________ is a completely computer-generated virtual world with interactive digital objects.

Consists of electronic components and related gadgetry that, process, output, and store data according to instructions encoded in computer programs of software

The portion of a computer that selects instructions processes them, performs arithmetic and logical comparisons, and stores results of operations in memory

Central processing unit (CPU)

A computer with four CPUs

Memory that works in conjunction with the CPU. Stores data and instructions read by CPU and stores the results of the CPU's computations

Random access memory. Another name for a computer's main memory

Hardware that saves data and programs. Magnetic disks are by far the most common storage device, although optical disks, such as CDs and DVDs, also are popular

-Stores information using nonvolatile electronic circuits. -Much faster than traditional magnetic storage because it stores information using nonvolatile electronic circuits. -Are gaining in popularity but are several times more expensive than magnetic hard disks

Solid-state storage (SSD)

-Classic computing devices used by individuals. -Include laptop or desktop computers.

Computing devices that allow interaction through a flat touch screen.

-Is a computer that is designed to support processing requests from many remote computers and users. -A computer that provides some type of service, such as hosting a database, running a blog, publishing a Web site, or selling goods. Server computers are faster, larger, and more powerful than client computers.

-PCs, tablets, and smartphones that access servers via the cloud. -In computing environments servers can send Web pages, email, files, or data to PCs. PCs, tablets, and smartphones that access servers are called -Makes requests -Users utilize a client machine to run applications and send requests for additional data/processing

A large collection of server computers organized to share work and compensate for one another’s failures.

The means by which computers represent data; also called binary digits. A bit is either a zero or a one.

-Bits are grouped into 8-bit chunks -Characters of data

abbreviated KB, is a collection of 1,024 bytes.

CPU speed is expressed in cycles called hertz.

-Cache and main memory are-Data that will be lost when the computer or device is not powered.

Memory that preserves data contents even when not powered (e.g., magnetic and optical disks). With such devices, you can turn the computer off and back on, and the contents will be unchanged.

The idea that objects are becoming connected to the Internet so they can interact with other devices, applications, or services.

A device that has processing power, memory, network connectivity, and the ability to interconnect with other devices and applications.

The impact of IoT will be felt by many different high-tech industries. Smart devices need microprocessors, memory, wireless network connections, a power source, and new software. These devices will also need new protocols, more bandwidth, and tighter security, and they will consume more energy.

the state of things as they actually exist. 

-The altering of reality by overlaying digital information on real world objects. -Examples include Google Glass ($1,250), Epson’s Moverio Smart Glasses ($700), and Daqri Smart Helmet (est. $5,000 to $15,000).

The combination of the real physical world with interactive virtual images or objects.

For example, using AR you could view a 2D virtual weather forecast projected on your wall. But with MR you would see a real-time 3D virtual model of your city created on your coffee table 

-A completely computer-generated virtual world with interactive digital objects. -Facebook’s Oculus Rift ($599), Sony’s PlayStation VR ($399), and Samsung Gear VR ($99)

The illusion that a virtual experience is real.

A driverless car that uses a variety of sensors to navigate like a traditional car but without human intervention.

Self-driving cars will make things easier, cheaper, and safer.

fourth disruptive force that has the power to change businesses is 3D printing.

-A computer program that controls the computer’s resources: It manages the contents of main memory, processes keystrokes and mouse movements, sends signals to the display monitor, reads and writes disk files, and controls the processing of other programs. -Control how applications run on the computer
Control how devices communication with computers (drivers) Provide basic administrative/utility functions

Two important software constraints. 

-Particular version of an operating system is written for a particular type of hardware. For example, Microsoft Windows works only on processors from Intel and companies that make processors that conform to the Intel instruction set (the commands that a CPU can process). - two types of application programs exist. Native applications and thick-client applications

-Are programs that are written to use a particular operating system. Microsoft Access, for example, will run only on the Windows operating system. -A thick-client application designed to work with a particular operating system and sometimes further limited to work only with a particular mobile device that runs that operating system. -Different versions required for different OS -Can utilize internet connection, but not always required

-A software application that requires programs other than just the browser on a user’s computer; that is, requires code on both client and server computers. -There are Windows and Macintosh versions of Microsoft Word. But unless you are informed otherwise, assume that a native application runs on just one operating system. Native applications are sometimes called -Thin-client applications cheaper to develop and maintain.

Thick Client  applications

-A software application that requires nothing more than a browser. Also called a thin-client application. -is designed to run within a computer browser such as Firefox, Chrome, Opera, or Edge (formerly Internet Explorer). -Typically require active internet connection to operate -Allows same code to be deployed on different OS

The most popular nonmobile client operating system. Also refers to Windows Server, a popular server operating system that competes with Linux.

Windows applications that are touch-screen oriented and provide context-sensitive, popup menus.

Modern-style applications

One key feature of modern-style applications is the minimization of menu bars, status lines, and other visual overhead

An operating system developed by Apple Computer, Inc., for the Macintosh. The current version is macOS Sierra. Initially, Macintosh computers were used primarily by graphic artists and workers in the arts community, but today Macs are used more widely.

An operating system developed at Bell Labs in the 1970s. It has been the workhorse of the scientific and engineering communities since then.

-A version of Unix developed by the open source community. The open source community owns Linux, and there is no fee to use it. Linux is a popular operating system for Web servers. -This community is a loosely coupled group of programmers who mostly volunteer their time to contribute code to develop and maintain Linux. The open source community owns Linux, and there is no fee to use it.

A mobile client operating system popular on phones in Europe and the Far East but less so in North America.

One of the most successful early mobile operating systems; was primarily used by business users on BlackBerry devices.

The operating system used on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad.

A mobile operating system that is a version of Linux. Android runs on the Google Nexus 7 and the Amazon Kindle Fire as well as many other mobile devices.

A Windows operating system designed for mobile devices.

A version of Windows specifically designed and configured for server use. It has much more stringent and restrictive security procedures than other versions of Windows and is popular on servers in organizations that have made a strong commitment to Microsoft.

-Is the process by which one physical computer hosts many different virtual (not literal) computers within it -The process whereby multiple operating systems run as clients on a single host operating system. Gives the appearance of many computers running on a single computer. -Allows for quick build and tear-down (typically for servers)

-In virtualization, the operating system that hosts the virtual operating systems. -runs one or more operating systems as applications.

Computer programs that present the appearance of an independent operating system within a second host operating system. The host can support multiple virtual machines, possibly running different operating system programs (Windows, Linux), each of which is assigned assets such as disk space, devices, and network connections over which it has control.

Three types of virtualization exist:

PC virtualization
Server virtualization
Desktop virtualization

a personal computer, such as a desktop or laptop, hosts several different operating systems. Say a user needs to have both Linux and Windows running on a computer for a training or development project. In that circumstance, the user can load software like Oracle VirtualBox or VMWare Workstation on the host operating system in order to create Linux and Windows virtual machines.

-a server computer hosts one or more other server computers.-The process of running two or more operating system instances on the same server. The host operating system runs virtual operating system instances as applications.

-A server hosts many versions of desktop operating systems. Each of those desktops has a complete user environment and appears to the user to be just another PC. -Also called client virtualization and PC virtualization. The process of storing a user’s desktop on a remote server. It enables users to run their desktop from many different client computers.

A contract that stipulates how a program can be used. Most specify the number of computers on which the program can be installed; some specify the number of users who can connect to and use the program remotely. Such agreements also stipulate limitations on the liability of the software vendor for the consequences of errors in the software.

A license purchased by an organization to equip all the computers on a site with certain software.

Programs that perform a business function. Some application programs are general purpose, such as Excel or Word. Other application programs are specific to a business function, such as accounts payable.

-Software provides capabilities common across all organizations and industries. Word processors, graphics programs, spreadsheets, and presentation programs are all horizontal-market application software. -Ex. Examples of such software are Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Examples from other vendors are Adobe’s Acrobat, Photoshop, and PageMaker and Jasc Corporation’s Paint Shop Pro. These applications are used in a wide variety of businesses across all industries.

Horizontal-Market Application

Software that serves the needs of a specific industry. Examples of such programs are those used by dental offices to schedule appointments and bill patients, those used by auto mechanics to keep track of customer data and customers’ automobile repairs, and those used by parts warehouses to track inventory, purchases, and sales.

Vertical Market Application

-Software developed for a specific, unique need, usually for a single company’s requirements. - The U.S. Department of Defense develops such software, for example, because it has needs that no other organization has.

One of a kind Application

Software used without making any changes.

Software bought off the shelf but altered to fit an organization’s specific needs.

Off the shelf with alterations software

Software tailor-made for a particular organization’s requirements.

Custom-developed software

Custom development is difficult and risky. Staffing and managing teams of software developers is challenging. Managing software projects can be daunting. Many organizations have embarked on application development projects only to find that the projects take twice as long

off the shelf off the shelf and customized

One of a kind applications

Computer software installed into devices such as printers, print servers, and various types of communication devices. The software is coded just like other software, but it is installed into special, programmable memory of the printer or other device.

A set of tools for creating and managing open source software. Originally created to develop an open source Unix-like operating system.

One of the standard license agreements for open source software.

GNU general public license (GPL) agreement

-The first reason that people contribute to open source is that it is great fun! Additionally, some people contribute to open source because it gives them the freedom to choose the projects they work on. They may have a programming day job that is not terribly interesting—say, writing a program to manage a computer printer. Their job pays the bills, but it’s not fulfilling. -Another reason for contributing to open source is to exhibit one’s skill, both for pride and to find a job or consulting employment. A final reason is to start a business selling services to support an open source product.

-Means that the source code of the program is available to the public. -(1) Source code available for a community to access. (2) A collaborative effort by which software developers create a product such as Linux; the developers often volunteer their time. In most cases, the jointly developed product can be used without paying a license fee.

Computer code written by humans and understandable by humans. Source code must be translated into machine code before it can be processed.

Code compiled from source code and ready to be processed by a computer. Cannot be understood by humans.

Source code that is highly protected and only available to trusted employees and carefully vetted contractors.

Open source succeeds because of collaboration.

Apple’s programming language for OS X and iOS applications.

When referring to languages, ones that can be used to create difficult, complex applications and, if used properly, will result in high-performance code that is easy to alter when requirements change.

The benefit of such languages is that they give programmers close control over the assets of the computing device and enable the creation of sophisticated and complex user interfaces. If the programs are well written, they perform fast and use memory efficiently. The limits on native applications are usually budgetary, not technological. As a businessperson, you can get just about any application you can afford.

The downside of native applications is that they are, well, native. They only run on the operating system for which they are programmed. An iOS application must be completely recoded in order to run on Android and recoded again to run on Windows

As stated, the major advantage of Web over native applications is that they will run on any operating system and device.

-Information systems that support users in motion - users access the system from any place—at home, at work, in the car, on the bus, or at the beach—using any smart device, such as a smartphone, tablet, or PC.

A small, lightweight, power-conserving, computing device that is capable of wireless access.

major elements in a mobile system are users in motion, mobile devices, wireless connectivity, and a cloud-based resource.

E-commerce transacted using mobile devices.

Data delivered to the user at the time it is needed.

On the other hand, employee use of mobile devices has significant disadvantages. First, there is the real danger of lost or damaged data. When data is brought into employee-owned computing devices, the organization loses control over where it goes or what happens to it. 

On the other hand, employee use of mobile devices has significant disadvantages. First, there is the real danger of lost or damaged data. When data is brought into employee-owned computing devices, the organization loses control over where it goes or what happens to it. 

Greatest disadvantage of employee use of their own devices is the risk of infection. The organization cannot know where the users have been with their devices or what they’ve done when they’ve been there. The possibility of severe viruses infecting the organization’s networks is real. Finally, all of these disadvantages can also lead, ironically, to greater support costs.

Disadvantage of employee use of mobile systems

An official organizational policy that states employees’ permissions and responsibilities when using personal mobile devices for organizational business.

Products that install and update mobile device software, back up and restore mobile devices, and wipe software and data from devices in the event the device is lost or the employee leaves the company. Such products also report usage and provide other mobile device management data.

Mobile Device Management (MDM) Software

Non-volatile Magnetic disks (Hard drive) Solid-state storage (S S D) Thumb drives Optical disks (C D/D V D)

-Listens for & responds to requests -No action is taken until a request for a service is received from another server or a client

What is the combination of the real physical world with interactive virtual images or objects?

Augmented reality (or AR) lets you deliver immersive, engaging experiences that seamlessly blend virtual objects with the real world. Using the device's camera to present the physical world onscreen live, your app superimposes three-dimensional virtual objects, creating the illusion that these objects actually exist.

What is a computer

virtual reality (VR), the use of computer modeling and simulation that enables a person to interact with an artificial three-dimensional (3-D) visual or other sensory environment.

What is the altering of reality by overlaying digital information on real world objects?

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that lets people superimpose digital content (images, sounds, text) over a real-world environment.

What is virtual reality quizlet?

Virtual reality is a computer-generated environment that lets you experience a different reality. A VR headset fits around your head and over your eyes, and visually separates you from whatever space you're physically occupying. Images are fed to your eyes from two small lenses.

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