What is the main difference between a systematic and a random measurement error in research?

Difference Between Random and Systematic Error

Where an error doesn’t have any specific pattern of occurrence, it is known as random error which is also known as unsystematic error and hence such errors cannot be predicted in advance like an unavoidable error, whereas a systematic error is an error that may occur due to any mistake in the instrument measuring the error or mistake in using the instrument by the experimenter and hence it is an avoidable error.

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The main difference is that the random errors mostly lead to fluctuations which are surrounding the true value because of the result of difficulty while taking the measurements, whereas systematic errors will lead to the predictable and also consistent departures from the true value because of the problems with the calibration of the equipment.

No matter how careful one is when one is conducting experiments, there will most likely be an error called experimental error. Whether through the challenges that are inherent in it that is problems with your equipment or taking the measurements accurately or avoiding error altogether can be termed as next to impossible.

To counter the mentioned issue, scientists try to do their best to categorize those errors and try to quantify any uncertainty in measurements that they make. Finding out the variance between these errors is a vital part of the learning to design it with better experiments and to try to minimize any sort of errors that do creep through.

Random vs. Systematic Error Infographics

Let’s see the top differences between random error vs. systematic error.

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Key Differences

The key differences are as follows –

  • The random error defines itself as the unpredictable disturbance that occurs in your experiment by a not known source. Whereas, the systematic error occurs due to the defect of the apparatus that is not built.
  • The random error, as mentioned in the above table that occurs in both directions, whereas the systematic error occurs only in 1 direction. Systematic errors arise due to the inbuilt fault or mistake of the apparatus; hence it always gives a similar error. The random error, as mentioned earlier, occurs because of the not known source. Therefore it occurs in any direction.
  • The magnitude of systematic error will remain constant or unchanged because the defect which is present in it is inbuilt inside the apparatus, and when compared to the magnitude of the random error, it has variable.
  • The 0 error and calibration of the apparatus, which is incorrect, will cause a systematic error. The random error is due to the parallax or, as stated earlier, in the above comparison table by incorrectly using the apparatus.
  • The random error reduces or can be minimized by taking the two or more readings of the same experiment, whereas the systematic error can be minimized by carefully designing the structure of the apparatus.
  • The random error is itself unique and no specific types, whereas the systematic error can be categorized into three major types, which are environment error, instrument error, and systematic error.
  • The random error is not reproducible. On the other hand, the systematic error will be reproducible because the defect, as stated earlier, is inbuilt with the structure of the apparatus.

Random vs. Systematic Error Comparative Table

BasisRandom ErrorSystematic Error
Basic Definition It is the errors that fluctuate because of the uncertainty or unpredictability that is inherent in your measuring process or the differences in the quantity that you’re trying to measure. It occurs mostly because of the apparatus imperfection. That is, they usually result from equipment that isn’t correctly calibrated.
Magnitude of error  The magnitude of error keeps on changing in every reading. The measured value will be either very low or very high when compared to the true value.
Causes 1) Parallax Error
2) Using Incorrectly the apparatus.
3) Limitation of an instrument, Environment, etc.
1) Zero Error
2) Incorrect Calibration
Minimizing methods By taking the readings repeatedly. 1) By improving the apparatus structure.
2) Zero error can be reduced by subtracting from the zero error the obtained reading.
Direction of error This occurs on both sides. This occurs only in one direction.
Sub-Types of error There are no subtypes. There are three subtypes – a. Instrument b. Systematic Error c. Environment.
Whether it’s Reproducible This kind of error is not Reproducible. This kind of error is Reproducible.
In terms of value Price is a combination of cost, which is mostly production. Costs are lowered when they are compared with the cost in terms of value.


The random error mostly happens because of any of the disturbances that are occurring in your surroundings, like the variation or differences in pressure, temperature, or because of the observer who might be taking the incorrect or the wrong reading. The systematic error perhaps also arises because of the apparatus’s mechanical structure.

Random errors are essential cannot be avoided, while systematic errors can be avoided. Scientists can’t take perfect scaling or measurements, no matter how skillful they are.

Systematic errors are perhaps difficult to spot on, and this is because everything that you are measuring will be wrong or incorrect by the same amount, and you may perhaps not realize there is an issue at all. One should calibrate their equipment properly prior to using it, and yes, then the chances of systematic errors will be much less likely.

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This has been a guide to Random vs. Systematic Error. Here we discuss the top difference between them along with infographics and comparative table. You may also have a look at the following articles – 

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What is the main difference between a systematic and a random measurement error in research quizlet?

Random errors occur because of random and inherently unpredictable events in the measurement process. Systematic errors occur when there is a problem in the measurement system that affects all measurements in the same way.

What are the difference between random and systematic errors explain and give example each?

Systematic errors are consistently in the same direction (e.g. they are always 50 g, 1% or 99 mm too large or too small). In contrast, random errors produce different values in random directions. For example, you use a scale to weigh yourself and get 148 lbs, 153 lbs, and 132 lbs.


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