How did the French react to the Dutch and English establishing colonies and making alliances with the Iroquois?

The Five Nations or Great League of Peace

Allowed Spain, Portugal, England, France, and the Netherlands to share the Western Hemisphere.

Curtailed the mourning wars among Iroquois in upper New York.

Dealt mostly with European affairs but affected the colonists indirectly.

Ended the war among the Spanish, Aztecs, French, Iroquois, and Anasazi.

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How did the Spanish King Phillip II react to explorations by France and England quizlet?

How did the Spanish King Phillip II react to explorations by France and England? He asked for more soldiers and sailors. He dared them to enter areas claimed by Spain.

How did the French relationship with Iroquois Indians affect their position in North America quizlet?

The Iroquois were able to maintain their autonomy by avoiding a close relationship with the English or the French. They traded successfully with both groups and played them against each other, as a direct result of this they maintained power in the Great Lakes region.

What was the attitude of the leaders of Dutch colonialism with regard to Native territory?

What was the attitude of the leaders of Dutch colonialism with regard to indian territory: Land must be purchased from Indians before it can be settled.

How did English rule affect the Iroquois Confederacy?

The English destroyed the Iroquois Confederacy temporarily but revived it under Sir Edmund Andros's rule after the Glorious Revolution of 1688. c. English oppression drove the Iroquois to the side of the French, who eagerly sought their support.


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