Motivating potential score = skill variety × task identity × task significance × autonomy × feedback

Of the five core job characteristics, which ones have been found to be negatively and consistently related to absenteeism?

A) skill variety, task identity, and autonomy
B) skill variety, feedback, and autonomy
C) skill variety, task significance, and autonomy
D) skill variety, task identity, and task significance
E) task identity, task significance, and feedback

Alice, a middle manager in an oil company, makes $35,000 a year. Her boss makes $41,000, her peers average $33,000, and her employees average $29,000. Alice doesn't know the pay of these coworkers, but we ask her to guess. Research suggests that she will say

A) the employees average $28,000.
B) the peers average $30,000.
C) the boss makes $45,000.
D) the peers average $34,000.
E) the boss makes $43,000.

What is motivating potential score?

Motivation potential score (MPS) is a unique index to predict an individual's behavior and includes the main elements of the job, such as skill variety, identity, significance, autonomy, and feedback. The index is based on HackmaneOldham job characteristics theory [9].

How do you calculate motivating potential score?

The motivation-potention score (MPS) of a job is calculated based on the following formula: Skill utilization, task identity and task significance can thus compensate for each other: those who can make little use of their skills, but can do something important for others, will still experience their job as motivating.

What are the 5 Job Characteristics Model?

The five core characteristics of job design are skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and job feedback. Including these characteristics in your jobs affects the following work-related outcomes — motivation, satisfaction, performance, absenteeism, and turnover.

What are the 5 core job dimensions?

The five core job dimensions identified are autonomy, feedback, skill variety, task identity, and task significance. It is important to recognize the job characteristics and how they affect the employees' job satisfaction in an organization.


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