In preparing a budgeted balance sheet, the dollar amount of accounts receivable can be derived from:

In preparing a budgeted balance sheet, the dollar amount of Accounts Receivable can be derived from:

A. The sales budget and the schedule of cash receipts

B. The selling expense budget and the schedule of cash receipts

C. The capital expenditures budget and purchase budget

D. The purchase budget and schedule of cash payments

E. The budget income and budgeted balance sheet.

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How do you calculate accounts receivable on a budgeted balance sheet?

Write down the beginning accounts receivable balance for the budget period. Add the total budgeted sales. Subtract the payments received for cash sales and the payments received on customer accounts. This calculates the accounts receivable to include on the budgeted balance sheet.

What is used to prepare the budgeted income statement?

To prepare a budgeted income statement, you'll need to track company revenue, expenses, and net income. You'll then need to set realistic revenue goals and then create an estimate of different revenue items. This means having to include items such as investment gains, interest income, and vendor refunds.

What is the process for developing a budgeted balance sheet?

It is prepared by adjusting the beginning balances of long‐term asset, liability, and stockholders' equity accounts for expected activity during the budgeted period, and identifying balances in current asset and liability accounts at the end of the period.

How do you find retained earnings on a budgeted balance sheet?

Retained earnings can typically be found on a company's balance sheet in the shareholders' equity section. Retained earnings are calculated through taking the beginning-period retained earnings, adding to the net income (or loss), and subtracting dividend payouts.


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