What are expected findings in a client with alcohol use disorder What are withdrawal symptoms?

  • School Herzing University
  • Course Title NU 449
  • Uploaded By muggerpie
  • Pages 1
  • Ratings 100% (13) 13 out of 13 people found this document helpful

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1.What are the expected findings in a client with an alcohol use disorder? Whatare the withdrawal symptoms?

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2.A client comes to the clinic exhibiting symptoms of agitation, sweating,confusion, hyperreflexia, tachycardia, and ataxia the day after starting a newprescription for citalopram. What syndrome is the nurse suspect is occurring?

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3.A nurse is caring for a client who has become aggressive. What is the priority

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Antidepressant, nurse suspect

Which symptoms are associated with alcohol use disorder?

Signs and symptoms include sweating, rapid heartbeat, hand tremors, problems sleeping, nausea and vomiting, hallucinations, restlessness and agitation, anxiety, and occasionally seizures. Symptoms can be severe enough to impair your ability to function at work or in social situations.

What are manifestations of alcohol withdrawal that the nurse should monitor for?

Signs and symptoms indicating or consistent with alcohol withdrawal include hand tremors, poor appetite, chills, cravings for alcohol, muscle cramps, irritability, labile mood, palpitations, odor of alcohol, disorientation, tachycardia, hypertension, fever, mood changes, slurred speech, impaired gait, poor dexterity, ...

What are three 3 manifestations of alcohol withdrawal the nurse should be aware of when managing care of this client?

Symptoms and signs of AW include mild to moderate tremors, irritability, anxiety, or agitation, among others. The most severe manifestations of withdrawal include delirium tremens, hallucinations, and seizures.

What is withdrawal syndrome list any two symptoms?

Withdrawal symptoms: Abnormal physical or psychological features that follow the abrupt discontinuation of a drug that has the capability of producing physical dependence. In example, common opiates withdrawal symptoms include sweating, goosebumps, vomiting, anxiety, insomnia, and muscle pain.


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