The political model of decision making is , and its fundamental underlying assumption is that:

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When a decision is routine and it can be made by following rules or policies it is known as a decision?

1. Programmed Decisions: They are otherwise called routine decisions or structured decisions. The reason is that these types of decisions are taken frequently and they are repetitive in nature.

When the classical model of decision making is said to be normative This means quizlet?

manager beliefs about what ideal decision making should be. It is considered to be normative, which means it defines how a decision maker should make decisions. 1. The decision maker operates to accomplish goals that are known and agreed upon.

When the classical model of decision making is said to be normative this means?

The classical model of decision making is considered to be normative, which means that it defines how a decision maker should make decisions. It does not describe how managers actually make decisions so much as it provides guidelines on how to reach an ideal outcome for the organization.

Which model of decision making tells managers how they would make decisions in an ideal world?

The administrative model of decision making is a descriptive model. the ideal world. Which of the following decision-making models is based on the belief that human behavior is often imperfect? Who was one of the first experts to develop the administrative model of decision making?


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