In which instance is Mia most likely functioning in a low-power-distance culture

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Power distance has been constructed mostly as a concept highly negative for organizational progress, participation and empowerment of employees and overall organizational health. This construct is also highly correlated with collectivism. This paper examines the compatibility of organizations with high power distance cultural set ups. An attempt is made here to inquire in to whether low power distance can be realized in collectivist cultures or we should look for aspects which can make this high power distance functional and desirable in case of those countries with high collectivism and power distance.

Journal Information

The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations: A Review of Economic and Social Development (IJIR) is devoted to dissemination of knowledge for effective management of human resources and harmonious industrial elations. A quarterly in English, the journal enjoys high academic reputation in India and elsewhere and is widely subscribed by government institutions, universities and private sector organizations. A refereed journal its readership consists of academic scholars, policy makers, practicing managers and student community. Salient Features: In to its 46th year of uninterrupted publication and up to date Listed in EBSCO, GALE/CENGAGE Learning, Proquest/CSA Data Bases Research based articles and communications from eminent persons Reviews of latest titles form India and elsewhere Theme based special issue program with eminent persons as Guest Ed

Publisher Information

Indian Journal of Industrial Relations is published by The Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations & Human Resources, a premier organization in research, training/seminars and publications. The Centre's efforts in the last forty-five years have helped in bridging the gap that exists between the practitioners and social scientists. It has earned a name for itself in India and abroad. The Centre has completed over 175 research projects, conducted over 3000 training programs and published over 65 titles based on its own research studies. The research projects have been sponsored by the Government departments, public sector undertakings, industrial companies and international organizations. Research studies and workshops have been taken up by the Centre to strengthen Grass Root Democracy's contribution to health and education, as well as women and labour, both in the organized and unorganized sectors.

34. Which term best describes a culture in which people are expected to be direct, to say what they mean, and to avoid “beating around the bush”?a.High-context b.Low-context c.Monochronic d.Polychronic Answer: b

Page: 4135. Sue has an issue with her best friend. Rather than state the problem directly, Sue talks indirectly about the issue so her friend won’t be embarrassed. With which type of cultural affiliation does Sue most likely identify?

c.Polychronic d.Low-context Answer: bPage: 4136. In what type of culture would a supervisor publicly reprimand an employee, directly stating the employee’s shortcomings in front of others?

Page: 41-4237. The belief that all people are created equal and that no one person or group shouldhave excessive power is characteristic of what type of culture?

Page: 4238. In which instance is Mia most likely functioning in a low-power-distance culture?a.Mia believes her employer should make all decisions, which she followswithout question.b.Mia faces pressure to choose her mate from within her social class.c.Mia feels it is her right to question her professor in class if she does not agree.d.Mia uses direct language with her friends and tells them what she thinks; shedoes not “beat around the bush.”Answer: c

Page: 4239. Maricel is from the Philippines, where she has been taught that certain people or groups deserve more power than others and that respecting power is more important than equality. Maricel is from a ________________ culture.

Page: 4240. Because the U.S. tends to value sex-differentiated roles and places value on qualities such as achievement and the acquisition of resources, the U.S. could be considered a moderately _____________________ culture.

Page: 4241. Which of the following statements represents a feminine culture?

What term is used to describe the extent to which people try to avoid situations that are unstructured unclear or unpredictable?

Uncertainty avoidance—the extent to which the culture's members feel threatened by uncertain, unknown situations or embrace these situations. Masculinity vs. femininity—the extent to which cultures value assertive (masculine) behavior versus modest (feminine) behavior. Long-term vs.

What is a core value of a masculine culture?

Masculine cultures tend to emphasize ambition, control, competition, assertiveness, and achievement, whereas feminine cultures emphasize nurture, care, sharing, quality of life, and relationships. Sometimes these values are expressed as the “quantity of life” and the “quality of life.”

Which of the following is the most accurate definition of culture?

Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation.

Which term describes the totality of learned shared symbols language values and norms that distinguish one group of people from another?

Culture in its broadest sense is cultivated behavior; that is the totality of a person's learned, accumulated experience which is socially transmitted, or more briefly, behavior through social learning.


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