What is the process whereby the conditioned response is weakened when it is no longer presented with the unconditioned stimulus quizlet?

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a type of learning in which an initially neutral stimulus—the conditioned stimulus (CS)—when paired with a stimulus that elicits a reflex response—the unconditioned stimulus (US)—results in a learned, or conditioned, response (CR) when the CS is presented. For example, the sound of a tone may be used as a CS, and food in a dog's mouth as a US. After repeated pairings, namely, the tone followed immediately by food, the tone, which initially had no effect on salivation (i.e., was neutral with respect to it), will elicit salivation even if the food is not presented

Fixed Interval: reinforcement is delivered at predictable time intervals (ex: after 5, 10, 15, and 20 min)
Variable Interval: reinforcement is delivered at unpredictable time intervals (ex: after 5, 7, 10, and 20 min)
Fixed ratio: reinforcement delivered after a predictable # of responses (ex: after 2, 4, 6, and 8 responses)
Variable Ratio: reinforcement delivered after unpredictable # of responses (ex: 1, 4, 5, and 9 responses)

Postive Reinforcement--the term reinforcement always indicates a process that strengthens a behavior; the word positive has two cues associated with it. First, a positive or pleasant stimulus is used in the process, and second, the reinforcer is added (i.e., "positive" as in + sign for addition). In positive reinforcement, a positive reinforcer is added after a response and increases the frequency of the response.
Negative Reinforcement-- the term reinforcement always indicates a process that strengthens a behavior; the word negative has two cues associated with it. First, a negative or aversive stimulus is used in the process, and second, the reinforcer is subtracted (i.e., "negative" as in a "-" sign for subtraction). In negative reinforcement, after the response the negative reinforcer is removed which increases the frequency of the response. (Note: There are two types of negative reinforcement: escape and avoidance. In general, the learner must first learn to escape before he or she learns to avoid.)
Response Cost--if positive reinforcement strengthens a response by adding a positive stimulus, then response cost has to weaken a behavior by subtracting a positive stimulus. After the response the positive reinforcer is removed which weakens the frequency of the response.
Punishment--if negative reinforcement strengthens a behavior by subtracting a negative stimulus, than punishment has to weaken a behavior by adding a negative stimulus. After a response a negative or aversive stimulus is added which weakens the frequency of the response.
Extinction--No longer reinforcing a previously reinforced response (using either positive or negative reinforcement) results in the weakening of the frequency of the response.

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Terms in this set (10)

Food tastes better when you are hungry than when you are not because ________ dopamine is released by your ________.

more; nucleus accumbens

Getting paid monthly is what type of reinforcement schedule?

fixed interval

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behavior modification

What is the proper order of events that need to take place in order for classical conditioning to occur?

conditioned stimulus presentation → unconditioned stimulus presentation, which elicits the unconditioned response → after many trials, the conditioned stimulus elicits the conditioned response

What is the process whereby the conditioned response is weakened when it is no longer presented with the unconditioned stimulus?


Synaptic pruning is

the brain's way of doing away with synaptic connections that are not being used.

As described in the text, Harlow did an experiment with infant rhesus monkeys, requiring them to make a choice between an artificial mother that provided contact comfort or one that provided food. The results demonstrate that for this species,

contact comfort is more important than food, particularly during stress.

A securely attached infant differs from one who is insecurely attached in terms of

-what the infant does when the attachment figure leaves.
-how the infant responds to strangers.
-what the infant does when the attachment figure returns after an absence.
(All of the answer options are correct.)

What is the correct ordering of Piaget's stages of cognitive development?

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

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What is it called when a conditioned response no longer occurs?

Extinction refers to the reduction in responding that occurs when the conditioned stimulus is presented repeatedly without the unconditioned stimulus. Figure 8.4 Acquisition, Extinction, and Spontaneous Recovery.

What is the weakening of a conditioned response?

In psychology, extinction refers to the gradual weakening of a conditioned response that results in the behavior decreasing or disappearing. In other words, the conditioned behavior eventually stops.

What causes the strength of the conditioned response to weaken?

When a conditioned response (CR) is weakened or eliminated by repeatedly presenting the conditioned stimulus (CR) without the unconditioned stimulus (US). The PROCESS of extinction involves the decrease in the strength of the conditioned response.

What is it called when a conditioned stimulus loses its effect over time?

extinction. the process through which a conditioned stimulus gradually loses the ability to evoke conditioned responses when it is no longer followed by the unconditioned stimulus.


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