Overplanning the tactics for each negotiation stage in advance of the negotiation is

What are Negotiation Tactics?

Negotiation tactics include any range of skills that a negotiator will employ during the course of negotiation in order to secure an objective.

Some negotiators seem to believe that hard-bargaining negotiation tactics are the key to success. They resort to threats, extreme demands, and even unethical behavior to try to get the upper hand in a negotiation. When negotiators resort to this behavior, they convey that they view negotiation as a win-lose enterprise.

To prevent your negotiation from disintegrating into hard-bargaining, you first need to make a commitment not to engage in these types of negotiation tactics yourself. Remember that there are typically better ways of meeting your goals, such as building trust, asking lots of questions, and exploring differences.

In our lives as negotiators there will inevitably be times when we feel angry, frustrated, and mistreated. This is why it is important to be prepared with solid negotiation tactics.

Even so, if you’ve determined that threats and hard-bargaining negotiation tactics would indeed serve your interests, make sure the threat will function as a motivator, not a punishment. Frame it in terms of how compliance will further your counterpart’s interests rather than how noncompliance will thwart them.

Recognize too, that this type of power struggle is a sign that you’ve gotten bogged down in a win-lose negotiation where each side is trying to grab the biggest piece of the pie. Wise negotiators try to get beyond such competitions to look for both ways to benefit—and keep their smiles on their faces.

You can download a complimentary copy of our special report, Negotiation Skills: Negotiation Strategies and Negotiation Techniques to Help You Become a Better Negotiator, right now!

Discover how to handle complicated, high-level business negotiations in this free special report from Harvard Law School. We will also notify you by email when we post new negotiation advice and information to our website.

The following items are tagged negotiation tactics:

What is Distributive Negotiation and Five Proven Strategies

Posted October 31st, 2022 by & filed under Dealmaking.

Most negotiations call for very different, even opposing, skills: collaboration and competition. To get a great deal, we typically must work with others to find new sources of value while also competing with them to claim as much of that value for ourselves. Before mastering the intricacies of value creation in negotiation, it helps to … Read  

Negotiation and Leadership In-Person Spring 2023 Program Guide

Posted September 12th, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under Free Report.

It’s often said that great leaders are great negotiators. But how does one become an effective negotiator? On-the-job experience certainly plays a role, but for most executives, taking their negotiation skills to the next level requires outside training. … Read  

Diplomatic Negotiations: The Surprising Benefits of Conflict and Teamwork at the Negotiation Table

Posted October 31st, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under International Negotiation.

As the US presidential primary season heats up for both parties, it helps to take a look back at the 2008 US presidential election and the win-win coalition forged between Barack Obama and his then-rival, Hillary Clinton. As this example demonstrates, if carefully managed, disagreements can lead to better results than you might expect. … Read  

Negotiation and Leadership In-Person Fall 2022 Brochure

Posted March 10th, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under Free Report.

It’s often said that great leaders are great negotiators. But how does one become an effective negotiator? On-the-job experience certainly plays a role, but for most executives, taking their negotiation skills to the next level requires outside training. … Read  

Negotiation in Business: Ethics, Bias, and Bargaining in Good Faith

Posted October 31st, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

As we’ve discussed in previous articles about negotiation examples in business, a negotiator’s beliefs concerning negotiation ethics are affected by cognitive biases. You probably can recall times when a negotiating opponent made what appeared to be a blatant misstatement. If you’re like most people, you assumed the person was lying to gain an advantage. … Read  

Overcoming Cultural Barriers in Negotiation

Posted December 4th, 2015 by PON Staff & filed under Free Report.

Learn how to better understand cultural differences—and improve your working relationships—with Negotiation Training: Overcoming Cultural Barriers in Negotiations. … Read  

Patience is a Winning Negotiation Skill for Getting What You Want at the Negotiation Table

Posted October 31st, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under Dispute Resolution.

On April 9, 2012 the hearts of internet entrepreneurs everywhere must have skipped a beat at the news that Facebook was paying $1 billion in cash and stock to buy Instagram, a San Francisco-based start-up. … Read  

Harborco: Role-Play Simulation

Posted April 19th, 2015 by PON Staff & filed under Free Report.

Harborco is a consortium of development, industrial, and shipping concerns that are eager to proceed with the building of a new port, but face hurdles and potential opposition as they advance through the licensing process. The Federal Licensing Agency would like to see them work with other stakeholders to develop a project that is acceptable … Read  

How to Balance Your Own Values in Negotiation

Posted October 27th, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

What are the best negotiation examples from real life? Imagine that you’ve been negotiating the sale of a property that is owned by your company. The buyer has made an attractive offer that you’ve tentatively accepted. Your boss is pleased with the terms as they stand, but suggests that you go back to the buyer … Read  

Negotiation Skills: Negotiation Strategies and Negotiation Techniques to Help You Become a Better Negotiator

Posted April 19th, 2015 by PON Staff & filed under Free Report.

Students who master business negotiation become better leaders. But it starts with building the right skills. And that’s where our latest free report comes in. In Negotiation Skills: Negotiation Strategies and Negotiation Techniques to Help You Become a Better Negotiator, you’ll learn: … Read  

Advanced Negotiation Strategies and Concepts: Hostage Negotiation Tips for Business Negotiators

Posted October 27th, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under Conflict Resolution.

Upset by a delay in the delivery of one of your products, a longtime buyer threatens to turn to the media unless you meet his extreme demands. Not only is the relationship in jeopardy, but your company’s reputation seems to be as well. What should you do? Turn to some tried and true hostage negotiation … Read  

Sales Negotiation Training: Essential Negotiation Skills for Sales Professionals

Posted April 19th, 2015 by PON Staff & filed under Free Report.

In this Special Report, we offer expert advice to help you close your most important sales negotiations. … Read  

Power in Negotiations: How to Maximize a Weak BATNA

Posted October 13th, 2022 by Katie Shonk & filed under BATNA.

In business negotiations, we tend to assume that it’s the more financially successful party that has an edge. But if that party has a weak BATNA, or best alternative to a negotiated agreement, it could be the seemingly weaker party that comes out on top. … Read  

How to Resolve Cultural Conflict: Overcoming Cultural Barriers at the Negotiation Table

Posted October 11th, 2022 by Katie Shonk & filed under Conflict Resolution.

After recently losing an important deal in India, a business negotiator learned that her counterpart felt as if she had been rushing through the talks. The business negotiator thought she was being efficient with their time. In this useful cross-cultural conflict negotiation example, how should this negotiator improve her negotiation skills? … Read  

10 Hard-Bargaining Tactics to Watch Out for in a Negotiation

Posted October 10th, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under BATNA.

Don’t be caught unprepared by hard bargainers, warn Robert Mnookin, Scott Peppet, and Andrew Tulumello in their book Beyond Winning. … Read  

Negotiation Training: What’s Special About Technology Negotiations?

Posted October 6th, 2022 by Lawrence Susskind & filed under Negotiation Training.

Executives are increasingly faced with the task of negotiating in a realm that many know little about: technology. … Read  

Negotiated Agreements: Why You Should Limit Your Options

Posted October 6th, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under Dealmaking.

A process of finding your counterparts interests and reconciling them with your own. But what if you or your counterpart presents a myriad of options and offers at the negotiation table? … Read  

Win-Win Negotiation Strategies for Rebuilding a Relationship

Posted October 4th, 2022 by Katie Shonk & filed under Uncategorized.

When negotiators come together after a period of mutual mistrust, it can be difficult for each side to reconcile their grievances with the other. Here are some strategies that others have used to bring bargaining counterparts together even after a long, contentious period of silence. … Read  

The Opposite of Autocratic Leadership Styles

Posted September 29th, 2022 by Alex Green & filed under Leadership Skills.

While the advantages and disadvantages of leadership styles are not always readily apparent, one thing is certain – being decisive while avoiding autocratic leadership tactics is necessary for successful leaders and negotiators alike. Navigating these treacherous waters can be extraordinarily challenging, but it can also give rise to creative decisions that help resolve disagreements in … Read  

Challenges Facing Women Negotiators

Posted September 27th, 2022 by Katie Shonk & filed under Leadership Skills.

On the average, women often obtain less favorable or advantageous outcomes at the bargaining table when compared with their male counterparts. … Read  

Aggressive Negotiation Tactics: Threats at the Bargaining Table

Posted September 27th, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under Daily, Negotiation Skills.

On August 3, 1981, 12,000 air-traffic controllers went on strike after negotiations with the federal government about wages, hours, and benefits broke down. … Read  

Six Strategies for Creating Value at the Negotiation Table

Posted September 22nd, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under Dealmaking.

In today’s market, consumers are often the more powerful parties in negotiations with sellers. To claim the most value in your next haggling experience, use the following six negotiation strategies. … Read  

The Star Wars Negotiations and Trust at the Negotiation Table

Posted September 20th, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

What is negotiation in business? Negotiation research has identified it as a process of building trust and negotiation tactics for building trust at the bargaining table have proven effective in helping negotiators create, and claim, more value out of dealmaking scenarios. … Read  

Dispute Resolution on Facebook: Using a Negotiation Approach to Resolve a Conflict

Posted September 20th, 2022 by Katie Shonk & filed under Dispute Resolution.

For several years, Facebook has been working with social scientists to bring traditional methods of dispute resolution to cyberspace. The site has begun to offer users tools to resolve disputes with one another over offensive or upsetting posts, including insults and photos. … Read  

Building Coalitions: Apple and the Art of Persuasion

Posted September 20th, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under Uncategorized.

Whether you have one of its ubiquitous products or even its rivals offerings, you most certainly have heard of Apple, the United States electronics giant whose phoenix-like rise to the top of the business world has inspired legions of fans and detractors alike. … Read  

3-D Negotiation Strategy

Posted September 13th, 2022 by James K. Sebenius & filed under Uncategorized.

Here are some negotiating skills and negotiation tactics from 3-D negotiation by James Sebenius and David Lax. … Read  

How to Use Tradeoffs to Create Value in Your Negotiations

Posted September 1st, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under Uncategorized.

How do expectations of fairness and reciprocity at the bargaining table impact negotiator decisions regarding the strategies and tactics they use at the negotiation table? … Read  

Expanding the Pie: Integrative versus Distributive Bargaining Negotiation Strategies

Posted August 29th, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under Uncategorized.

Imagine that you’re buying a used car from its original owner. Of course, you want to get the best deal you can for your money, while your counterpart wants to maximize the value of his asset. After haggling with one another, each side finally arrives at a price point acceptable to both parties. But how … Read  

Famous Negotiators: Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin

Posted August 29th, 2022 by Katie Shonk & filed under International Negotiation.

At a January press conference last year, German chancellor Angela Merkel dangled a carrot in front of Russian president Vladimir Putin: the possibility of a summit in Kazakhstan aimed at easing the Ukraine crisis, to be attended by her and the leaders of France and Ukraine. That carrot, however, was dangling from a significant string. … Read  

The Negotiation Process in China

Posted August 15th, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under International Negotiation.

With its booming economy and growing international consumer influence, the role of negotiation in international business is more important than ever and negotiation skills appropriate for China are in high-demand. Here are a few negotiation tips to help you successfully navigate your next round of business negotiations in China. … Read  

Negotiation Tactics for Bargaining with Difficult People: The Comcast Merger

Posted August 11th, 2022 by Katie Shonk & filed under Dealing with Difficult People.

If a competitive bargaining session shifts in a counterpart’s direction, your anger could send the wrong signals to your negotiation counterpart. In this instance, strong emotions portray desperation rather than strength. Here are some bargaining and negotiation tactics for dealing with difficult situations in relationships. … Read  

Negotiations, Gender, and Status at the Bargaining Table

Posted August 9th, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under Leadership Skills.

When it comes to different characteristics of negotiation styles, a growing body of research suggests that status consciousness varies depending on the gender of interested parties. … Read  

How to Overcome Cultural Barriers in Negotiation

Posted August 4th, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under International Negotiation.

Imagine that you’re the American representative of a U.S. food company, and you’re hoping to procure a new ingredient for several of your products from a German company. A representative from the company is flying in to meet with you. Do you expect your German counterpart to behave differently than the Americans you typically deal … Read  

The Importance of Relationship Building in China

Posted August 4th, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under International Negotiation.

Although most Americans treat those they know differently than they treat strangers, Chinese relationship building towards insiders and outsiders tends to be more extreme than in the United States – and therefore more important in negotiations in China than many Americans understand. … Read  

Negotiation Tactics for Managing Relationships

Posted July 28th, 2022 by Lawrence Susskind & filed under Business Negotiations.

When multiple parties gather to discuss issues, someone has to oversee the group’s efforts, or the process will descend into chaos or stalemate. … Read  

Negotiating Skills: Learn How to Build Trust at the Negotiation Table

Posted July 18th, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under Dealmaking.

In this article some negotiating skills and negotiation tactics for building trust with your counterpart are presented. … Read  

When Business Negotiation Tactics Fail

Posted July 14th, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

When business negotiation tactics fail to consider outside interests, especially in the case of international mergers, deals can fall apart quickly. Automakers Renault and Fiat Chrysler discovered this when they ignored other stakeholders in an ill-fated attempt at a deal. The idea of a merger was sparked because of tightening global competition and demand for new … Read  

How to Negotiate Mutually Beneficial Noncompete Agreements

Posted July 14th, 2022 by Katie Shonk & filed under Uncategorized.

If you’re looking to get more leverage out of your next job negotiation, the noncompete agreement that may very well be tucked inside your employment contract could provide an opportunity to achieve the mutually beneficial win-win situation you desire. … Read  

International Negotiations and Cognitive Biases in Negotiation

Posted July 12th, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under International Negotiation.

In discussing international negotiations and cognitive biases in negotiation, professor Cheryl Rivers of Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, highlights in a negotiation research literature review, seasoned negotiators often hear stories about the unethical behaviors of people of other nationalities. Perhaps the toughest problems arise surrounding what Rivers calls “ethically ambiguous” negotiation tactics and … Read  

What is Crisis Management in Negotiation?

Posted June 14th, 2022 by Katie Shonk & filed under Crisis Negotiations.

Organizations often establish elaborate business crisis management plans. Through a rapid, centralized response, an organization can shift swiftly and efficiently from day-to-day operations into crisis-management mode, whether that crisis involves a building evacuation, a tumble in the company’s stock price, or a product recall. … Read  

Dealing with Difficult People and Unethical Negotiation Tactics

Posted March 7th, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

The fallout from unfair and ill-advised negotiated agreements can reverberate for years to come, as the City of Miami learned from its 2009 stadium deal with former Florida Marlins owner Jeffrey Loria. The story highlights aspects of dealing with difficult people, including their threats, questionable claims, and other potentially unethical negotiation tactics. The Great Switcheroo Back in … Read  

Salary Negotiations in the NBA and Beyond

Posted January 24th, 2022 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

In negotiation, one great deal can beget another. For the National Basketball Association (NBA), its stellar 2016 national television contract begat dozens of stellar salary negotiations for top players and even mediocre ones. But after the boom year passed, players’ expectations bounced up against reality. The story, which could repeat itself after the next TV … Read  

Negotiating Salary: Confronting the Gender Pay Gap

Posted December 13th, 2021 by PON Staff & filed under Uncategorized.

In December 2014, leaks of data hacked from Sony Pictures revealed that when negotiating salary for their roles in the film American Hustle, actresses Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Adams came away with significantly less than their male costars in the ensemble cast. Lawrence and Adams were paid 7% of the film’s profits; Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, … Read  

New Negotiation Tactics for Your Multiparty Negotiation Toolkit

Posted December 9th, 2021 by PON Staff & filed under Dealmaking.

“Confessionals.” “Informal informals.” “Indabas.” Delegates from the 196 nations participating in the U.N. Climate Change Conference, held in Paris at the end of 2015, cycled through an eclectic variety of negotiating formats in their race to make binding commitments to lower greenhouse-gas emissions. According to media reports, the participants’ willingness to shake up the complex … Read  

M&A Negotiation Strategy: Dealing with an Unpredictable Counterpart

Posted October 18th, 2021 by PON Staff & filed under Dealing with Difficult People.

In the high-stakes world of mergers and acquisitions (M&As), negotiation missteps can amplify into disasters, and lucky breaks into triumphs. As a result, there is much that business negotiators can learn from stories of M&A negotiation strategy in the news. To take one case study, the 2015-2016 bidding war between hotel chain Marriott International and … Read  

Hardball Negotiation Tactics: Time Pressure in Major League Baseball

Posted August 2nd, 2021 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

Major League Baseball (MLB) games are known for their leisurely pacing. In recent years, off-season negotiations between teams and free agents have sometimes proceeded at a similarly glacial rate, to the consternation of players. Changing power dynamics have led teams to resort to hardball negotiation tactics, such as dragging out talks. As a result, players … Read  

When Hard-Bargaining Isn’t Enough

Posted June 28th, 2021 by Katie Shonk & filed under Dispute Resolution.

Leonardo da Vinci’s painting Salvator Mundi has long been shrouded in mystery. The 16th-century portrait of Jesus Christ periodically disappeared over hundreds of years before being mistakenly sold at auction as another artist’s work for just £45 in 1958. In 2005, art dealers purchased the damaged painting for approximately $10,000 in an estate auction. After … Read  

Deal-Making Don’ts: Lessons from Yahoo’s Tumblr Acquisition

Posted June 21st, 2021 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

On May 19, 2013, internet company Yahoo announced it was purchasing the blogging service Tumblr for about $1.1 billion in cash. The acquisition was intended to put a fresh face on the aging Internet company and provide it with a profitable revenue source. But those plans didn’t play out: In August 2019, Tumblr was bought … Read  

M&A Negotiation Tactics: In Discovery-WarnerMedia Deal, AT&T Tries, Tries Again

Posted June 14th, 2021 by Katie Shonk & filed under Business Negotiations.

It was a dramatic about-face. In mid-2018, AT&T finalized its $85 billion purchase of Time Warner after successfully fighting off U.S. government antitrust lawsuits. Just less than three years later, in May 2021, AT&T announced it was spinning off Time Warner, now known as WarnerMedia, after merger-and-acquisition (M&A) negotiations with media company Discovery. If approved … Read  

Bargaining in Bad Faith: Dealing with “False Negotiators”

Posted December 31st, 2020 by PON Staff & filed under Dealing with Difficult People.

We tend to forget—at our peril—that not everyone at the bargaining table wants to close a deal and may be bargaining in bad faith. Consider the following negotiations:

A competitor approaches you about a potential partnership. After a series of meetings that seemed promising, however, your counterpart stops returning your calls. You are left with the nagging … Read  

Test Your Negotiation Decision-Making Ability

Posted December 31st, 2020 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

A negotiation research study using distributive negotiation examples sheds interesting light on decision-making capabilities, intelligence, and “intuition.” … Read  

BATNA and Risky Negotiation Tactics

Posted December 8th, 2020 by PON Staff & filed under BATNA.

Your BATNA is your “best alternative to a negotiated agreement.” Expect that your negotiating counterpart has one going into a negotiation, and so should you. Below is a good BATNA negotiation example involving how to leverage your away-from-the-bargaining-table options and the risks inherent with such a negotiation strategy. … Read  

Negotiating for a Win Win Coalition at the Bargaining Table

Posted December 8th, 2020 by PON Staff & filed under Uncategorized.

If a pet project of yours is facing an up-or-down vote, negotiation can be a powerful tool to help sway the outcome in your favor. One example was New York governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s successful campaign to legalize same-sex marriage in the state, as described by Michael Barbaro in the New York Times. … Read  

Setting Standards in Negotiations

Posted December 3rd, 2020 by PON Staff & filed under Uncategorized.

As the starting point from which all commercial transactions occur, from purchasing equipment to setting salaries, negotiatiosn in business is an essential skill no matter what field a negotiator finds herself. Using an objective standard can strengthen your proposal and eliminate emotional bias. … Read  

Integrative Negotiations, Value Creation, and Creativity at the Bargaining Table

Posted December 3rd, 2020 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

When life becomes routine we are more likely to overlook details or, conversely, we cannot see the forest for the trees. In both instances, what we may lack is a creative outlook on the situation at hand. In negotiations, creativity can lead to value-creation for both parties. … Read  

Overcoming Cross-Cultural Barriers to a Negotiated Agreement: Negotiation Ethics and International Negotiations

Posted December 3rd, 2020 by PON Staff & filed under International Negotiation.

Cross cultural negotiation examples provide insights into how negotiation techniques change depending on the context in which negotiators find themselves. As Professor Cheryl Rivers of Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, points out in a recent negotiation research literature review, seasoned negotiators often hear stories about the unethical behaviors of people of other nationalities. … Read  

Negotiation in Business: Apple and Samsung’s Dispute Resolution Case Study

Posted November 30th, 2020 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

For two days in late May 2012, Apple CEO Tim Cook and Samsung CEO Gee-Sung Choi met with a judge in the U.S. District Court of Northern California in an attempt to reach a settlement in a high-profile U.S. patent case, a sobering example of negotiation in business. … Read  

How to Negotiate with Difficult People: International Negotiation, and a Refusal to Communicate

Posted November 30th, 2020 by Katie Shonk & filed under International Negotiation.

Business negotiators sometimes face the difficult question of whether to negotiate with someone they believe to be immoral, untrustworthy, or otherwise undesirable as a negotiating partner. In his book Bargaining with the Devil: When to Negotiate, When to Fight (Simon & Schuster, 2011), Program on Negotiation chair Robert Mnookin offers negotiation advice on the complex … Read  

Negotiating with Millennials – How to Overcome Cultural Differences in Communication

Posted November 24th, 2020 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

Negotiation training often focuses on bridging gaps between negotiators with different styles, backgrounds, or objectives, but what about overcoming generational barriers in negotiation? Generational differences need not stymie efforts at the bargaining table. In this segment from “Dear Negotiation Coach,” we explore how to overcome cultural differences in communication with members of the Millennial generation. … Read  

5 Types of Negotiation Skills

Posted November 19th, 2020 by Katie Shonk & filed under Negotiation Skills.

Businesspeople who are looking for effective negotiation strategies often confront a dizzying array of advice. It can be useful to take a step back and categorize these strategies into various types of negotiation tactics. Highlighting the benefits of negotiation in business, the following five types of negotiation tactics can help you think more broadly about … Read  

Employee Grievances: Are Most Legal Disputes Resolved in Litigation or Arbitration?

Posted November 12th, 2020 by PON Staff & filed under Dispute Resolution.

A common question asked is, “If most legal disputes are resolved in litigation, is there room for arbitration or mediation?” … Read  

Negotiation in Business: Ignore Sunk Costs

Posted November 12th, 2020 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

Think about what your house, condominium, or some other valuable asset might be worth in today’s market. Did the price you paid for it affect your answer? … Read  

Integrative Negotiations: Using Social Proof as a Business Strategy

Posted October 29th, 2020 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

What do we do when we’re uncertain about how to behave in business negotiations? We study the behavior of others in similar situations. … Read  

3 Team-Building Techniques for Successful Negotiations

Posted October 27th, 2020 by Katie Shonk & filed under Business Negotiations.

Newly formed teams are often encouraged or even required to engage in team-building techniques and exercises, which might range from volunteering at a nonprofit together to sharing little-known secrets about each other to building a tower out of marshmallows and spaghetti. Although such activities can be effective at building bonds and trust, they don’t do … Read  

In Group Negotiation, Avoid a Turf Battle

Posted October 15th, 2020 by Katie Shonk & filed under Business Negotiations.

In group negotiation, turf battles—heated conflicts over territory, control, rights, or power—are common. Department heads clash over scarce resources. Companies, community groups, and governments get tied up in lawsuits over undeveloped land. Across the globe, fishing groups have depleted fish stocks in their rush to catch the biggest share for themselves. … Read  

Negotiating Around a Bad BATNA

Posted October 8th, 2020 by Katie Shonk & filed under BATNA.

Don’t assume your public statements will win over a reluctant negotiator. Know when it’s best to move on and make the most of your current situation. … Read  

Price Negotiation Advice for Consumers

Posted October 6th, 2020 by Katie Shonk & filed under Business Negotiations.

It’s official: Price negotiations aren’t just for big-ticket items anymore. The prices of furniture, electronics, wine, jewelry, and other “medium-ticket” goods are now frequently up for discussion. The ancient art of haggling has made a comeback, so brush up on your skills with our six price negotiation tactics. … Read  

How Does Mediation Work in a Lawsuit?

Posted October 5th, 2020 by PON Staff & filed under Dealmaking.

No one likes to go to court. Not only is it expensive and time-consuming, but it often leads to frustrating results and damaged relationships. So, how does mediation work in a lawsuit and is legal mediation a better route? … Read  

The Good Cop, Bad Cop Negotiation Strategy

Posted January 7th, 2020 by Katie Shonk & filed under BATNA.

The good cop, bad cop negotiation strategy is common in sales negotiations and other competitive contexts. Learn to identify and defuse this persuasion ploy when it’s tried on you. … Read  

In a Price Negotiation, Should You Make the First Offer?

Posted October 21st, 2019 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

Imagine yourself in a dilemma that only a privileged few experience: You’ve fallen in love with a dazzling, one-of-a-kind home that’s on the market without a list price. Instead, the seller’s broker encourages you to name your price. You’re unsure how much to offer—yet desperate to win the prize.  Leaving the sale price off of a … Read  

Body Language in the Negotiation Process and the Impact of Gender at the Bargaining Table

Posted September 24th, 2019 by Katie Shonk & filed under Leadership Skills.

How important is body language in the negotiation process? Negotiators are often advised to engage in small talk before getting down to business. … Read  

Using Negotiation Games to Develop Skills for Commercial Dispute Resolution

Posted September 2nd, 2019 by Lara SanPietro & filed under Uncategorized.

Teach your students the art of negotiating for success with these great negotiation games. … Read  

10 Popular Business Negotiation Articles

Posted August 29th, 2019 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

Here are ten popular business negotiation articles on the Program on Negotiation website. Drawn from a variety of negotiation case studies as well as negotiation research, the following articles offer strategies for engaging in integrative negotiations aimed at creating win-win scenarios for each party at the negotiation table. 1. What is the Right of First Refusal? Rights … Read  

Crisis Negotiation Skills: The Hostage Negotiator’s Drill

Posted August 29th, 2019 by PON Staff & filed under Crisis Negotiations.

Here are some negotiating skills from the world of crisis negotiations: Hostage negotiators stress the importance of discussing the “drill”—goals, ground rules, and operating principles—with their team before beginning talks with a hostage taker. … Read  

Conflict Negotiation Strategies: When Do Employees Choose to Negotiate?

Posted July 29th, 2019 by PON Staff & filed under Dispute Resolution.

How does the desire to negotiate stack up against other workplace decision-making procedures? Negotiation seems to be the preferred decision-making mechanism when employees are seeking individually tailored solutions. … Read  

Hostage Negotiation Techniques for Business Negotiators

Posted July 15th, 2019 by Katie Shonk & filed under Crisis Negotiations.

What do FBI hostage negotiation techniques and business dealmaking have in common? Not a lot, we might assume. In workplace talks, lives are rarely at stake, and tensions seldom escalate into violence. Yet dig a bit deeper, and similarities emerge: just as in a crisis negotiation, business talks can be highly charged, unpredictable, and emotional. In … Read  

10 Great Examples of Negotiation in Business

Posted July 15th, 2019 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

A number of noteworthy disputes among businesses, organizations, and individuals made headlines in 2013 and demonstrate the importance of negotiation in business. … Read  

Hardball Tactics in Negotiation Increase with Rivalry

Posted April 22nd, 2019 by Katie Shonk & filed under Uncategorized.

Coke vs. Pepsi. Clinton vs. Trump. Apple vs. Samsung. The New York Yankees vs. the Boston Red Sox. Whether we work in business, politics, sports, or another arena, our competitors sometimes turn into fierce rivals. In addition, many sales, legal, and financial firms structure jobs, incentives, and promotion systems in ways that pit employees against one … Read  

How to Handle Difficult People—Including Your Rivals

Posted December 31st, 2018 by PON Staff & filed under Dealing with Difficult People.

One of the most common questions raised by businesspeople is how to handle difficult people. This question contains a hidden assumption: Faced with abrasive, competitive, and even unethical behavior, we view ourselves as being in the right and the other party as being wholly wrong. Yet it’s important to consider that, in our real-life conflict scenarios, … Read  

4 Negotiation Tactics Robert Kraft Used to End the NFL Lockout

Posted December 24th, 2018 by PON Staff & filed under Uncategorized.

Robert Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots, was by all accounts a major factor in getting the NFL collective bargaining agreement signed earlier in October 2011. To do so, Kraft employed four key negotiation tactics to help the players and owners come to a “win-win” solution. … Read  

How to Find the Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA) Between Friends

Posted August 13th, 2018 by PON Staff & filed under Uncategorized.

Finding the zone of possible agreement in negotiations can be difficult, especially when dealing with friends and family. We all know people who have “alligator arms.” When the restaurant check comes, they can’t manage to reach their wallets, or they quibble that they had the small tomato juice, and you had the large. … Read  

Bargaining at a Fever Pitch

Posted May 29th, 2018 by PON Staff & filed under Leadership Skills.

Have you ever won an auction only to realize later that you overbid for the prize? In competitive bidding situations, it’s easy to get carried away in the heat of the moment and overpay. The Boston Red Sox 2006 procurement of Japanese pitching phenomenon Daisuke “Dice-K” Matsuzaka offers a lesson in keeping cool in these … Read  

What is Dispute Resolution in Law: The Ins and Outs of Arbitration

Posted April 24th, 2018 by PON Staff & filed under Dispute Resolution.

A “one-shot” form of dispute resolution, arbitration is usually faster and cheaper than litigation. In addition, rather than being assigned a judge, parties are able to select their arbitrator. What is dispute resolution in law and how do alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods like arbitration operate inside and outside a courtroom? Here are some examples of … Read  

How a Bad BATNA Keeps Medicare Drug Prices High

Posted October 26th, 2017 by Katie Shonk & filed under Business Negotiations.

It’s Negotiation 101: to get what you want, you need to be able to make a credible threat to walk away from a subpar deal. And for your threat to be credible, you can’t walk in with a bad BATNA, you have to have a strong BATNA, or best alternative to a negotiated agreement. In … Read  

How to Break Through Barriers in Negotiation When Dealing with Difficult People

Posted September 14th, 2017 by Katie Shonk & filed under Dealing with Difficult People.

In negotiation, we sometimes face the dreaded task of asking difficult people, intimidating opponents, and otherwise daunting counterparts for a big favor. How can we close the deal when we can barely summon up the courage to talk to the person in the first place? … Read  

MESO Negotiation: Learn from a Seller’s Market

Posted June 26th, 2017 by Katie Shonk & filed under Dealmaking.

What negotiating skills can negotiators take away from hyper competitive bargaining situations? With home sales heating up (again) in some parts of the United States, homebuyers are facing competition they haven’t seen since before the real-estate bubble burst back in 2008, and it’s showing up in the form of packed open houses, multiple bids above … Read  

Top Business Negotiations: Michael Bloomberg versus the New York Teachers’ Union

Posted April 6th, 2017 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

Business negotiators seeking to resolve a dispute should foster a cooperative spirit, framing negotiations around gains rather than losses. And when negotiators are far apart, it may take a professional mediator or other independent party to help bridge the divide. … Read  

Negotiating Skills and Negotiation Tactics – Body Language in the Negotiation Process: Confront Your Anxiety, Improve Your Results

Posted February 16th, 2017 by PON Staff & filed under Uncategorized.

Body language, and how to monitor and interpret it, is a negotiating skill and negotiation tactic every effective negotiator should add to her skillset according to negotiation research. … Read  

Top International Negotiations: Canceled Talks Between the U.S. and Russia

Posted February 14th, 2017 by PON Staff & filed under International Negotiation.

On August 7, 2013, President Barack Obama canceled a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin scheduled for September of the same year in Moscow, citing a lack of progress on a variety of issues. … Read  

Conflict Negotiators Turn to Miss Universe

Posted February 6th, 2017 by Alex Green & filed under Leadership Skills.

Opening offers lie at the heart of any successful negotiation. Here are four negotiation fundamentals that any negotiator should take to heart. … Read  

Worst Negotiation Tactics of 2015

Posted November 10th, 2016 by Lara SanPietro & filed under Uncategorized.

Here are some of the worst negotiation tactics displayed during calendar year 2015 – from hard-bargaining, distributive negotiation strategies aimed at getting the whole pie to stonewalling strategies intended to stymy the development of a negotiated agreement. … Read  

Worst Negotiation Tactics of 2015

Posted November 10th, 2016 by Katie Shonk & filed under Uncategorized.

Here are some of the worst negotiation tactics displayed during calendar year 2015 – from hard-bargaining, distributive negotiation strategies aimed at getting the whole pie to stonewalling strategies intended to stymy the development of a negotiated agreement. … Read  

Projecting Power at the Negotiation Table

Posted November 2nd, 2016 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

Projecting power at the negotiation table is one tactic bargainers can employ to obtain their objectives in bargaining scenarios. In this article we examine Amy Cuddy’s research with regards to power, body language, and the impact they have on your negotiating skills and negotiation tactics. … Read  

How to Conduct a Mediation During Crisis Negotiations

Posted August 2nd, 2016 by PON Staff & filed under Mediation.

The most difficult peace negotiations in recent decades—in Ireland, the Middle East, the former Yugoslavia, and Sri Lanka—were plagued by a common enemy: violent disruptions by spoilers opposed to the peace process. In each of these cases, extremists stalled negotiations by creating security crises that divided public opinion and drove negotiators apart. … Read  

Conflict Management Training and Negotiation Research: How Nervous Energy Affects Negotiation Scenarios and Attempts at Conflict Resolution

Posted June 13th, 2016 by Katie Shonk & filed under Conflict Resolution.

Negotiation is often characterized as a physiologically arousing event marked by pounding hearts, queasy stomachs, and flushed faces. We might assume that heightened physiological arousal would mar our negotiation performance, but this is only true for some, researchers Ashley D. Brown and Jared R. Curhan of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found in a new … Read  

Contingency Agreement: The Risks and Pitfalls of Issuing Drafts

Posted June 7th, 2016 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

A draft agreement may allow you to control the early stages of talks, but be aware that it also can obstruct agreement in the long run. Putting a draft on the table may lock parties into bargaining positions prematurely, interfering with a search for common interests and creative options. … Read  

How to Avoid Intercultural Barriers: A Better Negotiation Map

Posted May 24th, 2016 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

How often have you heard that, when entering a negotiation, you should get your allies onboard first? Conventional wisdom, but not always the best advice. When the United States sought to build a global anti-Iraq coalition following Iraq’s 1990 invasion of Kuwait, for instance, Israel appeared to be its strongest regional ally. … Read  

With Patient Approach, FBI Steered Oregon Occupiers Toward Their BATNA

Posted March 10th, 2016 by Katie Shonk & filed under BATNA.

The 41-day armed takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon ended on February 11 when the last occupiers surrendered. Federal authorities in six states also arrested seven others accused of being involved in the occupation, according to the Associated Press. The standoff had begun when Ammon Bundy and his followers took over the … Read  

In Negotiations with Ben Affleck, No Appealing BATNA

Posted February 2nd, 2016 by Katie Shonk & filed under BATNA.

In negotiation, your best source of power is typically your best alternative to a negotiated agreement, or BATNA. Having a strong outside alternative enables you to walk away from a deal that doesn’t meet your needs or that would compromise your vision or ethics. But when you are dealing with a negotiating partner who seems irreplaceable, … Read  

Top 10 Celebrity Negotiations of 2015

Posted January 21st, 2016 by Katie Shonk & filed under Uncategorized.

Here are the top 10 celebrity negotiations from the year 2015. From integrative bargaining strategies to building bridges with counterparts in contentious talks, these negotiation scenarios demonstrate the effectiveness of collaborative, win-win negotiation tactics. … Read  

Top 10 Best Pieces of Negotiation Advice of 2015

Posted January 11th, 2016 by Katie Shonk & filed under Uncategorized.

Across politics, business, entertainment, and sports, negotiators reminded us that collaboration and close attention are needed to resolve disputes and reach innovative deals. 10. Searching the haystack. As reported this year, an unexpected break came in the U.S. Department of Justice’s investigation of large U.S. banks’ role in the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis after an … Read  

The Program on Negotiation’s Top Ten International Negotiations Posts

Posted October 5th, 2015 by PON Staff & filed under International Negotiation.

Whether dealing with difficult or hard bargainers like Putin or forging business partnerships, international negotiations are fraught with a level of complexity rarely encountered in everyday negotiations. Here are the top ten international negotiation articles on the Program on Negotiation’s website. … Read  

Negotiation Skills in Business Communication: Heading Off Deception

Posted July 29th, 2015 by PON Staff & filed under Business Negotiations.

In all types of negotiations and across all phases of the process, people can sometimes misrepresent or fail to tell the truth. Individual negotiators lie with the hope of improving their own outcomes. When negotiating his salary with the Cranbury, N.J.–based pharmaceutical marketing firm Carter-Wallace in 1997, Robert Bonczek misrepresented his prior title and salary … Read  

Negotiating Skills and Negotiation Tactics: Damage Control in Conflict Resolution

Posted July 20th, 2015 by PON Staff & filed under Conflict Resolution.

Framing in negotiation, and the negotiating skills and negotiation tactics that go behind effective bargaining, can help not only achieve a negotiator’s goals at the bargaining table, but also can anticipate the fallout or kickback received from parties away from the negotiation table. President Obama’s tax-cut negotiations with Senate Republicans in late 2010 offer cautionary … Read  

Tough Negotiation Tips from Jennifer Aniston?

Posted February 3rd, 2015 by Alex Green & filed under Uncategorized.

Fans of the television show Friends got a treat last month when Netflix made all 236 episodes of the blockbuster hit available to stream online. At first glance actors Lisa Kudrow, Jennifer Aniston and the rest of the star-studded cast might not be your first pick to peg as formidable negotiators, but at the height … Read  

What are the tactics in negotiation?

Negotiation tactics include any range of skills that a negotiator will employ during the course of negotiation in order to secure an objective. Some negotiators seem to believe that hard-bargaining negotiation tactics are the key to success.

What are the stages of negotiation?

6 stages of negotiation.
Preparation. Effective preparation helps you gather the necessary information prior to negotiation and can improve the quality of your negotiations. ... .
Open discussion. ... .
Clarification of goals. ... .
Negotiation. ... .
Agreement. ... .
Implementation of a plan..

What is the most important stage in the negotiation process?

Exchanging Information This is the single most important stage of negotiation.

What are the 7 steps of negotiation?

Seven Steps To Negotiating Successfully.
Gather Background Information: ... .
Assess your arsenal of negotiation tactics and strategies: ... .
Create Your Negotiation Plan: ... .
Engage in the Negotiation Process: ... .
Closing the Negotiation: ... .
Conduct a Postmortem: ... .
Create Negotiation Archive:.

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