Research by Kandel and Schwartz on sea slugs indicates that memory formation is associated with the

118. Dramatic experiences that can trigger flashbulb memories are most likely to remainbright and clear in our conscious memories because they

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119. Research by Kandel and Schwartz on sea slugs indicates that memory formation isassociated with the

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120. A sea slug releases more serotonin in order to promote the process of ________necessary to learn a classically conditioned association.

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121. The increase in synaptic firing potential that contributes to memory formation is knownasA)priming.B)the encoding specificity principle.C)long-term potentiation.D)the serial position effect.

Question 119

Multiple Choice

Question 119

Research by Kandel and Schwartz on sea slugs indicates that memory formation is associated with the

A) structure of DNA molecules.
B) release of certain neurotransmitters.
C) activity level of the hippocampus.
D) development of the cerebellum.

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