Recent research suggests that the rise of political organizations came about in large part because


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POLS 2010

An institution can be defined as any organization or activity that is self-perpetuating and valued for its own sake
Politics is defined in the text as the struggle in any group for the power to make decisions for the larger group
What is deductive reasoning? the means by which we go from a hypothesis to studying evidence
What is inductive reasoning? the means by which we go from studying a case to generating a hypothesis
An example of selection bias? studying causes for the emergence of democracy by looking only at case studies where democracy emerged
Endogeneity refers to the problem of distinguishing cause from effect
Which of the following statements about the current institutional approach to comparative politics is accurate? it shares an emphasis on the importance of institutions with pre-1950s comparative politics research
A true comparative approach to politics only emerges with the work of Machiavelli
A major criticism of comparative politics at the turn of the twentieth century was that it was descriptive rather than explanatory
Modernization theory can be defined as the view that as societies develop, they will become capitalist democracies
In which of the following ways were behaviorialism and modernization theory similar? they both constituted new, more scientific attempts to study politics
Critics of the behavioral revolution accused it of which of the following? It had come to emphasize methodology over knowledge
One big rift within the study of comparative politics is quantitative versus qualitative research
Which of the following statements about game theory is accurate? it assumes rational, predictable behavior by individual human beings
Recent discussions of the future of comparative politics and political science have called for a greater connection to real-world concerns and contributions to the ideals of civic life
A greater focus on individual freedom is most likely to require a smaller state
A greater focus on collective equality is associated with greater government control and private economic assets
In which of the following ways can multicausality affect comparative politics research? it complicates the comparative method and makes it more difficult to develop concrete explanations about real-world phenomena
Which of the following is true of the work of most comparativists? When they expand study outside of a single country, they tend to limit their focus to a single geographic region
Political scientists, based on the work of Max Weber, define the state as an organization that maintains a monopoly of violence over a territory
Sovereignty is defined as the ability of states to carry out actions or policies within a territory independent of external actors of internal rivals
What phenomenon is most responsible for bringing the organization of the modern state into adoption by most of the world? imposition by European states through colonial dominace
Which of the following can be said about the concept of a regime? The differences between regimes are most likely to be unwritten and informal, though they can appear in written consitutions
Which of the following might be a characteristic of a state with low autonomy? a limited ability to disobey the public
The shorthand term for the combination of regime, state, and government is: country
Which of the following can be said about the relationships among states, regimes, and governments? States are more institutionalized than governments
Asymmetric federalism refers to a system in which power is divided unevenly between: regional bodies
Recent research suggests that the rise of political organizations came about in large part because: pre-state societies were extremely violent
The emergence of the modern state is closely tied to which of the following specific developments? the collapse of the Roman Empire
An institution that is recognized and accepted as right and proper by the public is seen as: legitimate
Which of the following lists Max Weber's three forms of political legitimacy? traditional, charismatic, and rational-legal
Which of the following statements about the development and spread of the modern state is accurate? China's inability to forge a powerful state structure before Europe led to its marginalization in world affairs for over a thousand years
The text suggests that the difficulty of amending the U.S. Constitution is evidence of the power of: traditional legitimacy
Which of the following characteristics is more likely to be seen in a unitary state than in a federalist state? limited local policymaking
Capacity can be define as the: ability of the state to wield power in order to carry out the basic tasks of providing security and reconciling freedom and equality
Devolution is a process by which states: move power from the central state to local levels.
Which of the following statements about Pakistan's slide toward state failure is accurate? Pakistan's lack of a central government at the time of formation may have contributed to its continued weakness
The United States is a good example of a state with: high capacity but low autonomy
Autonomy can be defined as the ability of the state to: wield power independent of the public or international actors
In case study research, one problem that can emerge is the choosing of only cases that match the expected results of the research question, or what is known as: selection bias
Which of the following could be considered a major challenge faced by political scientists in their use of the comparative method? the difficulty in controlling variables
The shift in comparative politics away from political institutions (such as legislatures and constitutions) and toward individual political behavior is known as the: behavioral revolution
The substance of politics is inevitably bound up in the struggle between: individual freedom and collective equality
Which of the following forms of research or data would more likely be used by a quantitative research study than by a qualitative research study? economic data
Best describes the current trend in comparative politics research? There is hopeful talk of moving away from models that describe politics, but much research in comparative politics remains descriptive and focused on a single country.
In which of the following ways does quantitative research differ from qualitative research? It favors a wider use of cases not restricted by area specialization
In which of the following ways did behavioralism differ from modernization theory? It was more of a method than a general hypothesis
Government can be defined as: the leadership that runs the state
In which of the following ways does a government built primarily on charismatic legitimacy differ from one based on traditional legitimacy? Charismatic legitimacy would likely be much shorter-lived
An endogenous explanation of early urbanization and state building would suggest that: early forms of political institutions developed simultaneously with early communities

What is the major event that led to the emergence of the political science?

Political science originated with the ancient Greeks in the first century BCE. During this time, the philosopher Plato wrote numerous dialogues about politics, asking about the nature of justice, what constitutes good government, and what is truly best for humanity.

Which of the following is most likely a reason for the emergence of the modern state in Europe rather than in another region?

Which of the following is most likely a reason for the emergence of the modern state in Europe rather than in another region? The development of the modern state in Europe was partly encouraged by: linguistic and ethnic fragmentation.

Which of the following statements best describes the current trend in comparative politics research?

Which of the following best describes the current trend in comparative politics research? There is hopeful talk of moving away from models that describe politics, but much research in comparative politics remains descriptive and focused on a single country.

Which of the following characteristics is more likely to be seen in a federalist state than a unitary state?

POLS 2010.


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