The following sentence is true about the relationship between motivation and cultural diversity.

Which one of the following is MOST like a random sample for a class of thirty students

A coin is tossed in order to select students alternately one by one into the experimental groups.

An explanation of how we remember things that we have learned is called a

Which one of the following is an example of maturation? 

Gaining weight from age two to age three

All developmental theories have the following general principle in common

Piaget's basic blocks of thinking and memory are

The two processes involved in adaptation are

Assimilation and accommodation

The concerns of educational psychology are distinctive in that they

relate to improving learning and instruction

When studies are based only on observations, the result should be expressed as

A case study is an investigation of

one person or group over a specific period of time

The zone of proximal development is the area where students may solve a problem

A positive correlation between two factors indicates that the factors

are NOT necessarily related

Vygotsky's view of cognitive development differs from Piaget's in the importance and emphasis plays a person's 

interpersonal interactions

According to Woolfolk, between the ages of 11 and 14, girls are on average

taller and heavier than boys of the same age

According to the Urie Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Model of Human Development

the parent's work place (i.e., exosystem) influences the development of the child

Adults who were rejected as children tend to have

more problems than adults who had close friends when they were children

Sandra loves her daughter very much, but she believes parents should be very strict in communication in their expectations for their child's behavior. Sandra believes that even though her daughter is only five years old, she should be able to act in a mature manner in all settings. Sandra's rules may appear controlling to others, but they allow her to control her child's behavior. Sandra's parenting style is described as

According to Erikson, if a child fails to resolve a crisis at an early stage, the child is apt to

encounter problems with resolutions of later crises

Children experiencing the Eriksonian conflict of trust vs. mistrust are also in what Piagetian stage?

Which one of the following is the clearest example of Piaget's concept of assimilation?

Looking at a worm and thinking that it is a snake

Jeannie observed rocks sinking in water and said, "I already knew that. All rocks sink." Then she saw a piece of pumice floating on water and was told that pumice is rock. Several days later, she was asked again if rocks sink in water. She replied, "Well, most do." In Piaget's terms, which process did Jeannie use to draw this conclusion?

According to Piaget, people pass through the four stages of cognitive development

what of the following sayings best conveys a child's thinking before the notion of object permanence is acquired?

"Out of sight, out of mind."

In Piaget's theory, an understanding of object permanence is acquired during what period of development?

A teacher pours juice from a larger glass into two tiny glasses, and the child beams, happy now that he has "more juice." What cognitive stage (Piaget's theory) does the account best illustrate?

An increasingly influential view of cognitive development proposed by Vygotsky is based on 

In the above example involving Lisa, feeling ill at the prospect of going to the music class served a 

In classical conditioning, the conditioned stimulus the unconditioned stimulus must be 

in a contiguous relationship

A neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus that brings about an unconditioned response. Through repeated pairings of the neutral stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus, the 

conditioned stimulus will trigger a conditioned response

In an experiment, an electric can opener is used to open a can, and no salivation by the subject is detected. After a number of pairings between the can opener's operation and food, any time the can opener is used, the subject salivates. The conditioned response in this study is the

salivation to the can opener

The law of effect in Thorndike's theory of learning is related to the concept of

B.F. Skinner is to ___, as Ivan Pavlov is to ___.

operant conditioning; classical conditioning

Children who experience autonomy are likely to become more

Based on recent studies, which of the following children is likely to have the greatest difficulty with assessing the intention of others?

Enid, an aggressive three year old

Frank said, "If I were starving, I'd steal of loaf of bread, but it would be wrong and against the law." What level of moral reasoning does Frank demonstrate?

Andrea is driving home from the library at 2:00 in the morning. She stops for a red light and waits, even though no one is in sight. After looking again carefully in all directions, she drives across against the light. According to Kohlberg, what level of moral reasoning is reflected by Andrea's decision to cross the intersection?

Research has shown that students who watch others behaving aggressively

Behavioral theories of learning emphasize

During music class, Lisa enthusiastically sings aloud with her class, but the teacher comments, "Lisa please... you sound like an owl in a torture chamber." Lisa turns bright red. The next week she feels ill when it is time to go to music class again. Feeling anxiety at the prospect of going to music class is an example of 

Which one of the following statements is TRUE regarding the use of peer pressure in applying group consequences? Peer pressure

may be both a positive and a negative influence

In the cognitive approach to learning, learning

depends a great deal on individual perception

Cliff is good at solving math problems, but has difficulty solving problems in his computer class. His problem-solving ability in math represents what type of knowledge?

One of the educational implications of sensory memory is that

attention is necessary if children are to remember information

Bottom-up processing refers to the way people examine a new stimulus for

The basic purpose of chunking as a memory strategy is to

reduce the amount of information to be stored in the working memory

Operant conditioning differs from classical conditioning by

focusing on the consequences of voluntary behavior

A consequence is defined by Skinner as a reinforcer or a punisher depending on whether it

increases or decreases the frequency of the behavior that it follows

Mr. Lynch always uses his "mean" face to stop undesirable behavior in his first-period class. However, even though he looks at Tommy with his mean face each time Tommy talks out of turn, Tommy is talking out of turn more and more frequently. For Tommy, the mean face is apparently a 

Removing a aversive stimulus to increase the frequency of a behavior exemplifies

The essential difference between negative reinforcement and punishment is that

punishment decreases the behavior while negative reinforcement increase it

During math lessons, Ms. Olson continually observed Jim reading stories from his English anthology. She has probably found

an effective reinforcer for Jim

The Premack Principle states that

a preferred activity is a reinforcer for a less-preferred activity

Rory learned about divergent rays in physics class when he was studying the effects of lenses. Later, in class, he immediately understood the concept of "divergent thinking." What learning experience did Rory have?

Which one of the following statements is TRUE?

Metacognitive knowledge and skills can be learned and improved.

The main difficultly that occurs when students are too quick to decide what a problem asks is that they

activate an inappropriate schema

You remember that, when you lost your billfold last semester, campus security found it for you. The next morning you decided to call campus security. The method used to solve this problem is called a(n)

Means-end analysis in problem solving involves

distance reduction and dividing a problem into subgoals

Hernando looked at the problem and exclaimed: "Aha! this is just like when Ahab was obsessed with the great white whale, Moby Dick!" This comment is the result of

Learning by observing others is 

an effective way to learn new knowledge and skills

Greg ponders over a math problem. He looks, frowns, and several minutes pass as he continues to study and shuffle his papers. All at once, he smiles, picks up his pencil, and writes down the correct answer. The suddenness of Greg's solution best exemplifies

Creativity is thought to be associated directly with what type of thinking?

Which one f the following people illustrates the best example of creative behavior?

Sheryl generates a list of solutions for the recycling problem.

Overlearning is the process of practicing a skill

past the point of mastery, such that retention is improved

Which one of the following ways of learning an applied skill is most consistent with a constructivist approach?

Use realistic materials and a group format to provide support for individuals

The principal characteristics of constructivist teaching are complex, real-life learning environments and 

social negotiation and shared resposibility

According to Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory, peers

can serve as important models and facilitate student learning

Ms. French would like to have her students, while experimenting with their own structured materials, discover some key principles of gravity. Which one of the following teaching methods should be most appropriate for this purpose?

Which one of the following behaviors is one of the teacher's roles in problem-based learning?

Help students to reflect on their investigations.

Which one of the following elements does NOT define a true cooperative learning group?

Cooperative learning involves the following:

Elaboration, interpretation, and argumentation

Students benefit most from cooperative learning experiences are those who

are active in explaining things to others

The five elements of cooperative learning listed by David and Roger Johnson include positive interdependence, individual accountability, group processing, collaborative skills and

face-to-face interactions

Which one of the following students is playing the role of reflector in a cooperative learning group?

Gary makes sure that the group is aware of its progress or lack of progress toward the group goal.

In their writing group, Aron has become the expert on how to write an introductory sentence. When students teach other students about the part in which they have expertise, they are engaged in what type of cooperative learning structure?

Bandura challenged and expanded his early work on behavioral conceptions of learning by focusing on 

According to Bandura's theory of self-efficacy, the most important and influential source of self-efficacy information comes from

In Bandura's social cognitive theory, the interaction among personal factors, environmental events, and behaviors is called

triarchic reciprocal causality

According to Bandura, expectations are part of which one of the elements that comprise reciprocal causality?

Which one of the following quotes is an example of high self-efficacy?

"I am usually good at math, so I will do well in this class."

Erin is a fifth-grade teacher who has a high degree of efficacy in teaching. Consequently, Erin will most likely

try harder when students have learning difficulties 

Research on self-efficacy and achievement suggests that school achievement is improved and self-efficacy is increased when students

receive rewards or their reinforcements based n the quality of their performances 

Which one f the following theories places the greatest emphasis on presenting models so that students can be observing others complete a task?

When failure does occur, self-regulated learners are LESS likely to 

In addition to academic learning skills, self-regulated learners have

good self-control abilities 

Woolfolk suggests the following strategy for teachers in an effort to involve parents in supporting self-regulation within their child:

Ask families to keep records in support of students' self-evaluation of progress

What are the steps involved in self-regulated learning?

Analyzing the tasks, setting goals, devising plans, enacting strategies

Which one of the following is NOT an essential component of emotional self-regulation?

Solving problems independently rather than asking for help when needed

What is the difference between mental health problems and mental health disorders?

Mental health problems are distressing enough for students to seek help, but disorders are severe enough that they result in diagnoses.

John is a student who is giving you a hard time. He has a low IQ, experiences developmental delay, and physical illnesses. These are risk factors for:

Child neglect is defined as

chronic failure of a parent's ability to provide or take care of a child

According to the Safe Schools Act, it is the mandated reporter's responsibility to report the following to their principal except

any possession of 'offensive materials'

Third grade student Elizabeth is always on time to school. Appropriate clothing, no physical signs of abuse. However, Elizabeth's interactions with her peers are overtly physical affectionate. What kind of abuse could this behavior signal?

John often came to class with bruises. After seeing this occur throughout the year, Mrs. Dillon reported this. After investigation, there were no signs of physical abuse. Parents tried to press charges for falsely accusing them of cause. Which law or clause protects Mrs. Dillon from this charge?

As a mandated reporter, you have many responsibilities. If you have reasonable belief that a student is being abused and decided a report is necessary, you are legally required to

make sure the report is made either through your principal or by you directly

Mental illness may develop as a result of

Which of the following is NOT associated with burnout?

The teachers' lounge in you building is an unpleasant place for you and causes stress, because of this you decide to find another place to eat your lunch during the week. This is an example of avoiding stress by

changing your environment

A red flag for a student aged 13-18 is

As a researcher, you are able to effectively report child abuse and are mandated to do so

Which one of these is NOT an indicator that a student suffers from mental health issues?

Lack of attention in the classroom

As a mandated reporter a teacher

has to legally report any signs of abuse or report even if they only hear of abuse

Which of the following elements affect mental health?

On the Sunday afternoon, Rick spent a couple of hours picking up discarded bottles and cans from picturesque section of the wildlife refuge, even though he knew he would not get paid anything for his efforts. Rick's motivation is best described as being

Being interested in a task because the activity is enjoyable is what type of motivation?

Externally imposed reward systems seem particularly appropriate for students who are 

not interested in the subject

According to behavioral theory of motivation, students are motivated primarily by a 

desire to gain reinforces for their behavior

Which one of the following statements is the most accurate definition of motivation?

An inner state that arouses, directs, an maintains a person's behavior

Harry is apathetic and certain that he is not able to do the work. He makes poor marks in school and is not inclined to seek help. According to attribution theory, Harry is typical of students who attribute their failures to causes that are

internal, stable, and uncontrollable 

Dennis often cons his best friends into letting him use one of their papers from last semester his assignment in psychology this semester. In terms of goals, what type of learner does Dennis appear to be?

Which one of the following notions is consistent with the idea that "practice makes perfect"

Incremental view of ability

Learned helplessness often causes the following three types of deficits

Motivational, cognitive, and affective

As reported by Woolfolk, the debilitating effects of anxiety are viewed to be due to

attention being diverted from the learning task to a preoccupation with one's feelings

Cindy faces every classroom situation in exactly the same way; she develops sweaty palms a rapid heart beat. Cindy is likely to be helped most by

The following sentence is TRUE about the relationship between motivation and cultural diversity

When minority students have culturally relevant materials, they can be more motivated to learn, and teachers are more likely to "catch and hold" their situational interest 

A student's motivation for learning is heavily influenced by his or her perceived

Good teachers explicitly state how the information to be learned will benefit their students and the future career or for life outside of work and school. Thus, good teachers regularly remind students of the ___ of what they are to learn.

What type of test would provide the most useful information for the following question: "Are students making satisfactory progress in learning the metric system?"

Paper-and-pencil exercises, direct observations of performances, development of portfolios, and creation of artifacts are all methods of 

Which one of the following student outcomes is MOST likely to be the result of a criterion-referenced assessment tool?

Ben answered 10 out of 12 questions correctly

The most important attribute of a norming sample is that if should be 

similar to future test-takers

The validity of any test is related directly to the 

If a thermometer measured an oven's temperature as 400 degrees for five days in a row when the temperature was actually 350 degrees, this measuring instrument would be 

The connection between validity and reliability can be best expressed by the statement that validity

requires but cannot be assured through reliability

When you write multiple-choice items, you should use

stems that present a single problem

The relationship between the standard deviation and test scores is that the larger the standard deviation, the 

greater the variability in the distribution

The standard deviation is a measure of 

the spread of scores around the mean

A percentile rank score of 70 means that the student

scored as well as or better than 70 percent of all the test-takers

What is the major issue underlying high-stakes testing?

An increased dependence on standardized tests for decision making

On the midterm, Ms. Gomez' first-period class had a mean of 79.5 and a standard deviation of 5. Her third--period class had a mean of 81.7 and a standard deviation of 17. Given only this information, what inference can be made?

The third period is more difficult to teach than the first period

Which one of the following quotations MOST clearly represents the concept of stereotyping?

"People from that region just aren't ambitious."

What group of people has the most stereotyped notions of gender roles?

According to research evidence, which of the following statements about gender differences is TRUE?

Public school teachers tend to interact more with boys than with girls

Differences between males and females in cognitive abilities are

considered to be very small and insignificant 

What types of learning approaches would be the most helpful in eliminating gender bias in the classroom?

Balance competitive and cooperative approaches

In applying our knowledge of the differences in mathematical abilities between boys and girls, we should remember that

differences are based on averages, not on individual students

When a student is struggling with sexual identity, what are the correct order of steps should you go through to help them out?

Listen, affirm, refer, address, follow-up

Which of the following situations most accurately depicts the current "math-gender" stereotype?

A female students fails to complete an arithmetic assignment and offers an excuse that "Girls don't do math."

What are some precautions you can take so that your classroom does not become gender bias over the course of the year?

Check for equal opportunities for both sexes in school activities 

Gender-role stereotyping begins around the age of ___?

Which of the following situations depicts gender bias?

Ms. Smith encourages her students to agree with a history textbook that favors the differing roles of men and women in the 1950s.

When thinking about ethics, in what circumstance is it appropriate for a teacher to break a student's confidentiality?

In class, Micah threatened two of his classmates today. This is not the first time he has acted out and today he told you that he has been feeling angry and violent lately, particularly toward those two students.

Your colleague Julian comes to you and tells you that he has just helped a student cheat on a test by changing some of this answers. what is the ethical thing to do in this situation according to the NEA Code of Ethics?

Turn him in because this is harming the student's learning

As teachers, we have an ethical obligation to be confidential. In all of these instances it is necessary to reveal information, except when:

Principal or parents request it

Which of the following is not an example from the general code of ethics?

All of the following are acceptable means to break Student-Teacher Confidentiality EXCEPT:

This term is known as a system of principles of conduct that guide the behavior of an individual 

The application of broad belief principles and specific rules to the problems that arise in professional practice is which of the following?

Applied professional ethics

Frankie overhears one of his coworkers gossiping to a student about another student's personal troubles. Frankie was very concerned but before he acted irrationally he decided to review and apply the steps in ethical problem solving in order to find the correct solution to this problem. He has already explained the parameters of the situation, what step does he need to take next?

Define the potential ethical (and legal) issues involved

Which of the following examples IS included in the 8 step ethical problem-solving model?

Make the decision and monitor the consequences 

Which one of the following notations is consistent with the idea that practice makes perfect?

Which one of the following notions is consistent with the idea that "practice makes perfect"? self-determination.

Which one of the following factors is an element of the instructional aspect of instructional conversations?

Which one of the following factors is an element of the instructional aspect of instructional conversations? face-to-face interactions.

Which one of the following is not an essential component of emotional self regulation?

Ch. 11.

Which one of the following statements is an assumption of the Learning Sciences?

Which one of the following statements is an assumption of the learning sciences? Learning is more than receiving information from teachers and texts. Which one of the following elements does NOT define a true cooperative learning group?


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