What is the science of identifying individuals based on measurable biological characteristics called?

Advances in Computers

Pavan Turaga, ... Ashok Veeraraghavan, in Advances in Computers, 2010

3.1 Behavioral Biometrics

Biometrics involves the study of approaches and algorithms for uniquely recognizing humans based on physical or behavioral cues. Traditional approaches are based on fingerprint, face, iris, and can be classified as physiological biometrics, that is, they rely on physical attributes for recognition. These methods require cooperation from the subject for collection of the biometric. Recently, “behavioral biometrics” have been gaining popularity, where the premise is that behavior is as useful a cue to recognize humans as their physical attributes. The advantage of this approach is that subject cooperation is not necessary and it can proceed without interrupting or interfering with the subject's activity. Since observing behavior implies longer term observation of the subject, approaches for action recognition extend naturally to this task. Currently, the most promising example of vision-based behavioral biometric is human gait [7].

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An introduction to deep learning applications in biometric recognition

Akash Dhiman, ... Deepak Kumar Sharma, in Trends in Deep Learning Methodologies, 2021 Biometric cryptosystems

Biometric cryptosystems associate a cryptographic key with the biometric data presented during the enrollment process, which simplifies aspects of a biometric system with regards to security. Due to the variability of biometric data, direct key extraction is rather difficult and henceforth a system utilizing a biometric cryptosystem allows the existence of partial data of enrolled biometrics (enough not to compromise the system); this is termed helper data and it assists in key extraction during the authentication process. There are a few instances of deep learning methods employed in biometric cryptosystems. The model discussed for facial recognition earlier utilizes concepts of biometric cryptosystems. Xiulai Li proposed a deep learning-based method [71], where the iris dataset was normalized and used to train CNN architecture-based deep learning neural network models. The encryption side collected the iris image and inputed the trained deep learning model to extract the feature vector that was passed through the Reed–Solomon encoder that encoded the given feature vector. Albakri and others [73] proposed a CNN-based biometric cryptosystem for the protection of a blockchain's private key. Here, the biometric input of users other than the training input was taken, its features were extracted, and a vault was created to mix these features along with a key for protection.

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Mark Lockie, in The Biometric Industry Report (Second Edition), 2002

6.1.1 Introduction

Biometrics are measurable physiological or behavioural characteristics that can be used to verify the identity of an individual. There are a wide variety of different types of biometric available for measurement. The most popular include a person’s fingerprint, face, hand, iris, voice, signature, retina or typing rhythm. However other biometrics are under research, such as gait recognition (the way a person walks), earprint analysis, DNA recognition or even recognising a person from their spectral characteristics (which is a measure of the composition and structure of a person’s skin and underlying tissue).

The biometric industry produces systems that use a person’s biometric, or a combination of biometrics, to automatically check that person’s identity.

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Biometric Market Forecasts

Mark Lockie, in The Biometric Industry Report (Second Edition), 2002 Outlook

Biometrics certainly have the potential to develop well within the telecoms market place. In particular, fingerprint and speaker verification technology could prove useful forms of authentication. However, until succinct business cases – which show a definite advantage to telecoms operators – can be made, there will be moderate short-term growth within this sector. The greatest opportunities for biometrics will come in the long term – when telephone companies start taking a serious look at how to reduce fraud. By 2006 revenue is expected to be US$28 million from US$8.9 million in 2002.

Figure 3.18. Revenue Forecast for the Telecoms Market 2000–2006 (US$ million)

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Securing the digital witness identity using blockchain and zero-knowledge proofs

Lynton Lourinho, ... Hamid Jahankhani, in Strategy, Leadership, and AI in the Cyber Ecosystem, 2021

1.3 Enrolment mechanisms

Biometrics are physical security mechanisms which deny any unauthorised access via authentication. This security process is referred to as biometric authentication and is reliant on individuals’ unique biological characteristics to identify the individual correctly. These traits can be used instead of passwords to verify and identify individuals as they are bound to the individual. Retina, iris, facial, fingerprint, or palm prints are all unique, but Garcia (2018) states that to preserve privacy, biometrics should never be stored in a public distributed ledger as it's accessible to anyone whether it's in an encrypted or template state. The reason for this is that there are no guarantees that the system will remain safe in future due to advances in quantum computing.

An important part of the process is the method used to compare the information presented versus the information on record as most common used methods still use signature and photo comparisons to perform most transactions. These methods are unreliable, more so when the person who is making the comparison doesn’t know the individual.

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Address Book

Mark Lockie, in The Biometric Industry Report (Second Edition), 2002

5.4 Breakdown of Companies by Geographic Region


Avalanche Technologies



FACE Technologies

Intervid International

Kingshad International


Arithmetic Guarding Equipments

Automa Pty

Autostar Technology

Axis Software

Banque-Tec International

BioEnable Technologies


ComSec Enterprises


Dialog Communication Systems


Excel Systems

Fingerprint Technologies


Fusion Tech


Hunno Technologies

Hyundai Information Technology


iGuard Security Systems

ILI Technologies

Javpeetex Engineering

Keico Hi Tech Inc

Miaxis Biometrics



Oki Electric Industry

Optical Recognition Objectives

Print Electronics

Protocom Development Systems

Rotin Australia

Security Information Technology

Senex Technologies

Sintec Corporation


Speech Technology Center

Startek Engineering


Symtron Technology

Techno Imagia


Union Community


Yasmin Teknologi

Yuean Biometrics



Accu-Tech Systems

Aditech Limited

Advanced Software Technologies


App Informatik Davos

Association for Biometrics

Astro Datensysteme



Aurora Computer Services

Axxess Identification


Bell ID

Bell Security



BioMet Partners

Biometri Systemer

Biometric Partners Europe

Biometric Technology Today


Biometrix International


BioTrust Project

BrainTrust Technology

BTG International

Cassini Advanced Systems

Cognitec Systems

Control for Doors



Dectel Security

Delsy Electronic Components




Domain Dynamics

Ensigma Technologies

EyeDentify Europe


Fingerprint Cards


Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits

Green Bit


Heimann Biometric Systems





Image Metrics

Infineon Technologies


Integris (now Steria)

Intuate Biometrics

Keyware Technologies


Mason Vactron



Navigator Solutions






Orga Card Systems

Panasonic UK


Plettac Electronic Security

Precise Biometrics

PrintScan International

Proglobo Biometrics Technologies

Ringdale UK

ScanSoft BVBA

SD Industries

Securicor IS


Siemens Biometrics


Software Professional

Technogama UAB


Touchless Sensor Technology






ZN Vision Technologies

Middle East


Ideal Software

IQS Biometric Solutions

Opticom Technologies

Sentry Com

TeKey Research Group


North & South America


Access Controls

Accu-Time Systems

AcSys Biometrics


Advanced Biometrics


AIMS Technology


Alternative Computer Technology


Anovea Authentication Technology

Applied Biometrics Products



Aurora Biometrics



Biocentric Solutions



BIO-key International

BioLink Technologies International


Biometric Access

Biometric Associates

Biometric Consortium

Biometric Digest

Biometrica Systems

Biometrics Direct

Biometrics Imagineering

BioNetrix System




Business Systems Engineering

Cansec Systems




Cogent Systems

Communication Intelligence

ComnetiX Computer Systems


Control Module

Cross Match Technologies



Data Management

Datacard Group

Datakey Electronics


DBA Systems


Digimarc ID Systems

Digital Descriptor Systems

Digital Persona

East Shore Technologies




Ex Cle

Exact Identification




Fidelica Microsystems

Financial Information Systems

FingerPrint USA



GEZ Microsystems

Grapho Technologies

Griaule Fingerprint Recognition

I/O Software



ID Technologies

IDentification Systems


IDynta Systems

ImageWare Systems

Imaging Automation

Imagis Technologies

Inception Technologies


Inroad Solutions

Interactive Products

International Biometrics Group

International Electronics


IQ Biometrix

Iridian Technologies

J. Markowitz Consultants


Kinetic Sciences


Labcal Technologies

Lockheed Martin Information


Lone Wolf Software



Motorola Semiconductor Products

National Biometric Test Center

NCT Group

NEC Technologies

Net Nanny Software International



Novell (NMAS)

NOVUS Technology

Nuance Communications

Omron Technology Ventures Group

Ottawa Telephony Group

Oxford Micro Devices (OMDI)


Polaroid ID

Printrak International

Prism Consulting

Privacy Curtain


Ravco Security

Recognition Systems

Retinal Technologies


Sagem Morpho


SecureTech Solutions

Security Biometrics

Sense Holdings

Sentry KIDS FingerTIPS

Siemens PSE TecLab

[email protected]

Simple Technology

Smart Biometrics



SQN Banking Systems



SyntheSys Secure Technologies


Tennyson Biometric Systems

The International Biometric Society

The Ottawa Technology Group

The Phoenix Group

Time One

TMA Associates










Viisage Technology

VisionSphere Technologies

Vocent Solutions

Voice Security Systems

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Advances in Video-Based Biometrics

Rama Chellappa, Pavan Turaga, in Advances in Computers, 2011

1 Introduction

Biometrics involves the study of approaches and algorithms for uniquely recognizing humans based on physical or behavioral cues. Traditional approaches are based on fingerprint, face, or iris and can be classified as physiological biometrics, that is, they rely on physical attributes for recognition. Physiological biometrics is usually quite accurate when acquisition is done in controlled settings. However, this turns out to be a disadvantage when one is faced with uncooperative subjects and unconstrained acquisition conditions and environments, or when one is looking for suspects in a stealthy fashion. In such cases, one requires remote acquisition techniques that may not provide sufficiently clean physiological biometrics. As an alternative, “behavioral biometrics” have been gaining popularity, where the premise is that behavior is as useful a cue to recognize humans as their physical attributes. The advantage of this approach is that subject-cooperation is not necessary and it can proceed without interrupting or interfering with the subject's activity. Observing behavior usually implies longer-term observation of the subject. In the video-based surveillance setting, this takes the form of identifying humans based on video feeds. Advances in video analysis techniques now allow one to accurately detect and track humans and faces from medium to high-resolution videos. The availability of video brings about interesting questions about how to exploit the extra information.

A number of experimental studies have shown that motion information helps in recognizing objects by enhancing the recovery of information about shape [1] or by enhancing the observer's ability to find meaningful edges [2]. It provides more views [3] and also provides information about how features change over time [4]. In the case of faces, motion has special significance, as it encodes more information than simply the 3D structure of the face. This is in the form of behavioral cues such as idiosyncratic head movements and gestures which can potentially aid in recognition tasks. Video is a rich source of information in that it can lead to potentially better representations by offering more views of the face. Further, the role of facial motion for face perception has been well documented. Psychophysical studies [5] have found evidence that when both structure and dynamics information is available, humans tend to rely more on dynamics under non-optimal viewing conditions (such as low spatial resolution, harsh illumination conditions, etc.).

Gait refers to the style of walking of an individual. Studies in psychophysics indicate that humans have the capability of recognizing people from even impoverished displays of gait, indicating the presence of identity information in gait. It is interesting, therefore, to study the utility of gait as a biometric. In fact the nature of shape changes of the silhouette of a human provides significant information about the activity performed by the human, as well as reveals idiosyncratic movements of an individual. Consider the images shown in Fig. 1. It is not very difficult to perceive the fact that these represent the silhouette of a walking human.

Fig. 1. Sequence of shapes as a person walks frontoparallely.

Apart from providing information about the activity being performed, the manner of shape changes provides valuable insights regarding the identity of the object. Gait-based human ID is an area that has attracted significant attention due to its potential applications in remote biometrics. The discrimination between individuals is significantly improved if we take the manner of shape changes into account.

In this chapter, we discuss approaches that specifically model both the appearance and behavior of a subject either using faces or using gait. In the case of face, the model parameters capture coarse facial appearance and global dynamic information. In the case of gait, the model captures the shape of the human silhouette and the observed variability in walking styles by non-linear warps of the time-axis.

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A cognitive system for lip identification using convolution neural networks

Vishesh Agarwal, Rahul Raman, in Cognitive Systems and Signal Processing in Image Processing, 2022

1 Introduction

Biometrics refers to the measurement and analysis of unique physical or behavioral characteristics, especially as a means of verifying personal identity. Biometric systems work by using sensors to detect and perceive a certain physical characteristic. The system then converts them into digital patterns and compares these patterns with patterns stored for personal identification.

A lip is a tactile sensory organ constituting the visible portion of the mouth. The external-most skin of the lip is the stratified squamous epithelium. The surface of the lips has visible wrinkles that can be considered identifiable. This forms the foundation of Cheiloscopy, a field of forensics that focuses on identification of people by the use of lip traces.

Each lip print has a different pattern or texture of grooves on its surface. A lip print may not consist of only one type of groove alone but may have a mixture of varying types of patterns. The uniqueness of a lip has been proven by the researchers by using color information and shape analysis. These measures of lips along with the movement patterns during speech are unique for every person.

Lip patterns may be altered by external factors, but lips reassume their original pattern on recovery. Lip patterns are unique for individuals and remain unchanged during their lifetime, making them a reliable basis for identification.

This chapter proposes the use of deep learning, specifically convolutional neural networks (CNNs), to perform feature extraction and identification of lip images. The proposed approached uses CNNs to extract high-level spatiotemporal features from images of lips. This is achieved by training the neural network on images created from the frames of videos of people speaking. The minor variation of the shape and size of lips in the frames allow the neural network to identify changes with respect to speech.

The approach has been designed to work for grayscale images of lips, and the model has been able to achieve a significant level of accuracy. The proposed CNN model has been tested out on the OuluVS database [1], and the results obtained are presented in this chapter.

The addition of a cognitive aspect adds more information to the features obtained from behavioral biometric measures; this allows for an increase in the accuracy and effectiveness of the approach, specifically in the case of authentication systems.

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PHASE CONTROL | Wavefront Coding

W.T. Cathey, E.R. Dowski, in Encyclopedia of Modern Optics, 2005

Biometric imaging systems

Biometric imaging applications, such as fingerprint or iris recognition, provide the means to eliminate passwords, secure E-commerce, and securely identify humans or animals. In traditional imaging technology, quite often the trade-off between light throughput and depth of field makes conventional biometric systems difficult to use or not sufficiently reliable. By using Wavefront Coding, the depth of information gathered can greatly increasing the ease of use and possibly reducing the cost of the systems.

Figures 12a,b, and c shows example images of an iris taken with near IR illumination and a traditional CMOS imaging system at three different planes of focus. At best focus (Figure 12b) the detail of the iris is sharp and clear. This iris detail is used by iris recognition algorithms to accept or reject the person. With slight movement towards (Figure 12a) or away (Figure 12c) from the imaging system the detail of the iris is lost. Figures 12d,e, and f show example iris images taken with the same near-IR illumination and a CMOS Wavefront Coded imaging system. At best focus (Figure 12e), the iris detail is as high as that from the traditional system. Movement towards (Figure 12d) or away (Figure 12f) from the imaging system results in images with essentially a constant level of iris detail. The size of the iris changes through magnification change. Increasing the range at which clear images can be made extends the useful image capture volume, enabling a more flexible system that is easier to use.

Figure 12. Images of an iris taken with infrared illumination. The top row shows images with a traditional CMOS camera. The lower row is taken with a camera using wavefront coding to extend the depth of field. The misfocus distance in the right and left columns is the same.

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Photoplethysmography: New trends and future directions

Panicos A Kyriacou, James M May, in Photoplethysmography, 2022

14.1 Photoplethysmography in biometrics

14.1.1 Introduction

Biometrics plays a key role in our modern lives, providing security to our private information by locking it with a unique biological marker that is exclusive to the user. Although we do still utilize physical forms of identification such as passwords, PIN codes, and ID cards, the move to biometric forms of access are ever increasing.

There exist various biometric identification systems incorporated into our mobile phones, laptops, bank accounts, and even our vehicles and places of residence. Entry to any of these could be based on verifying any one of or a combination of voice recognition (Li et al., 2014), fingerprints (Jain et al., 2000), iris or retina recognition (Ma et al., 2004; Nazari and Pourghassem, 2017), facial features (Srinivas et al., 2016), or gait motion (Sun and Lo, 2019). These techniques rely on some physical attribute that is difficult but not impossible to mimic with images and recordings. In an effort to improve security or to provide unique selling points for a new product, the use of certain physiological signals as a means of personal identification has been explored. Some of these include the electrocardiogram (ECG) (Peter et al., 2016), electroencephalogram (EEG) (Zhao and Zhou, 2017), and the photoplethysmogram (Blasco and Peris-Lopez, 2018).

While there is the concern that using physiological signals may be seen as a gimmick, the approach provides a major advantage over the traditional biometric methods, as they provide what is referred to as proof-of-life authentication (Sancho et al., 2018). The idea being that physiological signals by their nature only occur with living biological systems and are hard to fake. Fingerprints and similar imaging techniques do not provide this in their most basic forms.

Most physiological signals do however present two major challenges to widespread adoption. In the case of ECG and EEG recordings, the signal acquisition requirements may be complex, mostly due to the number of connected leads and often need a specialist to make such measurements. Compared to the single camera or photo-sensors often required for the other modalities, biosignal acquisition devices are often more expensive. Both issues limit the use of such systems to all but the most specialist applications or only for research purposes.

PPG on the other hand offers a signal acquisition technique that is not only simple in its use (no specialist required to apply the sensor) but is also small, robust, and inexpensive to deploy. As we have seen in previous chapters PPG sensors are typically seen in pulse oximeter probes and in wearable devices (i.e., smart watches, bracelets, etc.).

Traditional methods of identification and authorization using passwords, ID cards, etc. give only one of two results, that is, they have a Boolean output, true or false. Biometric identification on the other hand (as there are many variables with different tolerances) provides a confidence measure, and usually (for the most secure systems) two-factor identification is required (Sancho et al., 2018). Two-factor methods normally use one method of identification (biometric or physical) and use a second method to authorize or verify the first method against a database of known users.

14.1.2 Methods of PPG biometrics

Using physiological signals as a biometric is not as simple as the process of using fingerprints, where usually one image or high-resolution scan of the subject is required. Instead, the signal of interest, in this case the PPG, must go through a multistage process of acquisition, preprocessing and feature extraction. A database is then built that will be used as a template for matching in authentication scenarios. This method is well laid out in the review by Sancho et al. (2018). In their article the authors define that PPG biometric authentication involves two stages: (1) Enrollment, and (2) Matching.

Both stages have two common processing steps: PPG acquisition and PPG preprocessing. The later of these is split into four separate subprocesses, filtering, cycle detection, cycle normalization, and cycle alignment. The enrollment stage then creates a database, and the testing stage (used for authentication) will go through a matching step that compares the metrics of the acquired PPG signal with those in the pre-prepared database and will then make an access decision. The access decision itself will be the result of a predefined confidence interval where the PPG signal must achieve at least a minimum score on a set of matching criteria. The whole two-stage process is illustrated in Fig. 14.1.

Figure 14.1. Biometric process of enrollment and matching. After PPG acquisition, the signals are high-pass filtered (HPF) to remove the DC baseline caused by the strong absorption of the illuminating light source in the nonpulsatile tissue. The signal is then notch filtered (NF) to eliminate any power-line interference before a feature extraction and normalization routine is applied to the signal. The metrics calculated are either stored in or matched against the template database, and a decision is made to grant access based on a set of minimum matching criteria.

PPG acquisition, filtering, and feature extraction have been discussed in more detail in previous chapters. PPG feature extraction has been the subject of or part of the main work in many research articles (Elgendi, 2012; Reşit Kavsaoğlu et al., 2014). As discussed in these articles there are several main features of interest that can provide a unique dataset that can be used for example for blood pressure analysis (El Hajj and Kyriacou, 2020) and pulse rate variability (PRV) measurements (Mejía-Mejía et al., 2020).

The framework for PPG feature extraction involves first isolating each individual PPG pulse. The PPG waveform is defined in pulse intervals and is the distance between the lowest amplitude points before the onset of each systolic rise. Once the pulses have been isolated, features can be extracted and used for various applications as described above and in previous chapters. For biometric applications some of the main features that are utilized are listed below and illustrated in Fig. 14.2:

Figure 14.2. Main PPG signal features used for biometric applications. PPG signals are normalized in the time and amplitude dimensions before the systolic peak (S), diastolic Peak (DP), diachrotic notch (DN), and pulse width (PW) are identified. The timings of the various peaks and inflections are normally timed in normalized samples from the onset of the PPG waveform, called the foot (F). This figure shows two separate PPG pulses for illustrative purposes. In PPG feature extraction algorithms, all features are extracted from every pulse.

Systolic peak amplitude value and timing

Dicrotic notch amplitude value and timing

The diastolic peak amplitude and timing

Pulse width(s). Systolic peak

This is the maximum amplitude of the pulse interval and provides a reference point for the normalization and alignment process. It also marks the portion of the PPG signal where the most amount of volume of blood has been detected at the PPG sensor (Allen, 2007). Dicrotic notch

The point of inflection on the downslope of the PPG marking the end of the systolic phase before the onset of the diastolic peak. Diastolic peak

The maximum amplitude in the diastolic portion of the PPG signal. The origin of the dicrotic notch and diastolic peak has been said to arise from pulse wave reflections at the aortoilliac junction (Li, 1985). Pulse width

Various sources define different pulse widths and are normally denominated as the width at some percentage of the amplitude of the systolic peak. In their review of the relationship of systemic vascular resistance with the PPG, Awad et al. (2007) defined the pulse width as the width of the pulse at half the systolic peak amplitude.

Other features of the PPG signal that may be calculated and classified for the template database may include the timing between the systolic and diastolic peak (ΔT), pulse area (area under the curve between the pulse interval points), and inflection area ratio (the ratio between the area under the diastolic portion divided by the area under the systolic portion, marked by the dicrotic notch) first described by Wang et al. (2009).

14.1.3 Summary

In the comprehensive review by Sancho et al. (2018), they acknowledge promising results from the ongoing work, but is yet to be determined if PPG signals are a viable method to authenticate subjects since the efficacy of the techniques discussed may depend heavily on the recording of the PPG signal. Work discussed in chapter 3 suggests a high-fidelity PPG platform with unmatched PPG signal acquisition resolution (temporal and bit-depth) at multiple wavelengths. Further to this the work presented by El Hajj and Kyriacou (2020) and El-Hajj and Kyriacou (2021) shows promising Artificial Intelligence (AI) signal processing techniques that may be adapted to the field of biometrics and increase the effectiveness of PPG biometrics.

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What is the science of identifying individuals based on measurable biological characteristics?

Biometrics can be defined as the most practical means of identifying and authenticating individuals in a reliable and fast way through unique biological characteristics.

What contains tiny chips and radio antennas the data in them is read by a reader whenever it is in range?

Radio-frequency identification, or RFID, is a generic term for technologies that use radio waves from a reader to track specific tags. These tags all include an antenna and a tiny chip, and can come in many shapes and sizes.

Which component of the CPU directs and coordinates most of the operations in the computer?

While control unit is the component of the processor that directs and coordinates most of the operations in the computer.

Is a thin board containing chips and other electronic components?

A thin board containing computer chips and other electronic components. The chip located on the motherboard of a computer that performs the processing for a computer. The amount of data (measured in Bits or Bytes) that a CPU can manipulate at one time.


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