Promotion involves telling customers about the right product available at the right place and _____.

Jones Organic Dairy wanted to inform its target customers about the purity of its milk. An advertising agency developed a newspaper ad. The ad showed pictures of happy cows and the ad copy that said the cows were not given certain medications and had adequate pen space. Research showed that parents (the target market) viewed the milk as healthier than nonorganic milk. Many responded by "liking" Jones Organic Dairy's Facebook page.

Match the step of the traditional communication process (on the left) with the details from this example (on the right).

(on the left) | (on the right)
Source | "Liking" the Jones' Facebook page
Encoding | Newspaper ad
Message channel | Parents thought the mild was healthy
Decoding | Pictures of happy cows
Receiver | Parents
Feedback | Jones Organic Dairy

(on the right)
"Liking" the Jones' Facebook page
Newspaper ad
Parents thought the mild was healthy
Pictures of happy cows
Jones Organic Dairy

Which of the following are examples of sales promotion activities aimed at final consumers or users check all that apply?

Examples of sales promotion aimed at final consumers include: contests; coupons; aisle displays; samples; trade show displays; point-of-purchase materials; banners and streamers; frequent-buyer programs; and sponsored special events.

What are the four basic methods of promotion?

Promotion looks to communicate the company's message across to the consumer. The four main tools of promotion are advertising, sales promotion, public relation and direct marketing.

Which of the following is an example of a sales promotion?

Examples of devices used in sales promotion include coupons, samples, premiums, point-of-purchase (POP) displays, contests, rebates, and sweepstakes.

What are the three basic promotion objectives?

There are three main promotional objectives: inform the market, increase demand, and differentiate a product.


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