What is the first step that should be taken after exposure to contaminated waste

Do you know what steps to take when you come across medical waste? Though there are laws mandating proper handling and disposal of medical waste, there is a chance you may encounter it. Medical waste is generated from provision of healthcare; it is a biohazard, harmful to life. You can contract diseases from medical waste, unless you perform preventive steps to reduce the chance of infection.

Despite measures to prevent untreated medical waste from ending up in the environment, some of it still ends up near or within human habitat. If you encounter it, perform all of the following steps.

Step 1: Identify

The first thing you need to know is how to identify medical waste. Almost all institutions perform steps that readily identify biohazardous waste from municipal waste. Laws require containment of biohazardous waste exclusively in red bags or in containers labeled conspicuously with biohazard labels and warnings. These containers are not hard to miss.

Syringes, intravenous lines with blood, empty or opened vials, or things like a human arm, foot or other anatomical body part, carcasses of lab rats, rabbits, or guinea pigs are obvious medical waste.

Step 2: Keep your distance, or if touched, wash all exposed skin with soap and running water or disinfectant

If you happen to spot suspected medical waste at a distance, do not venture any closer. Uncontained biohazardous waste tends to contain body fluids that may harbor infectious microorganisms that cause disease. Because it is liquid, it may contaminate the surrounding ground, so it is wise to keep your distance. Do not go for a closer look at suspected medical waste.

If you’ve happened to enter the contaminated area or touched any waste or soil, there is a chance of contamination. Immediately wash all exposed skin with soap and running water. If water and soap is not readily available, use a disinfectant and wash later. If contact has been particularly close, a change of clothes is strongly advised.

If you’ve sustained splashes to the eyes, immediately flush clean and lukewarm water over your eyes for at least 20 minutes. Then wash your hands and seek emergency medical help.

What to do if you’ve sustained cuts or puncture injuries

Medical waste may include discarded sharps such as used needles and scalpels. To reduce risk of injury, most generators pack sharps in puncture- and spill-proof containers. But if through accidental exposure you sustained a wound (scrape, cut or puncture injury) due to contact with medical waste, do not waste time finding the culprit. Though the wound may become bloody, avoid stanching the bleeding in order to eliminate any germs that may have entered. Then wash the wound with lots of water and soap, and apply an antiseptic. Go to a hospital for further medical attention immediately.

Hospitals readily admit and treat injuries caused by sharps, especially in cases due to contact with medical waste. Blood tests will be done to check your body for the presence of pathogens, notably those that are blood-borne. Meanwhile, you may be given vaccines and immunoglobulin shots for hepatitis B and tetanus.

If your contact with medical waste is deemed particularly risky, an HIV test will be given and an HIV post-exposure prophylaxis program will be prescribed. Post-exposure prophylaxis is a preventive treatment given in order to prevent infection by the pathogen. You will need to be tested for HIV again six months after the injury. Meanwhile, you must practice safe sex and avoid donating blood until all tests are clear.

Step 3: Report

Most states have strict guidelines for the handling and disposal of biohazardous waste, and pay close attention to any incidents of its improper handling and disposal. If you’ve encountered or witnessed improper disposal of medical waste, you should report your findings to a state environmental enforcement agency.

Step 4: Get medical attention, and be aware

You can contract serious illnesses from medical waste depending on the degree and duration of exposure. Make sure to receive medical attention at a clinic or hospital following an encounter with medical waste. (Be aware that some of these illnesses may elicit signs and symptoms long after exposure to the pathogen.) Seek medical help immediately if you feel sick or have any symptoms such as fever, cough or vomiting.


Authors: Salma Abbas, MBBS; Tawana McNair, MD; and Gonzalo Bearman MD, MPHChapter Editor: Michael Stevens, MD

Chapter last updated: February 2018
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Waste materials are generated in the healthcare setting. They require special procedures for collection, storage, transport, and disposal in efforts to prevent complications related to direct exposure of these waste products. The key step in waste management is to distinguish between infectious and noninfectious waste. Infectious waste has the potential to transmit disease and should be collected, transferred, and disposed of in a manner that decreases the risk of injury to healthcare workers, waste management workers, patients, and the community.


  • There are many materials/equipment used in hospitals for the diagnosis and treatment of patients. These materials have come in contact with blood, bodily fluids, and tissue of patients and these substances may contain infectious microorganisms. These materials have the potential to transmit disease and thus require proper management and disposal following use. Prior to disposal, these materials need to be classified into infectious and noninfectious waste.
  • The definition of infectious waste is not concrete or universal; however, the general idea is that infectious waste is medical waste that may contain microorganisms that have the potential to cause disease. There are many factors which facilitate the progression of an infectious exposure to an infectious disease. These factors include the size of the inoculum, the virulence of the microorganism, and the susceptibility of the person in contact with the infectious waste. Currently, there is no method to determine the risk of disease, as these factors are usually unknown prior to exposure. This limitation and the ambiguous definition of infectious waste, highlight the need to correctly identify infectious waste from noninfectious waste to decrease the risk of disease transmission. Strict protocols should be in place to ensure compliance with optimal waste handling.
  • Exposure to infectious wastes can occur in many settings, including outpatient/clinic settings; however, the majority of accidents and exposures to infectious waste occur in the hospital setting. The waste products from sharps (e.g. needles, vials, surgical equipment) and cultures concentrated with microorganisms have the highest potential for disease transmission; however, disease transmission has also resulted from exposure to blood, bodily fluids, tissue from infected patients or laboratory animals, and material from microbiology and pathology laboratories.


There are no set protocols or strict criteria to determine which type of medical waste has the potential to cause disease in susceptible hosts. However, there are categories of medical waste that have a greater potential for transmitting disease. Three questions should be considered when deciding if medical waste has the potential to contain microorganisms capable of transmitting disease. An infection control practitioner should be consulted for questions and guidance.

  1. Does the medical waste contain blood, body fluids, or tissue with pathogenic microorganisms in sufficient quantity to produce disease?
    • Patients with known infections are likely to generate waste containing a large amount of microorganisms. The supersaturated gauze covering a draining wound, the sputum of a patient with known TB, the syringe used on a patient with known HIV or viral hepatitis, a diaper with the stool of a baby admitted with diarrhea, are all examples of infectious waste with the potential to transmit disease. All blood and body fluids, body organs, and microbiology laboratory specimens should be considered infectious waste regardless of the patient’s diagnosis.
  2. Does the waste contain viable and pathogenic microorganisms?
    • Clinical microbiology laboratories handle a large number of microorganisms daily. These organisms are cultured from blood, sputum, stool, and other body fluids and should therefore be treated as infectious while in the laboratory and once disposed of. Infectious waste in the clinical microbiologic laboratory also includes material used for isolation and identification of the microorganisms (e.g. slides, pipettes, and tubes).
    • Consideration should also be made outside of the microbiology laboratory pertaining to blood and body fluid samples sent for general evaluation such as the clinical chemistry laboratory. These samples should also be considered infectious waste given their potential to contain pathogenic organisms.
  3. Can the waste create a portal of entry for pathogenic organisms into a susceptible host?
    • Sharps are the single most frequent cause of occupationally acquired bloodborne disease in healthcare workers and should always be considered infectious waste. Sharps include needles, scalpel blades or other sharp instruments, IV catheters, broken glass (vials), and razor blades (no longer used for trimming hair given significant risk for infection). The health status of a patient is not always readily available; therefore, sharps containing blood should be classified as infectious because they provide a portal of entry for microorganisms.
    • Sharps that do not contain blood (e.g., broken glass) are still dangerous because they may cause puncture injuries to healthcare workers and waste management workers, which can produce a portal of entry for pathogenic microorganisms.


  • The key step in waste management is to distinguish between infectious and non-infectious waste. The definition and regulation of “infectious waste” varies by state/country. Each hospital should develop written procedures for waste management on the basis of national and regional regulations, the prevalence of infectious diseases that can potentially contaminate medical waste, and the local infrastructure for processing infectious waste. Hospital staff should receive training for correctly segregating all medical waste and regulation of the written procedure must be strictly enforced.
  • In a waste management program, biologic waste should first be separated from non-biologic waste (paper, glass, plastic). Biologic waste should then be separated into infectious and non-infectious waste. Non-infectious waste can be collected in regular black bags and treated as residential waste.
  • Sharp infectious waste must be placed in rigid, puncture proof, and impermeable containers that bear the universal biologic hazard symbol and should be removed from use and discarded when the container is ¾ full. Incineration is the preferred treatment method for sharps as it eliminates microorganisms and any possibility of puncture wounds. Other methods for treatment of infectious waste include steam sterilization and chemical treatment.
  • Non-sharp infectious waste should be collected in leak-resistant biohazard bags and sent for incineration. Alternatively, it can be decontaminated on-site and subsequently discarded as non-infectious waste. On-site decontamination of microbiology laboratory waste is preferred, as this reduces the potential of exposure during the handling and transportation of infectious materials. Identification of live cultures and stocks should be made in efforts to avoid aerosolization of infectious microorganisms.
  • Disposal equipment, including sharps containers, garbage bags, and bins, should be readily available and easily accessible throughout all patient areas. Infectious waste should be transported within the hospital in wheeled trolleys or carts through specially designed routes and at low volume times of the day. These routes should avoid patient care areas as well as areas where food is prepared, stored, or transported, whenever possible.
  • Infectious waste should be treated soon after discarding. If transport for off-site incineration is required, it should be temporarily stored in a secure and completely closed storage room.


  • Two international agreements and four principles guide safe healthcare waste management. The agreements include the Basel Convention, which dictates “environmentally sound management” of waste, and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants that focuses on human protection against persistent organic pollutants. The four principles include duty of care principle, polluter pays principle, precautionary principle, and proximity principle. These stipulate that waste must be treated as unsafe until proven otherwise, should be managed and paid for by the generating facility, and treated and disposed of as close to the source as possible. These should form the framework for waste management programs and be incorporated into national legislation as well as guidelines at the healthcare facility level.
  • An in depth analysis of healthcare facilities and waste management processes must be the first step in devising future policies. Political support is crucial and ideally, an official body empowered to enforce laws and regulations should monitor adherence to the regulatory framework outlined above. A waste management policy must clearly outline the definitions of types of wastes; descriptions of associated risks; approved methods for waste management; warning against unsafe practices; assessment of costs; steps for minimization, separation, handling, transport, treatment, and disposal of waste; technical specifications; training requirements; and processes for recordkeeping and documentation. In the absence of a national commitment to improving healthcare waste management, these steps should be outlined by the individual facilities.
  • As for healthcare waste in developed countries, it must first be divided into waste sharps, infectious and cytotoxic wastes, and organic wastes (blood and body fluids, human anatomical wastes, etc.). These may be treated on-site or off-site to reach a safe level of infectiousness followed by incineration or disposal in sanitary landfills. On-site treatment may be the only option for facilities in rural areas. Off-site treatment is preferred when centralized regional facilities exist. This requires dedicated personnel, monetary funds, and leadership commitment. For healthcare facilities in developing countries with limited access to safer healthcare waste management options, incineration may be an acceptable waste-disposal strategy if used appropriately. Incinerators must be constructed using appropriate dimensional plans, be operated by trained individuals, stationed away from populated areas, and effectively reduce and segregate waste materials. A good engineering design and periodic maintenance are key to effective operation.
  • Staff members handling waste must be offered vaccination against tetanus and hepatitis B. They must be encouraged to use appropriate personal protective equipment including heavy-duty gloves for waste handling and industrial boots and aprons for handling containers.
  • To be effective, a healthcare waste management policy must be applied carefully, consistently, and universally. Training staff members is crucial to successfully implement and upgrade waste management programs. This should focus on health awareness, safety, and environmental issues and not only be directed at waste management staff but also hospital administration, medical doctors, nurses, ancillary, and housekeeping staff. Refresher courses should be offered at regular intervals to maximize the impact of management programs.


Although the risk of acquiring disease from many infectious wastes is relatively low, the consequences can be significant when disease transmission does occur. As a result, all hospitals need to develop a waste management program. The program should be jointly designed and coordinated by the infection control department, the hospital engineering staff, and municipal authorities. Medical waste should be classified as infectious when it contains a sufficient quantity of pathogenic microorganisms to produce disease and there is the potential for disease transmission to a susceptible host.


  1. Hedrick ER. Infectious Waste Management – Will Science Prevail? Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 1988; 9(11):488-90.
  2. Prüss A, Giroult E, Rushbrook P. Safe Management of Wastes from Healthcare Activities. World Health Organization, Geneva, 1999; available at //apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/42175/1/9241545259.pdf.
  3. Rutala WA, Mayhall CG. SHEA position paper: Medical Waste, Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1992; 13(1):38-48; extract available at //www.jstor.org/stable/30146966.
  4. Sehulster LM, Chinn RYW, Arduino MJ, et al. Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities. Recommendations from CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC). Chicago IL; American Society for Healthcare Engineering/American Hospital Association; 2004 [last update 15 Feb 2017]; available at //stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/45796.
  5. Zaidi M, Wenzel RP. Disinfection, Sterilization, and Control of Hospital Waste. In: Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases. (5th Edition), Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R. (Eds). Churchill Livingstone, Philadelphia, PA: 2000; 2995-3005.
  6. Zaidi M. Waste Management. In: A Guide to Infection Control in the Hospital. International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) (4th Edition), Wenzel R, Bearman G, Brewer T, Butzler JP. (Eds). Boston, MA 2008. Chapter 5; 22-25; available at //beta.isid.org/downloads/GuideInfControlHospital4thEd.pdf.
  7. World Health Organization. Health-care Waste. 2018; available at //www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs253/en/.
  8. World Health Organization. Healthcare Waste Management. 2018; available at: //www.healthcare-waste.org.
  9. World Health Organization. Safe Management of Wastes from Health-Care Activities. 2014; available at: //apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/85349/1/9789241548564_eng.pdf.
  10. Secretariat of the Basel Convention and World Health Organization. Preparation of National Health-Care Waste Management Plans in Sub-Saharan Countries. 2005; available at: //apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/43118/1/924154662X.pdf.

Which of the following is the appropriate way to handle potentially infectious laundry waste?

Laundry contaminated with blood or other potentially infectious materials shall be handled as little as possible. Such laundry shall be placed in appropriately marked bags (biohazard labeled or color-coded bags) at the location where it was contaminated.

What are two important factors in performing and effective hand wash?

What are the two important factors in performing an effective hand wash? Friction and running warm water. sanitization.

Which action by the medical assistant Ma is accurate if the eyes become contaminated by body fluids?

If the eyes come in contact with body fluids, continuously flush the eyes with water as soon as possible for a minimum of 5 minutes using an eye wash unit. Pyemia is a condition marked by infectious microorganisms in the patient's urine.

Is an infection that is acquired in a healthcare setting and is often caused by failure to follow standard precautions in the facility?

Nosocomial infections also referred to as healthcare-associated infections (HAI), are infection(s) acquired during the process of receiving health care that was not present during the time of admission.


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