Was ist der unterschied ecto 1 und 1a

fans, unite! After a lengthy delay from the originally scheduled premiere in July 2020, the wait is almost over for

movie lovers

. The new Ghostbusters: Afterlife movie is set to hit theatres on Nov. 11 of this year.

All the anticipation waiting for the new movie got us wondering, what exactly happened to the iconic Ghostbusters Ecto-1 car? We did some digging, and we’re very excited about the answers we found about this

classic car

(hint: you’ll be seeing the original make a reappearance in this fall’s upcoming film!)

Quick refresh: What is the Ghostbusters Ecto-1?

The Ghostbusters Ecto-1 is one of the most iconic movie cars ever, right up there with the DeLorean DMC-12 time machine from Back to the Future. The Ecto-1 is a 1959


ambulance, built by the Miller-Meteor company, according to



The car is giant, coming in at nearly 21 feet long, 8 feet high, 7 feet wide and weighing close to three and a half tons. Plus, it has a 6.3-liter V8, an air suspension system, and 320 horsepower. There is plenty of room in the Ecto-1 to fit the Ghostbusting squad (and would they even be able to fight ghosts without it?!)

Where is the Ghostbusters Ecto-1 today?

After its initial appearance in the original Ghostbusters movie, the Ecto-1 has appeared in every remake ever since. The car was redone for Ghostbusters II, then modified again for the 2016 film Ghostbusters: Answer the Call.

But, it hasn’t always been the exact same car that appeared in the 1984 film. When production started for the original film, the team began work on two identical 1959 Cadillacs. One of those Cadillacs became the iconic Ecto-1 in the 1984 film, while the second was just used as a prop throughout the movie.

Unfortunately, during the filming of Ghostbusters II the original Ecto-1 stopped running. Luckily, production still had access to the second Cadillac, and that effectively became the Ecto-1A. The two cars look almost identical except for a few small changes, and only true Ghostbusters fans were able to spot the difference.

The Ecto-1A was used for the remainder of Ghostbusters II filming, and again in the 2016 film, but for the upcoming 2021 film, the Ghostbusters team has a surprise up their sleeve.

Will the Ecto-1 make a reappearance in the new film?


How to Know if a Mechanic is Taking Too Long With Car Repairs

Yes! The original Ecto-1 has been


and restored at Cinema Vehicle Services in North Hollywood and will be featured in this year’s new movie after taking a hiatus from the last few films.

Car and Driver

reports that the new Ghostbusters: Afterlife trailer reveals not only will the original Ecto-1 be back, but so will members of the original Ghostbusters cast. Sigourney Weaver announced last summer that she would be featured in the remake as her original character, Dana Barrett. Other original cast members Dan Aykord and Bill Murray will also be featured in the Ghostbusters: Afterlife film.

To make a long story short, the Ecto-1 is back and, hopefully, better than ever. We could all use a healthy dose of


right about now.

CadillacClassic Cars

Alexandra Maloney

Alexandra Maloney is a freelance writer covering a wide range of topics. She recently graduated from the University of Richmond where she majored in journalism and minored in business. Some of her favorite things include sushi, yoga, reading, and rocky road ice cream.

Was für ein Auto ist der ECTO

Basis für den Ecto-1 aus dem ersten Ghostbusters-Film ist ein 1959er Cadillac Miller Meteor Ambulance.

Wie lang ist der ECTO

Unter der Motorhaube sorgt ein Monster-V8-Motor mit 390 Kubikzoll (6,4 Liter) für temperamentvolle Fahrleistungen. Und bei einer Länge von 6,4 m (21 Fuß) gibt es im Inneren jede Menge Platz für eine schaurige Ausstattung.

Wie heisst das Auto der Ghostbusters?

Und unter einer Plane taucht er dann auf: der legendäre 1959er Cadillac Ecto-1, der schon den Geisterjägern im 1984er-Originalfilm als Dienstwagen diente. Er basiert auf einem 1959er Cadillac-Miller-Meteor-Krankenwagen und gehört heute zu den bekanntesten Filmautos.


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