What moves oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules from a high concentration to a low concentration

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To support the absorption of oxygen and release of carbon dioxide, about 5 to 8 liters (about 1.3 to 2.1 gallons) of air per minute are brought in and out of the lungs, and about three tenths of a liter (about three tenths of a quart) of oxygen is transferred from the alveoli to the blood each minute, even when the person is at rest. At the same time, a similar volume of carbon dioxide moves from the blood to the alveoli and is exhaled. During exercise, it is possible to breathe in and out more than 100 liters (about 26 gallons) of air per minute and extract 3 liters (a little less than 1 gallon) of oxygen from this air per minute. The rate at which oxygen is used by the body is one measure of the rate of energy expended by the body. Breathing in and out is accomplished by respiratory muscles Control of Breathing Breathing is usually automatic, controlled subconsciously by the respiratory center at the base of the brain. Breathing continues during sleep and usually even when a person is unconscious.... read more .

Gas Exchange Between Alveolar Spaces and Capillaries

The function of the respiratory system is to move two gases: oxygen and carbon dioxide. Gas exchange takes place in the millions of alveoli in the lungs and the capillaries that envelop them. As shown below, inhaled oxygen moves from the alveoli to the blood in the capillaries, and carbon dioxide moves from the blood in the capillaries to the air in the alveoli.

Three processes are essential for the transfer of oxygen from the outside air to the blood flowing through the lungs: ventilation, diffusion, and perfusion.

  • Ventilation is the process by which air moves in and out of the lungs.

  • Diffusion is the spontaneous movement of gases, without the use of any energy or effort by the body, between the alveoli and the capillaries in the lungs.

  • Perfusion is the process by which the cardiovascular system pumps blood throughout the lungs.



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  • 1. Description of Diffusion and Osmosis

    A water solution that contains nutrients, wastes, gases, salts and other substances surrounds cells. This is the external environment of a cell. The cell’s outer surface of the plasma membrane is in contact with this external environment, while the inner surface is in contact with the cytoplasm. Thus, the plasma membrane controls what enters and leaves the cell.

    The membrane permits the passage of some materials, but not all. The cell membrane is said to be selectively permeable. Small molecules, for example, may pass through the membrane. If no energy is required for substances to pass through the membrane, the process is called passive transport. We will discuss two examples of passive transport in this tutorial: diffusion and osmosis.

    Although you may not know what diffusion is, you have experienced the process. Can you remember walking into the front door of your home and smelling a pleasant aroma coming from the kitchen? It was diffusion of molecules from the kitchen to the front door of the house that allowed you to detect the odors.

    Diffusion is defined as the net movement of molecules from an area of greater concentration to an area of lesser concentration.

    The molecules in a gas, a liquid or a solid are in constant motion due to their kinetic energy. Molecules are in constant movement and collide with each other. These collisions cause the molecules to move in random directions. Over time, however, more molecules will be propelled into the less concentrated area. Thus, the net movement of molecules is always from more tightly packed areas to less tightly packed areas. Many things can diffuse. Odors diffuse through the air, salt diffuses through water and nutrients diffuse from the blood to the body tissues.

    This spread of particles through random motion from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration is known as diffusion. This unequal distribution of molecules is called a concentration gradient. Once the molecules become uniformly distributed, dynamic equilibrium exists. The equilibrium is said to be dynamic because molecules continue to move, but despite this change, there is no net change in concentration over time. Both living and nonliving systems experience the process of diffusion. In living systems, diffusion is responsible for the movement of a large number of substances, such as gases and small uncharged molecules, into and out of cells.

    Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\). (CC BY-NC-SA)


    Osmosis is a specific type of diffusion; it is the passage of water from a region of high water concentration through a semi-permeable membrane to a region of low water concentration. 

    Semi-permeable membranes are very thin layers of material which allow some things to pass through them, but prevent other things from passing through. Cell membranes are an example of semi-permeable membranes. Cell membranes allow small molecules such as oxygen, water carbon dioxide and glucose to pass through, but do not allow larger molecules like sucrose, proteins and starch to enter the cell directly.

    Figure \(\PageIndex{2}\). (CC BY-NC-SA)

    Example: If there was a semi-permeable membrane with more water molecules on one side as there were on the other, water molecules would flow from the side with a high concentration of water to the side with the lower concentration of water. This would continue until the concentration of water on both sides of the membrane were equal (dynamic equilibrium is established).

    Figure \(\PageIndex{3}\). (CC BY-NC-SA)

    Osmotic Pressure
    Adding sugars to water will result in a decrease in the water concentration because the sugar molecules displace the water molecules. 

    Figure \(\PageIndex{4}\). osmotic pressure (CC BY-NC-SA; LadyOfHats)

    If the two containers are connected, but separated by a semi-permeable membrane, water molecules would flow from the area of high water concentration (the solution that does not contain any sugar) to the area of lower water concentration (the solution that contains sugar). 

    Figure \(\PageIndex{5}\). osmotic pressure (CC BY-NC-SA; LadyOfHats)

    This movement of water would continue until the water concentration on both sides of the membrane is equal, and will result in a change in volume of the two sides. The side that contains sugar will end up with a larger volume.

    Figure \(\PageIndex{6}\). osmotic pressure (CC BY-NC-SA; LadyOfHats)

    Water solutions are very important in biology. When water is mixed with other molecules this mixture is called a solution. Water is the solvent and the dissolved substance is the solute. A solution is characterized by the solute. For example, water and sugar would be characterized as a sugar solution.

    The classic example used to demonstrate osmosis and osmotic pressure is to immerse red blood cells into sugar solutions of various concentrations. There are three possible relationships that cells can encounter when placed into a sugar solution.

    1. The concentration of solute in the solution can be equal to the concentration of solute in cells. In this situation the cell is in an isotonic solution (iso = equal or the same as normal). A red blood cell will retain its normal shape in this environment as the amount of water entering the cell is the same as the amount leaving the cell.

    2. The concentration of solute in the solution can be greater than the concentration of solute in the cells. This cell is described as being in a hypertonic solution (hyper = greater than normal). In this situation, a red blood will appear to shrink as the water flows out of the cell and into the surrounding environment.

    3. The concentration of solute in the solution can be less than the concentration of solute in the cells. This cell is in a hypotonic solution (hypo = less than normal). A red blood cell in this environment will become visibly swollen and potentially rupture as water rushes into the cell.

    Figure \(\PageIndex{4}\). (CC BY-NC-SA)

    Figure \(\PageIndex{4}\). (CC BY-NC-SA)

    What moves oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules from a high concentration to a low concentration across membranes?

    Diffusion is a type of passive transport, where molecules move from high concentration to low concentration. This means that the concentration of oxygen in the air must be higher than it is in the blood. The concentration of carbon dioxide is also different between the alveolar air and the blood of the capillary.

    What moves molecules from high to low concentration?

    Diffusion is the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration of the molecules to an area with a lower concentration. For cell transport, diffusion is the movement of small molecules across the cell membrane.

    Does carbon dioxide move from high to low concentration?

    Carbon dioxide, which is exhaled, moves in the opposite direction - from a high concentration in your bloodstream to a low concentration in your lungs.

    Which process describes the movement of oxygen from a high to low concentration?

    Diffusion is one of the processes that allows this to happen. Diffusion occurs when particles spread. They move from a region where they are in high concentration to a region where they are in low concentration.


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