played by amateurs, generally a company's labor force, before astute businessmen recognized those sports' value as spectator sports.

President Theodore Roosevelt preserved which major national park in 1908?

Grand Canyon

Theodore Roosevelt used his powers as president to preserve 800,000 acres at Arizona's Grand Canyon.

Which ethnic group dominated Catholic hierarchy in America in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?


When immigrant Catholic Poles and Italians became numerous enough in the United States, they demanded their own bishops based on ethnic background. The Catholic hierarchy, dominated by Irishmen, felt that the integrity of the church itself was at stake. The demand for ethnic parishes implied local control of church property. With some strain, the Catholic Church managed to satisfy the diverse needs of the immigrant faithful

In the early decades of the twentieth century, the largest number of Protestant missionaries served in which part of the world?


Who was the most famous American fiction writer at the turn of the century?

Mark Twain

Why did Yale's football coach, Walter Camp, insist on drill and precision in football practice in the late 1800s?

To offer the perfect model for the competitive world of business his players would be joining

Drawing on the workplace model of scientific management, Camp emphasized drill and precision. He and other coaches argued that football offered perfect training for the competitive world of business. Camp's methods succeeded; between 1883 and 1891, under Camp's direction, Yale scored 4,660 points; its opponents scored 92.

Which company manufactured railcars that set the national standard for taste and elegance on long train trips?

The Pullman Company
→ Pullman Cars, manufactured by the Pullman Company of Chicago, set a national standard for taste and elegance. Fitted with rich carpets, upholstery, and woodwork, Pullman's cars influenced trends in home decor.

Which state took the lead in applying state eugenics laws to its populations?

→ The states of California and Virginia took the lead in applying state eugenics laws to their populations.

Journalist Ida B. Wells launched a one-woman campaign against lynching and demolished the myth that the practice was a response to

interracial rape.
→ For decades white southerners had justified the lynching of black men by accusing them of raping white women. Wells's investigations demolished this myth and showed that lynching generally stemmed from economic competition, labor disputes, or consensual sexual relationships between white women and black men.

Why did southern women organize the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC) in 1894?

To celebrate the memory of the South's "lost cause"
→ The UDC played a central role in shaping Americans' memory of the Civil War and ensured that the nation would remember the Confederacy as a noble effort, Reconstruction as a terrible mistake, and former slaves as unfit for citizenship.

Why did business leaders favor the creation of national monuments over national parks around the turn of the twentieth century?

Resources in national monuments could be used but those at parks could not.
→ Monuments received weaker protection than national parks did; many fell under the authority of the U.S. Forest Service, which permitted logging and grazing. Business interests thus lobbied to have coveted lands designated as monuments rather than national parks so they could more easily exploit resources.

Why did many American business leaders begin to create employer-sponsored sports teams in the early twentieth century?

To instill teamwork and company pride
→ Business leaders believed that sports honed men's competitive spirit and they created employer-sponsored teams to encourage teamwork and company pride among their workers.

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Why were sports like baseball and football becoming popular in the late nineteenth century in the United States?

Why were sports like baseball and football becoming popular in the late nineteenth century in the United States? With industrialization, men lacked means to work with their muscles and independently and thus used sport as a substitute. Industrialization changed expectations in the workplace.

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Which of the following applies to the consumer economy of the 1920s? Advertisements influenced Americans to buy consumer goods.


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