The network of nerves that connects the mind and the body is called the Quizlet

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Terms in this set (115)

complex of nerve tissues that controls the activities of the body

The central nervous system

network of nerves outside the brain that serve sensory and motor functions

The peripheral nervous system

long cylinder of nervous tissue extending from the medulla to the first lumbar vertebra

The spinal chord

division associated with skeletal muscle voluntary control of body movements

The somatic nervous system

division that directs activity of the glands, organs, and smooth muscles of the body

the autonomic nervous system

division that coordinates arousal

sympathetic nervous system

division responsible for rest and energy storage

parasympathetic nervous system

term meaning toward the front


term meaning toward the rear


term meaning toward the top


term meaning toward the bottom


term referring to structures on the same side of the midline


term referring to structures on opposite sides of the midline


term meaning toward the midline


term meaning away from the midline


space within the brain that contains cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)


small midline channel in the spinal cord that contains cerebrospinal fluid

central canal

area of neural tissue primarily made up of myelinated axons

white matter

area of neural tissue primarily made up of cell bodies

gray matter

involuntary action or response


structure consisting of the hindbrain and midbrain


structure located in the metencephalon that participates in the management of states of consciousness


structure located in the metencephalon that participates in balance, muscle tone and muscle coordination


most caudal part of the hindbrain


structure in the diencephalon that processes sensory information and participates in learning and memory


structure found in the diencephalon involved in hunger, thirst, sexual behavior, and aggression


pea-sized body connected to the hypothalamus and serves as a major source of hormones

pituitary gland

collection of nuclei within the cerebral hemispheres that participate in the control of movement

basal ganglia

set of brain structures that participate in emotional behavior, motivated behavior, and learning

limbic system

structure deep within the cerebral hemispheres involved with the formation of long-term declarative memories


almond-shaped structure in the rostral temporal lobes responsible for fear perception


"hill" on the convoluted surface of the cerebral cortex


wide band of axons connecting the right and left cerebral hemispheres

corpus callosum

system consisting of neurons embedded in the lining of the gastrointestinal system

enteric nervous system

primate tribe, of which humans are the only surviving members


animal that possess a true brains and spinal cord


species of modern humans

homo sapiens

A structure located at the top of the head can be described as being _______________________________ relative to the rest of the head.

dorsal or superior

Where would we look for the interstitial nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus, which are relevant to sexual orientation in humans?

Toward the front of the hypothalamus

Between which two layers of the meninges do we find circulating cerebrospinal fluid?

arachnoid membrane and pia mater


three protective membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord (nervous system)

Cerebrospinal fluid is produced within the ventricles and circulates through the central canal of the spinal cord and the subarachnoid space.


Hydrocephalus cannot be treated, and it inevitably leads to intellectual disability.


Your patient experienced a stroke involving the middle cerebral artery of the left hemisphere. What types of problems might you expect to see as your patient recovers?

Language difficulties

Which of the following systems are part of the peripheral nervous system? Please select all that apply.

Somatic nervous system Parasympathetic nervous system Sympathetic nervous system

Sympathetic nervous system


Parasympathetic nervous system

Rest Repair digest

Somatic nervous system

Sensation and Movement


Head and neck




Lower back and legs

Sacral and coccygeal

Inner legs and genital area

The spinal cord is capable of managing simple reflexes without input from the brain.









Cranial nerve nuclei, heartrate, breathing


States of conscious awareness

Raphe nuclei

Sourse of seritonin

Locus coeruleus

Source of noraepinepherine


Balance motor control

Substantia nigra

voluntary movement

Periaqueductal gray


Superior colliculus

visual reflexes

Inferior colliculus

auditory reflexes

Red nucleus

posture motor control

Which of the following are functions of the hypothalamus? Please select all that apply.

Regulation of autonomic nervous system Regulation of endocrine system Regulation of thirst

Which of the following functions are associated with the thalamus? Please select all that apply.

Consciousness, Learning and memory ,Sensory processing

Which of the structures in the basal ganglia is particularly related to addiction?

Nucleus accumbens

Anterior cingulate cortex


Septal area



Memory and stress


Assessing threat

The cerebral cortex is a thin, six-layered covering of the convolutions of the cerebral hemispheres.



Processing and movement






Audition and object recognition

The lateral sulcus divides the primary motor cortex from the primary somatosensory cortex.


People who are asked to switch languages as they name objects show extra activation in the orbitofrontal cortex.


There are four commissures in the human brain, and the largest is the corpus callosum.


For most people, which of the following processes are localized to the left hemisphere? Please select all that apply.

Language Mathematical computation Logical reasoning

Some cranial nerves have only sensory OR motor functions, while others do both.


Which of the cranial nerves is important to emotional expression?

Cranial n. VII

The vagus nerve (Cranial nerve X) is important to our understanding of the gut--brain axis.


The ventral roots of the spinal nerves carry motor information to the periphery.


In a mixed spinal nerve, individual fibers can carry both sensory and motor information.


In most cases, the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems are not active at the same time.


Which of the following characteristics are associated with the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system? Please select all that apply.

Release of norepinephrine

The enteric nervous system includes a very small number of neurons.


Epinephrine is used both as a brain neurochemical and as a neurohormone released from the adrenal glands.


Oxytocin and vasopressin are essential to human bonding behaviors but have no other significant functions.


The human brain has changed dramatically over the past 10,000 years due to agriculture and urbanization.


Homo sapiens co-existed and interbred with other hominin species, including the Neanderthals and Denisovans.


Blond hair alleles might have benefited from natural selection due to the ability of associated light skin to process Vitamin D from sunlight.


True brains are found in both vertebrates and invertebrate


Which of the following is true of chordate nervous systems? Please select all that apply.

The nervous system runs along the dorsal surface of the animal. The nervous system is centered in the head. The nervous system is protected by bone.

Which of the following structures experienced the greatest relative growth over the course of chordate evolution? Please select all that apply.

Cerebellum Cerebrum

Change in the human brain has occurred much faster than typical evolutionary changes occur.


An important factor driving the increase in human brain size is our need to process the social environment.


The costs associated with larger brains are likely to make further growth less likely.


choroid plexus

produces CSF (cerebrospinal fluid)

pathway of CSF

forms in choroid plexus --> third ventricle --> Aqueduct --> fourth ventricle --> subarachnoid space (then reabsorbed by veins at top of head)

CSF functions

-cushioning and shock absorption
-chemical protection
-circulate nutrients and remove wastes

Jake is trying to memorize the anatomical directions for his physiology quiz so he is associating his body parts with the various terms. Which of the following should he remember to be VENTRALLY located relative to the rest of his body?

His stomach and the underside of his chin

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is secreted within the ventricles of the brain via the _____, which converts material from the nearby blood supply into CSF.

choroid plexus

Although the brain makes up only about 2% of your body weight, it requires about ____ of the blood pumped by the heart.


vertebral column

The bones of the spinal column that protect and enclose the spinal cord.

anatomy of spinal cord

consists of 31 segments
8 cervical nerves - head, neck, arms
12 thoracic nerves - chest, heart, lung
5 lumbar - lower back and legs
5 sacral - back of legs and genitals
1 coccygeal nerve - most caudal part of spine

Which of the following is not a function of the spinal cord?

Initiating planned movements

Sylvia is about one month pregnant. At this point, her embryo's brain would feature all of the following divisions except the ____.


The cerebral cortex is convoluted, which means it has a wrinkled appearance. When we describe the features of these convolutions, an especially large _________________ can also be referred to as a ________________.

fissure; sulcus
explanation - The texture of the cerebral cortex is like a mountain chain. The "hills" are the gyri, the "valleys" are the sulci. A large sulcus is called a fissure.

As he has gotten older, Mr. White has developed diabetes. Since he doesn't visit his doctor regularly to properly manage the diabetes, he has lost much of his hearing. His doctor believes that the diabetes has resulted in permanent damage to his cranial nerve _____.


Ms. Brown was startled by some loud thunder. Soon after, her heartbeat and breathing rate sped up and she felt hot. Which division of the nervous system would have been responsible for these symptoms?

Sympathetic nervous system

Which of the following is not considered a factor that contributed to the rapid increase in hominin brain size?

Being predominantly right-handed

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What network of nerves connects the mind and body?

The central nervous system (CNS) is made up of the brain and spinal cord. It is one of 2 parts of the nervous system. The other part is the peripheral nervous system, which consists of nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body. The central nervous system is the body's processing centre.

What is a network of nerves called?

The nervous system is a complex network of nerves and cells that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to various parts of the body.

What part of the nervous system allows for communication between the body and the brain and spinal cord?

The nervous system uses tiny cells called neurons (NEW-ronz) to send messages back and forth from the brain, through the spinal cord, to the nerves throughout the body. Billions of neurons work together to create a communication network.


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