What amount of Cr angle is required for the PA axial Transaxillary projection Bernageau method?

What is the CR angulation for a Scapular Y?

What is directly superimposed over the "Y" on the PA oblique (Scap Y) projection?

Which projection clearly demonstrates the glenoid cavity?

How many degrees is the body rotated for the AP oblique projection (Grashey method) of the shoulder joint?

35 to 45 degrees toward the affected side

How many pounds of weight should be affixed to each wrist for the AP projection of the AC joint?

Where are the weights affixed for the AP projection of the AC joints?

The AP projection of the AC joints places the joints at an increased OID. What is the recommended SID to compensate for this distance?

For an AP projection of the clavicle, the IR should be centered to the level of the:

The central-ray angle for an AP axial projection of the clavicle when performed on a patient in the supine position is:

How is the arm positioned for an AP scapula?

abducted 90° angle, forearm flexed

For the lateral projection of the scapula, the body is placed in what position?

When the patient is positioned properly for a lateral view of the scapula, the body of the scapula will be:

Perpendicular to plane of IR

The central-ray angulation for a lateral scapula is:

The clavicle is classified as a:

The scapula is claffified as a(n):

The rounded head of the humerus fits into an oval depression on the lateral aspect of the scapula called the:

Inferosuperior axial projection (Lawrence method)

How far should the arm be abducted for an inferosuperior projection of the shoulder joint?

How should the humerus be positioned for an inferosuperior axial projection of the shoulder joint?

The Scapular Y is what type of projection and what is the position?

PA Oblique Projection; LAO or RAO

What is the PA oblique projection of the shoulder (Scap Y) performed to evaluate?

For the PA oblique projection (scapular Y) of the shoulder, the body is rotated so that the midcoronal plane is how many degrees from the IR?

The lesser tubercle is situated on what surface of the humerus?

What position of the hand shows the humerus in external rotation?

Which position of the hand places the humerus in neutral rotation?

palm of the land against the thigh

Which position of the hand will place the humerus in internal rotation?

back of the hand against the thigh

What is the central-ray angulation for the AP oblique projection (Grashey method) of the shoulder joint?

A lateral projection of the shoulder and proximal humerus is demonstrated in the :

Transthoracic lateral (Lawrence)

The projection of the shoulder demonstrated in the figure above is the:

inferosuperior axial (Lawrence)

A Hill-Sach's defect is a:

wedge shaped compression fracture of articular surface of the humeral head

When the tangential projection of the intertubercular groove is performed with the patient supine, the position of the hand is:

In the AP projection of the shoulder with external rotation of the humerus, the epicondyles are:

If the patient places the palm of the hand against the thigh, the humerus will be in:

If the patient places the back of the hand against the hip, the humerus will be in:

if the patient supinates the hand, the humerus is in:

On an AP projection of the shoulder with the humerus in internal rotation, what is shown "in profile"?

The lesser tubercle is in profile medially

On an AP projection of the shoulder with the humerus in external rotation, what is shown "in profile"?

The greater tubercle is in profile laterally

On an AP projection of the shoulder with the humerus in neutral rotation, what is shown?

the greater and lesser tubercles are superimposed

When the arm cannot be moved or rotated, what can be used to obtain a lateral projection of the shoulder?

Transthoracic lateral projection, Lawrence method

Where should the center of the IR be positioned for a lateral projection of the shoulder?

Which of the following are routinely performed as an AP projection of the shoulder?

Internal, external and neutral rotation

In order to demonstrate the greater tubercle of the humerus on an AP projection of the shoulder, the epicondyles must be:

parallel with the plane of the IR

The IR size commonly used for an AP projection of the shoulder is:

For an AP projection of the shoulder the CR should be directed:

For an AP projection of the shoulder, the central ray should enter:

1 inch inferior to the coracoid process

Where is the central ray directed for a lateral projection of the humerus?

The respiration phase for an AP projection of the scapula to blur out the lungs and ribs is:

Which of the following must be clearly demonstrated on an AP projection of the humerus?
1.) elbow joint
2.) glenoid cavity
3.) shoulder joint

For a transthoracic lateral projection of the shoulder, lung detail may be blurred to better visualize the shoulder area. Which exposure time is recommended to blur the lung structures?

What structure is in lateral profile for a Scapular Y projection?

For an AP projection of the clavicle, the IR should be centered to the level of the:

Which of the following projections can be used to demonstrate the clavicle?
1.) AP or PA
2.) AP axial
3.) PA axial

Respiration phase for AP projection of the scapula?

Slow shallow breathing to obliterate the lung detail

For dilineation of the coronoid process and acromion of the scapula in a lateral projection, the arm can be positioned:

Extend arm upward and rest the forearm on the head

How much is the body rotated for a lateral projection of the shoulder?

All of the joints of the shoulder girdle are:

synovial- freely moveable

Which projection best demonstrates the supraspinatus outlet region?

Scapular Y lateral (Neer method)

When the Fisk modification is used for the tangential projection of the intertubercular groove, how is the patient positioned?

When the fisk modification is used for the tangential projection of the intertubercular groove, the vertical humerus is placed at an angle of:

Which rotation of the humerus will result in a lateral position of the proximal humerus? 

What medial CR angle is required for the inferosuperior axial shoulder (transaxillary method) projection?

What additional manuever must be added to the inferosuperior axial shoulder (transaxillary method) projection to best demonstrate a possible Hill-Sach's defect?

exaggerated external rotation

Where is the CR directed for the Grashey method?

CR is perpendicular to IR centered to scapulohumeral joint, which is approx 2" inferior and medial from the superolateral border of the shoulder

How much posterior CR angulation is required for the supine version of the tangential projection for the intertubercular (bicipital) groove?

10-15 degrees posterior from horizontal

Which shoulder projections can be performed using a breathing technique?

Proper name for the AP apical oblique axial projection of the shoulder is the ________  method.

An AP apical oblique projection for an anteriorly dislocated scapulohumeral joint will project the humerus _____________ to the glenoid cavity.

Which projection of the shoulder requires that the patient be rotated 45-60 degrees towards the IR from a PA position?

Scapular Y or the Neer method

Which projection best demonstrates signs of a Bankart lesion?

Which projection best demonstrates the coracoacromial arch?

Which pathology requires a decrease in manual exposure factors?

impingement syndrome, osteoporosis & ostearthritis

18. How much additional CR angulation is required for an asthenic patient for an AP axial projection of the clavicle?

10 to 15 degrees more than patients w/ thick shoulders & chest

Where is the CR centered for an AC joint projection on a single 14x17 IR?

Midpoint between the AC joints, 1 inch (2.5 cm) above jugular notch

A radiograph of an AP axial projection of the clavicle demonstrates that the clavicle is within the midaspect of the lung apices. What should the technologist do to correct this error?

Increase the CR angle cephalad for the repeat. 

A radiograph of an AP axial projection of the clavicle demonstrates that the clavicle is within the midaspect of the lung apices. What should the technologist do to correct this error?

Increase the CR angle cephalad for the repeat. 

What is a common radiographic sign for impingement syndrome of the shoulder?

35. What type of CR angle is required for the superoinferior axial projection (Hobbs Modification)?

There is no CR angle for the Hobbs Modification.

36. What is the common term for idiopathic chronic adhesive capsulitis?

For an AP projection of the shoulder the CR should be directed:

For a transthoracic lateral projection of the shoulder, lung detail may be blurred to better visualize the shoulder area. What exposure time is recommended to do this?

If the patient cannot be positioned properly, the CR angle for the transthoracic lateral projection is sent to _____________.

CR 10 to 15 degrees cephalad

Scap Y is performed to show:

Two exposures are commonly made of the AC joints—one without weights and one with weights. How are the weights applied?

In order to elevate the clavicle above the ribs and scapula for the AP axial projection, the phase of respiration should be ________.

What is the correct respiration phase for AP projection of the scapula?

Slow shallow breathing to obliterate the lung detail

How is the arm positioned for an AP scapula?

abducted at a 90° angle, forearm flexed

For the lateral projection of the scapula, the body is placed in what position?

If the patient is positioned properly  for a lateral projection of the scapula, the body of the scapula will be ________ to the IR.

A hill-sachs  defect is a:

A radiograph of the inferosuperior axial projection (transaxillary method) demonstrates the acromion process of the shoulder should be located most ___________.

A patient comes into the ER with a possible right AC joint separation. Will the tech be able to X-ray the patient with a possible broken clavicle?

Which projection would you perform for a patient with possible subacromial spurs? 

In addition to an AP scapula which projection would complete the the study for a possible midwing fracture?

The most common dislocation of the shoulder is the:

How much must the CR be angled for a patient unable to raise their arm when shooting a Transthoracic Lateral Shoulder?

Which projections would best demonstrate the intertubercular groove?

Tangential Projection- Intertubercular Groove
Fisk Modification

Which of the following bones connects the upper limb to the trunk?
1.) clavicle
2.) scapula
3.) humerus

Which of the following bones makes up the shoulder girdle?
1.) humerus
2.) scapula
3.) clavicle

How much Cr angulation is required for the AP axial projection?

Chapter 6.

What type of CR angle is required for the Superoinferior axial projection Hobbs modification?

35. What type of CR angle is required for the superoinferior axial projection (Hobbs Modification)? There is no CR angle for the Hobbs Modification.

What type of CR angle is required for the apical AP axial projection?

Central ray: The central ray should be directed to the scapulohumeral joint perpendicular to the image receptor. For an AP Axial, a cephalic angle of 35 degrees.

What Cr angle is required for the AP axial projection Alexander method for AC joints?

In the Alexander method (AP axial projection), which is superior in delineating abnormalities of AC joint, the CR is directed to the coracoid process at a cephalic angle of 15°.


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