How do you prevent or relieve heartburn during pregnancy you would recommend quizlet?

Heartburn causes a burning feeling in the chest or throat. It’s uncomfortable, but is not usually harmful to pregnant women or their babies.

8 out of 10 pregnant women experience heartburn. You're most likely to get heartburn in the third trimester (last 3 months) of your pregnancy.

What to expect in the third trimester of pregnancy


The symptoms of heartburn include:

  • a burning feeling in your chest or throat
  • acid coming up into your mouth
  • feeling sick
  • vomiting
  • burping
  • feeling full and bloated

When to get medical help

Non-urgent advice: You should see your GP if you're:

  • losing weight
  • vomiting and not keeping food down
  • having difficulty swallowing
  • experiencing any symptoms of pre-eclampsia (such as a headache, blurred vision, sudden swelling of your hands, feet, legs or face, or a sharp pain under your ribs)
  • still getting symptoms after taking heartburn medicine (your GP may prescribe some different medicine)


Heartburn is caused by acid in your stomach leaking back up the tube that connects your mouth to your stomach (the oesophagus). This acid irritates your oesophagus, causing heartburn.

Heartburn can happen during pregnancy because of:

  • hormonal changes
  • your growing baby putting pressure on your stomach
  • the muscles around your oesophagus relaxing

Treatment for heartburn

You can reduce heartburn symptoms by making changes to your diet, your habits or by taking medicine.

Change your diet

You can reduce the symptoms of heartburn by:

  • eating smaller meals - you're more likely to get heartburn if you're very full
  • not eating for 3 hours before you go to bed
  • avoiding spicy, rich and fatty foods
  • avoiding fruit juices and fizzy drinks
  • not eating and drinking at the same time
  • avoiding caffeine
  • avoiding any foods that regularly give you heartburn

Healthy eating during pregnancy

Change your habits

You can reduce the symptoms of heartburn if you:

  • stop smoking – smoking during pregnancy can also harm your baby
  • stop drinking alcohol - drinking alcohol while pregnant can also harm your baby
  • keep upright - sit up straight during and after eating
  • avoid lying flat - sleep with pillows under your head and shoulders

Medicines for heartburn

Talk to your GP or pharmacist if changing your diet and habits don't help you. They can advise you what's safe to take during pregnancy.

The most common types of heartburn medicine are 'antacids' and 'alginates'.

Antacids neutralise (balance out) the acid in your stomach. Alginates stop the acid leaking back up from your stomach. They're usually combined into one medicine, which you can get from a pharmacy.


Always tell your pharmacist that you're pregnant before buying heartburn medication - not all antacids are safe to take while pregnant.

Do not take antacids if you have an iron deficiency or need to take iron supplements - antacids can stop your body absorbing iron.

This project has received funding from the Government of Ireland’s Sláintecare Integration Fund 2019 under Grant Agreement Number 8.

Page last reviewed: 27 March 2019
Next review due: 27 March 2022

Vitamin D toxicity, also called hypervitaminosis D, is a rare but potentially serious condition that occurs when you have excessive amounts of vitamin D in your body.

Vitamin D toxicity is usually caused by large doses of vitamin D supplements — not by diet or sun exposure. That's because your body regulates the amount of vitamin D produced by sun exposure, and even fortified foods don't contain large amounts of vitamin D.

The main consequence of vitamin D toxicity is a buildup of calcium in your blood (hypercalcemia), which can cause nausea and vomiting, weakness, and frequent urination. Vitamin D toxicity might progress to bone pain and kidney problems, such as the formation of calcium stones.

Treatment includes stopping vitamin D intake and restricting dietary calcium. Your doctor might also prescribe intravenous fluids and medications, such as corticosteroids or bisphosphonates.

Taking 60,000 international units (IU) a day of vitamin D for several months has been shown to cause toxicity. This level is many times higher than the U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for most adults of 600 IU of vitamin D a day.

Doses higher than the RDA are sometimes used to treat medical problems such as vitamin D deficiency, but these are given only under the care of a doctor for a specified time frame. Blood levels should be monitored while someone is taking high doses of vitamin D.

As always, talk to your doctor before taking vitamin and mineral supplements.

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March 22, 2022

  1. Dawson-Hughes B. Vitamin D deficiency in adults: Definition, clinical manifestations, and treatment. // Accessed March 20, 2020.
  2. Vitamin D. Office of Dietary Supplements. // Accessed March 20, 2020.
  3. Hypercalcemia. Hormone Health Network. // March 20, 2020.
  4. Vitamin D. Natural Medicines. // Accessed March 20, 2020.
  5. Marcinowska-Suchowierska E, et al. Vitamin D toxicity — A clinical perspective. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2018; doi:10.3389/fendo.2018.00550.

See more Expert Answers

See also

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  3. Calcium for better bones
  4. Calcium supplements for men
  5. Timing calcium supplements
  6. Calcium: Think outside the carton
  7. COVID-19 and vitamin D
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  10. Vitamin C and mood
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  14. Ground flaxseed
  15. Heartburn medicines and B-12 deficiency
  16. Herbal supplements
  17. Kratom and pregnancy: Not a safe mix
  18. Multivitamins for kids
  19. Nutrition: Does it come in a pill?
  20. Prebiotics, probiotics and your health
  21. Prenatal vitamins
  22. Probiotics and prebiotics
  23. Magnesium supplements
  24. Nutritional supplements
  25. Bromelain
  26. Curcumin
  27. Melatonin
  28. Vitamin C megadoses
  29. Vitamin C: An essential nutrient
  30. Vitamin D and MS: Any connection?
  31. Vitamin D deficiency
  32. Can having vitamin D deficiency cause high blood pressure?
  33. Vitamin D: Essential with calcium
  34. Vitamin D for babies
  35. Vitamins for MS: Do supplements make a difference?


How can I prevent heartburn during pregnancy?

How can heartburn during pregnancy be prevented?.
Eat several small meals throughout the day instead of three large ones..
Eat slowly..
Drink between your meals, but not with meals..
Avoid fried, spicy or fatty foods..
Avoid citrus fruits and juices..
Limit caffeine..
Don't smoke and avoid alcohol..

What causes heartburn in pregnancy?

What causes heartburn during pregnancy? Heartburn occurs when the valve between the stomach and the esophagus are unable to prevent stomach acid from passing back into the esophagus. During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone causes the valve to relax, which can increase the frequency of heartburn.

Which of the following should be avoided during pregnancy?

raw eggs or foods containing raw eggs, including mousse, tiramisu, raw cookie dough, eggnog, homemade ice cream, and Caesar dressing. raw or undercooked fish (sushi), shellfish, or meats. paté and meat spreads. processed meats like hot dogs and deli meats (these should be very well cooked before eating)

Which of the following is among the nutrients that are in great demand during pregnancy because they are involved in building the skeleton?

During pregnancy, the baby growing in its mother's womb needs plenty of calcium to develop its skeleton. This need is especially great during the last 3 months of pregnancy. If the mother doesn't get enough calcium, her baby will draw what it needs from the mother's bones.


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