What are the five things you must consider when you taking care of an elderly?

Taking care of your aging parents is a great gift that you can offer in life. While it is the norm for children to take care of their seniors in some cultures, it’s not so throughout the world. Some younger family members don’t wish to take care of the elderly while others just don’t have the time or opportunity.

In recent years, social change has observed a proliferation of nursing homes and retirement villages and elderly people either choose to live on their own or to be cared for by a home care provider like Extra Hand In-Home Care. If you choose to take care of your aging parent, there are some points to keep in mind. When you are much younger, it may not be an easy undertaking. However, with understanding and patience it can really be a rewarding experience for you and your loved one.

Elderly People are Slower

Keep in mind that seniors may not have the ability to move. Consider that your aging parent can be slower to act and react. You must be patient with his slowness and foresee circumstances where there can be dangerous situations to which he cannot act or react as quickly as you do.

Think About Mobility Aids

What you thought as being easy when it comes to moving around and completing various tasks are unlikely to be so for your aging parent. He may not have the same coordination or stability as you do. Mobility aids will make the life of your elderly parent more bearable and ease a number of the inconveniences for you.

Make His House Safe

Elderly people are prone to accidents for various disease- and age-related reasons. It’s important to take some measures to make his house safer to live and function within. This can spare your parents from pain and debility. In fact this can even prevent death. Falls are very common cause of injuries that may not be simple to overcome with your parent’s impaired healing.

Ensure Proper Nutrition

Your aging parent may not like to eat what you like and not able to eat certain foods. Giving him the right nutrition is not only about offering for his taste preferences. He may have difficulty in swallowing or chewing. Also, he may experience loss of appetite and may not be able to prepare meals for himself. By choosing foods that are convenient to prepare, nutritious and preferential to him, you can be sure he gets the nutrition he needs.

Medical Care Help

A trip to his doctor can be a difficult task for your aging parent. Make sure he has resources for both medical care and non-medical home care in Rancho Cucamonga CA and assist him accordingly.
Who is taking care of your senior loved one? Share us your stories in the comments below.

When adult children are caring for elderly parents in the home, it requires a lot of time and dedication. This is why it is important for adult children to discuss options for care with their parents ahead of time. It does not matter whether you decide to move your parents into your home, or choose to visit them in their home; certain steps should be followed to ensure that they are living in a safe environment. It is not easy to care for the elderly, and this type of situation can be stressful for caregivers and patients. However, once you have and your family has learned the basics, you will be better prepared for the task.

Inspect the Home

The first thing that you should do is inspect the home to see how safe it is. Take the time to assess different hazards such as the fall risk that may increase due to loosely fitted rugs that can slip underneath the feet. Seniors may have trouble navigating cluttered rooms or hallways. Also check all of the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in the home to make sure they are working properly.

Install Grab Bars

These bars are essential in any home where an elderly patient resides. When you are caring for elderly parents, install grab bars in the bathroom near the toilet and bathtubs or showers to prevent slips and falls.

Install Non-Skid Pads

Caregivers should also install non-skid pads in the bathing area of the bathroom to prevent elderly parents from falling. In addition, caregivers should unplug any electrical appliances that people use in the bathroom until ready for use. Caregivers should also keep them away from any sources of water.

Install Nightlights

Furthermore, caregivers should install nightlights in strategic areas around the home. Placing nightlights in the hallway and in the senior’s bedroom will help your elderly parent get around the home without having to turn on overhead lights. Nightlights can also be placed in the bathroom, kitchen and living room areas.

Hire a Caregiver to Assist Your Elderly Parent

If you or other family members are not able to care for your elderly parent on a regular basis, you can hire professional caregivers who will be able to provide assistance to your parent. They are qualified to prepare meals, do laundry, light housekeeping and other small tasks around the home. Caregivers are also skilled and experienced with assisting elderly clients with personal care needs.

Caring for elderly parents can overwhelm adult children. However, when you follow the tips listed, you will help prepare your parent and the home for effective in-home care. For help with in-home care contact Evergreen Private Care today.

What are 5 recommendations you would make to an elderly person to maintain their environment safe and healthy?

Download PDF checklist on Home Safety..
Improve the lighting. Make sure all areas in the home are properly lit. ... .
Check floors and furniture. Move items to make it easier to reach them. ... .
Make your kitchen safer. ... .
Set up a medical-response system. ... .
Prevent accidents in the bathroom and toilet. ... .
Keep emergency numbers at hand..

What are 3 values important to caring for the elderly?

Treat clients with respect and privacy at all times. Do the right thing even when it's not acknowledged by others or convenient for you. An individual with integrity is honest and keeps their word even when it's difficult. Having compassion gives us the ability to want to approach and care for other people.

What are the most important needs of an elderly?

The basic needs include financial security, personal security and safety, health care and health challenges, mental health, and self-actualization.

What are the six principles important in treating older adults?

In the care of the elderly patient, eleven essential principles should be considered: (1) the role of the physician as the integrator of the biopsychosocial-spiritual model; (2) continuity of care; (3) the bolstering of the family and home; (4) good communication skills; (5) a sound doctor-patient relationship; (6) the ...


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