What is the data which include alphabets combination of alphabets spaces and numbers called?

A Black-headed gull ringed with an alphanumeric plastic ring that makes it easier to read from a distance.

Alphanumericals or alphanumeric characters are a combination of alphabetical and numerical characters. More specifically, they are the collection of Latin letters and Arabic digits. An alphanumeric code is an identifier made of alphanumeric characters.

Merriam-Webster suggests that the term "alphanumeric" may often additionally refer to other symbols, such as punctuation and mathematical symbols.[1]

In the POSIX/C[2] locale, there are either 36 (A–Z and 0–9, case insensitive) or 62 (A–Z, a–z and 0–9, case-sensitive) alphanumeric characters.

Subsets of alphanumeric used in human interfaces[edit]

When a string of mixed alphabets and numerals is presented for human interpretation, ambiguities arise. The most obvious is the similarity of the letters I, O and Q to the numbers 1 and 0.[3] Therefore, depending on the application, various subsets of the alphanumeric were adopted to avoid misinterpretation by humans.

In passenger aircraft, aircraft seat maps and seats were designated by row number followed by column letter. For wide bodied jets, the seats can be 10 across, labeled ABC-DEFG-HJK. The letter I is skipped to avoid mistaking it as row number 1. In Vehicle Identification Number used by motor vehicle manufacturers, the letters I, O and Q are omitted for their similarity to 1 or 0.

Tiny embossed letters are used to label pins on an V.35/M34 electrical connector. The letters I, O, Q, S, and Z were dropped to ease eye strain with 1, 0, 5, 3,and 2. That subset is named the DEC Alphabet after the company that first used it.

For alphanumerics that are frequently handwritten, in addition to I and O, V is avoided because it looks like U in cursive, and Z for its similarity to 2.

See also[edit]

  • Alphanumeric brand names
  • Alphanumeric shellcode
  • Alphanumeric keyboard
  • Binary-to-text encoding
  • Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols


  1. ^ "Alphanumeric". Merriam-Webster dictionary. Merriam-Webster. Retrieved 9 May 2020.
  2. ^ Christias, Panagiotis (1 April 2004). "man ASCII(7), "American Standard Code for Information Interchange"". UNIXhelp. University of Edinburgh. Archived from the original on 11 May 2013. Retrieved 7 May 2013.
  3. ^ Grissinger, Matthew (December 2012). "Avoiding Confusion With Alphanumeric Characters". Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 37 (12): 663–665. ISSN 1052-1372. PMC 3541865. PMID 23319841.

Data is a collection of numbers, letters, or even symbols.

Nội dung chính Show

  • Which data type is used in combination of text and number?
  • Which data contain both letters and numbers?
  • What is the combination of character and number?
  • What kind of data can be stored in a database other than characters and numbers?

Once we understand what the data means, it becomes information.

A collection of related data stored in a specific format to simplify retrieval is called a database (db or DB).

Database Management Systems (DBMS) are programs that help in the storage and retrieval of information from databases. (MS Access and Oracle are examples.)

Data in a relational database is organized in rows (also called records) and columns (called fields).

A list of related data organized in fields and records is called a database Table.

Queries - question structures to sort, filter and select specific information.  A query is not the data that results but a set of instructions specifying how specific records or combinations of records should be extracted� it is the process of asking the database for specific information.  A query is a question about the data in the database.

Forms - structures for screen views of data.  A form is not data that results but a set of instructions specifying a screen view format of the data.  These forms are designed to simplify data display, inputting and editing.

Reports - structures for written/printed output of data.  A report is not the data that results but a set of instructions specifying the format of written output.

Program Modules - program code to perform specific actions

Relational Databases:

  • All records in a table have the same fields
  • Fields must state what type of data they contain
  • Field types include Text, Number, Currency, Date as well as many others
  • Fields can have additional properties that define their display format, rules for data validation, if data is required for that field, the size, a default value if any, and much more.

DBMS  verses Spreadsheet

Database systems:


Store and retrieve data

Store and analyze data

Provide support for organization and easy selection/retrieval of data

Provide support for complex calculations

Can do simple calculations

Can do simple data organizing and selecting

Efficient data handling

Inefficient data handling


Single use

Handle lots of data well

Size limited by memory

Primary key

  • A field, or combination of fields, which uniquely identifies a record in a database
  • The primary key is indexed
  • The primary key does not allow duplicates
  • The primary key does not allow Null values

Foreign key

  • One or more fields (columns) that refer to the primary key field in another table.
  • A foreign key indicates how the tables are related.
  • The field names on each table do not have to match as long as the information is the same. 
  • The related fields must be the same data type (number, text etc)
  • Fields having the same name does not necessarily mean they are related (foreign) keys

Writing queries involves:

    1. Choosing the required tables: Where is your information coming from?
    2. Choosing the output fields: What information do you want to list?
    3. Choosing the criteria fields: What  selection criteria do you want, which records to �choose�?

QBE verses SQL

  • The language called   SQL (Structured Query Language) has become the industry standard for querying relational databases.
  • Access supports SQL, but has a user friendly interface to querying called QBE (Query By Example).

Relational operators which can be used in queries:   = , <= , >= , <> , < , > 

For example:

<= 10               returns records where field value is less than or equal to 10

< �G�               returns records where field text begins with letters A through F

> �Jones�         returns records where field text is after Jones (alphabetically)

Boolean Operators used in queries:   And, Or, Not.   For example:

�BE�  Or  �BA�  returns records where field value is either (any of) �BE� or �BA�

Not �BE�            returns records where field value is not equal to �BE�

>5 And <10        returns records where field value is greater than 5 and less than 10

Wild cards characters for use in queries:  Asterisk ( * ) and question mark ( ? )

An asterisk ( * ) replaces any number of characters.  For example:

Like �C*�           returns records where field value starts with �C� no matter its length

Like �*cookie*� returns records including the word cookie anywhere in the field value

A question mark ( ? ) replaces a single character.  For Example:

Like �B?�         returns records where field value has �B� as its first character and only one other character after the �B�

Null values:

  • If you do not have data entered in a field, the field is said to contain a Null value. 
  • Null means there is no value.
  • Calculations which include a Null value will result in a Null value.

Which data type is used in combination of text and number?

Hi, In general, it will be String type.

Which data contain both letters and numbers?

A string represents alphanumeric data. This means that a string can contain many different characters, but they are all considered as if they were text, even if the characters are numbers.

What is the combination of character and number?

Answer: This combination of characters is known as the password or passcode which can contain both small and capital alphabets,numbers,special signs etc.

What kind of data can be stored in a database other than characters and numbers?

Some common data types are as follows: integers, characters, strings, floating-point numbers and arrays. More specific data types are as follows: varchar (variable character) formats, Boolean values, dates and timestamps.

Which data is a combination of letters and numbers?

The CHAR data type stores any string of letters, numbers, and symbols. It can store single-byte and multibyte characters, based on the database locale. The CHARACTER data type is a synonym for CHAR.

What is alphabetic combination?

Alphanumericals or alphanumeric characters are a combination of alphabetical and numerical characters. More specifically, they are the collection of Latin letters and Arabic digits. An alphanumeric code is an identifier made of alphanumeric characters.

What is a combination of letters numbers and some symbols?

An alphanumeric password contains numbers, letters, and special characters (like an ampersand or hashtag).

What is a group of letters and numbers called?

An expression is a group of letters, numbers, and math symbols without any equals sign. It can be a single letter or number, or it can be a long combination of letters and numbers. The parts of the expression separated by the plus or minus signs are called terms. 7 is also an expression.


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