What does this cartoon suggest about the Progressive Party explain the ways in which the cartoonist expresses his opinion?

The cartoon suggests that the Progressive Party will fix the social problems of poverty and child labor, and will lead people to a free, fair, and just society. The cartoon suggests that the Republican and Democratic Parties do not know how to fix these social problems. The cartoonist expresses his opinion by showing a Progressive Party leader carrying a child and leading people representing workers, the poor, the elderly, and women who want the right to vote toward liberty, justice, and equality. The cartoonist also labels the dark corridors to the left and right of the Progressive Party "Democratic Blind Alley" and "Republican Blind Alley."

What message is the cartoonist sending by portraying the monopolists?

What message is the cartoonist sending by portraying the monopolists as larger in size than the senators? Common people's rights to government have been taken over by monopolists.

What is the cartoonist suggesting about the Standard Oil trust?

The cartoon is saying that the Standard Oil Company is taking over the oil company and branching out to the Government.

Who is the man pictured in the political cartoon 2 Why is he putting bags of money in the Supreme Court Building 3 What is the meaning of this political cartoon?

It was drawn during the height of Rockefeller's power and wealth. The cartoon shows Rockefeller as a giant, completely in control of the Supreme Court, as he is apparently putting bags of money inside the building.

Which congressional action led to the Southern viewpoint expressed in this cartoon?

Which congressional action led to the Southern view point expressed in this cartoon? Military occupation of the former confederate states. What was a common purpose of the three amendments added to the US constitution between 1865 and 1870?


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