What area of the brain goes through significant development during the adolescent years quizlet?



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Human Growth and Development

Terms in this set (45)

Lucia is 14 years old. What developmental stage is Lucia in?


During the adolescent growth spurt, boys and girls show significant increases in height. What is the average increase in a year for boys and girls respectively?

4.1 inches and 3.5 inches

There are great individual differences in the timing of puberty, but on average girls and boys enter puberty, respectively, at what ages?

11-12 and 13-14

The age of menarche varies according to all of the following factors EXCEPT ____________________.

sexual activity

Since the 19th century, the age of menarche in the U.S. has been undergoing a secular trend. What is the average age of menarche today, and what was it a century ago?

11-12 today and 14-15 a century ago

Adolescents often have emotional reactions to the physical changes occurring in their bodies. For example, among U.S. girls today, menarche is typically accompanied by ____________________.

increased self-esteem

Palma is an early-maturer, and the rest of her friends are late-maturers. According to the text, which statement is most likely to be TRUE about Palma's experience?

She will endure ridicule from her less mature classmates

Which of the following is the term for a severe eating disorder in which individuals refuse to eat, while denying that their behavior and appearance, which may become skeletal, are out of the ordinary?

anorexia nervosa

What percentage of adolescents is considered overweight?


This area of the brain goes through significant development during the adolescent years, and is not fully developed until around the early 20s.

prefrontal cortex

If a person is called or known as a "garbage head," that means that the person ____________________.

will try anything, especially any kind of drug

_______ of eighth graders say they have been drunk at least once in their lives.

About 20%

Virginia assumed that because she saw a few conspicuous examples of alcohol use on campus, everyone was drinking. This is known as the _____________ effect.

false consensus

Of the various sexually transmitted infections (STIs), the most deadly is _______, and the most common is _______.


The only foolproof method of avoiding sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is ____________________.

abstinence from sexual intercourse

According to Piaget, the stage at which people develop the ability to think abstractly is called the ________ stage.

formal operational

Given the statement "If you hit a glass with a feather, the glass will break," and the information "Debbie hit a glass with a feather," what type of thinking will a child need to use to answer the question, "What happened to the glass?"

propositional thinking

While Piaget proposed that formal operational thought is not fully settled in until around 15 years of age, evidence suggests that some people never fully employ formal operational thinking. Studies show that only _____ of college students and adults achieve formal operational thinking.


How does the culture in which they are raised affect how adolescents use formal operations?

If everyday life does not require or promote a certain type of reasoning, it is not likely that people will use such reasoning when confronting a problem

Adolescents' general intelligence is measured by ____________________.

traditional IQ tests

Fifteen-year-old Luther is a good judge of how much time he will need to study for a test. He is also a good judge of how well he has learned material. This demonstrates Luther's ____________________.

metacognitive ability

Fifteen-year-old Ashley was very upset when her parents refused to let her spend a weekend at the beach with her friends. She believed that no one had ever been treated this badly, no one had ever experienced the hurt she felt, and no one could understand what she was going through. Ashley's reaction is an example of ____________________.

a personal fable

Which scenario best exemplifies the concept of imaginary audience?

Maria believes that everyone is staring at her pimple while she sits in class

Freddie tends to see the world in terms of how it affects him. When his father was sick, he worried about how he would get to baseball practice. Freddie is exhibiting ____________________.


Tasha does not worry about drinking and driving because in her ________ she is a careful driver, always in control.

personal fable

In 2005, approximately what percent of seniors reported average grades of A+ to A-?


Over the past decade, independent measures of achievement, such as SAT scores, have not risen, but overall grades in school have risen significantly. The most likely explanation for this is that ____________________.

instructors have become more lenient, awarding higher grades for the same performance, a phenomenon known as grade inflation.

Data on school achievement indicate significant disparities among ethnic and racial groups. Which of the following groups is likely to demonstrate the greatest academic achievement?

Asian American

The No Child Left Behind Act, passed by Congress in 2002, requires that every ____________________.

U.S. state design and administer achievement tests that students must pass in order to graduate from high school.

Dropping out of high school has economic consequences. What is the unemployment rate for high school dropouts, and how much do they earn compared with high school graduates?

50% unemployment; 42% less earnings

Compared with younger children, adolescents are more likely to use a _______ perspective when describing their self-concepts.


Girls' self-esteem tends to be more concerned with _______ than boys' self-esteem.

physical appearance

Some developmentalists have considered the combination of race and gender as simultaneously affecting an adolescent's self-esteem. They refer to this as ____________________.


Which of the following statements is accurate regarding self-esteem during adolescence?

Adolescents of higher socioeconomic status (SES) have higher self-esteem than those of lower SES, particularly in middle and later adolescence

According to critics, Erik Erikson's perspective toward identity development is biased because it ____________________.

is based on male-oriented concepts of individuality and competitiveness

Which of the following U.S. societal views holds that individual cultural identities should be assimilated into a unified culture?

cultural assimilation model

Which of the following statements concerning depression in adolescents is accurate?

An adolescent who experiences the death of a loved one or grows up with an alcoholic or depressed parent is at higher risk for depression

Adolescents seek _______, defined as independence and a sense of control over their lives.


The balance of power in the relationship between parents and the adolescent tends to become more _______ toward the end of adolescence.

balanced and egalitarian

Fourteen-year-old Janie and her parents are deeply divided in their attitudes, values, aspirations, and world views. This illustrates a phenomenon known as the ____________________.

generation gap

Adolescents and their peers provide each other with opportunities to engage in _______, a process of comparing and evaluating opinions, abilities, and physical changes in ways that parents and other adults cannot provide.

social comparison

At Springfield Middle School, some students are considered "nerds" and others are considered "jocks." Each of these is an example of a ____________________.


As they grow more confident of their own decisions, adolescents become less likely to conform to ____________________.

pressure from both peers and parents

Adolescents who are gay or lesbian find it difficult to date because of all the following EXCEPT ____________________.

They do not fully accept or understand their own sexuality or sexual preference.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the pregnancy rate of teenagers is _______ births per 1,000.


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Match the term below with its correct definition. depressant A. breathing interruption that occurs during sleep B. the inability to sleep C. drug that increases the activity of the nervous system D. drug that slows the activity of the nervous system E. a system that provides information about something happening in the body F. sleep stage characterized by irregular breathing increased blood pressure, and faster heart rate G. method some people use to try to narrow their consciousness so that stresses of the outside world fade away H. a state of consciousness in which a person's sense of self or sense of the world changes I. awareness of things inside and outside ourselves J. the removal of a harmful substance from the body K. after a person takes a drug for a while, the body craves it to feel normal L. a feeling of great happiness or well-being

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What is the area of the brain that undergoes considerable development during adolescent years?

The development and maturation of the prefrontal cortex occurs primarily during adolescence and is fully accomplished at the age of 25 years. The development of the prefrontal cortex is very important for complex behavioral performance, as this region of the brain helps accomplish executive brain functions.

In which area of the brain does significant development occur during adolescence quizlet?

- Most brain changes during adolescence occur in the frontal regions.

What changes occur in the brain during teenage years quizlet?

The growth of the brain during adolescence is caused by a rapid increase in the total number of neurons. total number of neurons does not change much throughout adolescence. Much of the increase in the weight of the brain during adolescence is due to an overall increase in connecting dendrites of the neurons.

What effect does the development of the prefrontal cortex have on teenage behavior quizlet?

Research indicates that the prefrontal cortex, or the area of the brain that assists in controlling impulses and emotion, may not be fully mature in teenagers. The frontal lobe may not fully develop until around the mid-20s. Thus, adolescents may be more likely to engage in risky behavior or to be impulsive.


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