In what ways was technology a major driver of economic and social change during the past century quizlet?

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age of fossil fuels, 626

Twentieth century shift in energy production with increased use of coal and oil, resulting in the widespread availability of electricity and the internal combustion engine; a major source of the greenhouse gases that drive climate change

Significance: Humans could now harness power in new ways. Fossil fuels had a big impact on the environment by contributing to climate change. Electricity and the combustion engine improved daily life.

communication revolution, 630

Modern transformation of communication technology, from the nineteenth century telegraph to the present-day smart phone

Significance: Humans became more efficient in spreading information, globally. It reshaped human lives along with consequences. It enabled everyone, including villagers, to tune in on international events, but also allowed for sharp debate.

economic globalization, 632

The deepening economic entanglement of the world's peoples especially since 1950; accompanied by the spread of industrialization in the Global South and extraordinary economic growth following World War II; the process has also generated various forms of inequality and resistance as well as increasing living standards for many

Significance: Globalization has spurred the spread of new technology, helping to make economies greener and more productive. Globalization has helped to reduce gender wage discrimination and giving new opportunities to women. Globalization has improved the quality of management in firms and the working conditions for people.

Asian Tigers, 633

Nickname for the East Asian countries of South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong, which experienced remarkable export-driven economic growth in the late 20th century

Significance: These Asian countries have produced high economic growth and helped to improve industrialization since the 1960s. They are fueled by exports.

Bretton Woods System, 636

Name for the agreements and institutions (including the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund) set up in 1944 to regulate commercial and financial dealings among the major capitalist countries

Significance: These agreements have unified nations around the world with solutions to a financial crisis.It has helped strengthen world economy and maximize international trade.

transnational corporations, 637

Businesses that produce goods or deliver services simultaneously in many countries; growing in number since the 1960s, some have more assets and power than many countries

Significance: Transnational corporations affect trends in internal businesses and help to increase economic growth and profit for countries in many nations. It also increases competitions in the global market between countries.

World Trade Organization (WTO), 641

An international body representing 149 nations and charged with negotiating the rules for global commerce and promoting free trade; its meetings have been the site of major anti-globalization protests in 1999


North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 642

Free trade agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada, established in 1984

Significance: This agreement is significant for the following reasons; trade between the US and Mexico has increased, only made the rich richer, eliminated most tariffs (taxes) between countries.

consumerism, 644

A culture of leisure and consumption that developed during the past century or so in tandem with global economic growth and an enlarged middle-class; emerged first in the Western world and later elsewhere.

Significance: Living standards got raised and improved for the middle class. It drives economy --> When people spend more on goods/services produced in a never-ending cycle, the economy grows.

export-processing zones (EPZs), 646

Areas where international companies can operate with tax and other benefits, offered as an incentive to attract manufacturers

Significance: EPZs created more job opportunities and technology was able to spread into the other country. It attracted industries and manufacturers to help raise the economy and make more profit.

service sector, 646

Industries like government, medicine, education, finance, and communication that have grown due to increasing consumerism, population, and communication technologies.

Significance: It's important as goods production became increasingly mechanized; it offered jobs to more citizens. The output growth has been doubled and a new form of services emerged over time.

informal economy, 647

Also known as the "shadow" economy; refers to unofficial, unregulated, and untaxed economic activity

Significance: It's important as lower classes are able to find opportunities to make money in temporary jobs, although not as much profit.

one-child family policy (China), 651

Chinese policy of population control that lasted from 1980 to 2014; used financial incentives and penalties to promote birth control, sterilization, and abortions in an effort to limit most families to a single child

Significance: A new form of states being able to control personal life their citizens. It promoted the use of birth control and highly affected the population growth.

Women's Department, 652

A distinctive organization, known as Zhenotdel, within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union that worked to promote equality for women in the 1920s with conferences, publications, and education

Significance: This organization was significant because it showed how Turkey started to modernize their country by supporting equal rights for women. The Women's Department helped females become more successful and vocal.

second-wave feminism, 653

Women's rights movement that revived in the 1960s with a different agenda from earlier women's suffrage movement; second-wave feminists demanded equal rights for women and employment and education, women's right to control their own bodies, and the end of patriarchal domination

Significance: The second wave of feminism was important because it broadened the debate to include a wider range of issues: sexuality, family, the workplace, reproductive rights. It encouraged women to understand how their personal lives reflected sexist power structures.

feminism in the Global South, 655

Mobilization of women across Asia, Africa, and Latin America; distinct from Western feminism because of its focus on issues such as colonialism, racism, and poverty, rather than those exclusively related to gender

Significance: It was important because it differed from Western issues as it promoted colonial and racist issues. New ways of feminist thinking arose. Feminist movements intervened with politics, becoming national struggles

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