Prefix is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file


When you have installed node.js on your OS but unable to run the npm commands, this blog will tell you how to fix this issue.

Let's get to it!

You might have already installed Node.js from the official website. with your respective OS. If you've not installed, click here.

  1. To make sure that you have node installed on your computer --
    Go to your drive (C:) -> Program Files -> you should find the node folder.

  2. Copy the folder path of node
    Click on the node folder. To copy the path, you can click on the drop down symbol, then use Ctrl+C on the path OR right click on the path and then click copy address.


  3. Change settings
    Go to Control Panel -> View advanced system settings

    In the Advanced tab -> click on Environment variables

    Under System variables, click on Path and then click on edit as shown in the picture below emoji

Click on New

In the new text field appeared, paste the folder path that you copied earlier and then click on OK

You're done!
Now, you will not get any errors.

Thank you for reading!🙌

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Tsc is not recognized as an internal or external command #

To solve the error "tsc is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file", install typescript globally by running npm install typescript@latest -g or prefix tsc with npx, e.g. npx --package typescript tsc --init.

One way to solve the error is to use the npx command with the --package flag.


# 👇️ generate tsconfig.json file npx --package typescript tsc --init # 👇️ show typescript version npx --package typescript tsc --version

Notice that we used the --package flag to specify the correct typescript package in the commands above.

Alternatively, you can install typescript globally by running the following command.


# 👇️ install typescript globally npm install typescript@latest -g # 👇️ generate tsconfig.json file tsc --init # 👇️ get typescript version tsc --version

Now you are able to use the correct tsc command without having to prefix it with npx and use the --package flag.

If the global installation of typescript fails, you might have to run the command prefixed with sudo.


# 👇️ If you got permissions error, run with sudo sudo npm install typescript@latest -g tsc --init tsc --version

If you are able to run the tsc --version command and get the version number of the typescript package, then the installation has succeeded.

If that doesn't help, run the following command:


npm config get prefix

The command will show you the path where npm puts your globally installed packages. The global packages will be in the bin directory at the specified path.

Look at the PATH environment variable on your operating system and add the path that the npm config get prefix command outputs, if it's not already there.

If you add the output from the command to your PATH environment variable, you have to restart any open command prompts before it takes effect.

If that didn't work, try to add the path to the bin folder (from npm config get prefix) to your PATH environment variable and restart your terminal.

For example, on macOS, you can update your path with the following command:


# make sure path matches with npm config get prefix export PATH=/usr/local/share/npm/bin:$PATH

And on Windows, the output of the npm config get prefix command will look something like: C:\Users\{Your_User_Name}\AppData\Roaming\npm.

If you are on linux, you can add the output from the npm config get prefix command to your .bashrc file.


# 👇️ make sure to update the path with the output # from the command export PATH="/usr/local/share/npm/bin:$PATH"

If you add the output from the command to your PATH environment variable, you have to restart any open command prompts before it takes effect.

If that doesn't help try to reinstall Node.js on your machine and then install typescript globally by running npm install typescript@latest -g.

During the installation you might get a prompt for whether you want to automatically update the PATH environment variable on your system, make sure to tick the option.


npm install typescript@latest -g tsc --init tsc --version

If the global installation of typescript fails, you might have to run the command prefixed with sudo.


# 👇️ If you got permissions error, run with sudo sudo npm install typescript@latest -g tsc --init tsc --version

Alternatively, you can see how you can fix the permissions error on this page in the official npm docs.

How do you fix make is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file?

If you already have MinGW installed in Windows 7, just simply do the following: Make another copy of C:\MinGW\bin\mingw32-make.exe file in the same folder. Rename the file name from mingw32-make.exe to make.exe . Run make command again.

How do you fix next is not recognized as an internal or external command?

About the Unrecognized Command npm run dev > dev > next dev 'next' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Good news, the solution is actually just to install the Next. js npm package.

How do you fix npm is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file?

npm is not recognized as internal or external command operable program or batch file. I figured out that node js is installed in C:\Program Files\nodejs. Opening a command prompt in this directory makes npm work fine.

Why is not recognized as an internal or external command?

The “not recognized as internal command” error usually occurs because the computer cannot find the executable file it is trying to start. However, you can provide the full path to your executable and then it should run without any problem. Launch a Command Prompt window on your PC.

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