What conclusion can you draw about the evolution of the anolis lizards based on these figures?

How do anole lizards evolve?

Note the lizard's toe pads. Over just 20 generations in 15 years the green anoles evolved larger toe pads equipped with more sticky scales to allow for better climbing (photo 2). The change came after the invasive brown anoles (photo 3) forced them from their ground-level habitat into the trees in order to survive.

What type of evolution does an ecomorph of anoles represent?

Anole ecomorphs have become famous as an example of convergent evolution, the repeated evolution of similar traits in independent lineages.

What is convergent evolution Anolis lizards?

That's because the anoles are an extraordinary example of convergent evolution—where different living things independently acquire the same adaptations to the same challenges. For example, each island has an anole that lives among twigs.

What might best explain why anoles on the island of Puerto Rico evolved in different niches of the forest?

The anoles display resource partitioning because each species is separated into several different niches based on their body characteristics. For example, the longer legged anoles were on the ground because their long legs make it easier for the anoles to navigate the ground and large trunks.


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