What must a global marketer consider when developing a global advertising plan that addresses potentially competitive business objectives?

Integrated marketing communication (IMC) 

a technique that combines all the promotional tools into one comprehensive, unified promotional strategy 

Marketing communication includes all the messages, media, and activities used by an organization to communicate with the market and help persuade target audiences to accept its messages and take action accordingly.

refers to how marketers combine a range of marketing communication methods to execute their marketing activities

  • Advertising: Any paid form of presenting ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor
  • Public relations (PR): The purpose of public relations is to create goodwill between an organization (or the things it promotes) and the “public” or target segments it is trying to reach
  • Personal selling: Personal selling uses people to develop relationships with target audiences for the purpose of selling products and services (face -to face)
  • Sales promotion: Sales promotions are marketing activities that aim to temporarily boost sales of a product or service by adding to the basic value offered
  • Direct marketing: This method aims to sell products or services directly to consumers rather than going through retailer. Catalogs, telemarketing, mailed brochures, or promotional materials and television home shopping channels are all common traditional direct marketing tools. Email and mobile marketing are two next-generation direct marketing channels.
  • Digital marketing: Digital marketing covers a lot of ground, from Web sites to search-engine, content, and social media marketing
  • Guerrilla marketing: This newer category of marketing communication involves unconventional, innovative, and usually low-cost marketing tactics to engage consumers in the marketing activity, generate attention and achieve maximum exposure for an organization, its products, and/or services. Generally guerrilla marketing is experiential: it creates a novel situation or memorable experience consumers connect to a product or brand.

The Objectives of Marketing Communication

  1. to communicate: organizations should ensure that whatever information they communicate is clear, accurate, truthful, and useful to the stakeholders involved
  2. to compete: particularly in markets where competitors sell essentially the same product at the same price in the same outlets
  3. to convince: it should present ideas, products, or services in such a compelling way that target segments are led to take a desired action

A specific, defined series of activities used in marketing a new or changed product or service, or in using new marketing channels and methods.

  • Advertising: A series of related, well-timed, carefully placed television ads coupled with print advertising in selected magazines and newspapers
  • Direct marketing: Direct-to-consumer mail pieces sent to target segments in selected geographic areas, reinforcing the messages from the ads
  • Personal selling: Preparation for customer sales representatives about the campaign to equip them to explain and demonstrate the product benefits stressed in advertising
  • Sales promotions: In-store display materials reflecting the same messages and design as the ads, emphasizing point-of-sale impact
  • Digital marketing: Promotional information on the organization’s Web site that reflects the same messages, design, and offers reflected in the ads; ads themselves may be posted on the Website, YouTube, Facebook, and shared in other social media
  • Public relations: A press release announcing something newsworthy in connection to the campaign focus, objectives, and target segment(s)

refers to how an organization talks about itself and the value it provides

  • Corporate messaging communicates about the purpose and value a company provides to the market.
  • Brand messaging focuses on how and what to communicate about a company, product, or service brand.
  • Product messaging expresses key selling points about a product.
  • Crisis messaging outlines talking points for how an organization communicates about an unfortunate development
  • Messaging ensures that everyone in an organization who needs to communicate something with the market can do it with a common set of messages and a common understanding of what the market should hear from them
  • Messaging is an essential ingredient for a successful marketing campaign

  • Express the main idea you want people to understand and remember about your offering
  • Resonate with the audience you are targeting, such that they pay attention and feel what you are saying matters
  • Articulate clearly and concisely what you need to communicate about: e.g., what you stand for, why you are different, what value you offer, what problems you solve
  • Start with the Basics: What, Who, Why?
  • Draft Message Statements
    • Concise: Key message statements should be clear and concise, ideally just one sentence long–but not a long, run-on sentence.
    • Simple: Key messages should use language that is easy for target audiences to understand. You should avoid acronyms, jargon, and flowery or bureaucratic-sounding language.
    • Strategic: Key messages should differentiate your organization and what you stand for, while articulating the value proposition or key benefits you offer.
    • Convincing: Messaging should include believable, meaningful information that creates a sense of urgency and stimulates action. Message wording should be decisive and active, rather than passive.
    • Relevant: Key messages should matter to the audience; they should communicate useful, relevant information that the audience finds appealing not only on a logical or rational level but also on an emotional level.
    • Memorable: Key messages should stick in the mind, so the impression they make is easy to recall.
    • Tailored: Messaging must communicate effectively with intended target audiences. This means the messaging should reflect the target audience’s unique needs, priorities, issues, terminology, relationship to the organization, and other distinguishing factors that might help the messaging better communicate with that audience.
  • Organize a Messaging Framework
  • Refine Your Work:
    • Alignment: Recheck your messaging for alignment. Make sure all levels of the messaging framework are consistent with one another.
    • Hearts and Minds: Identify where your messaging is working at a rational level and where it’s working at an emotional level. To be compelling enough to spark a change in behavior, it must appeal to both.
    • Strategy: Confirm that the messaging complements your organizational, marketing, and brand strategies. If it isn’t getting you further along those paths, it isn’t doing its job.
    • Differentiation: Review your messaging with competitors in mind. Your messaging should set you apart and express messages only you can credibly own. It should be more than just “me, too” catch-up to the competition.
    • Tone: When you read your messages out loud, your language should sound natural and conversational. Your messaging should ring true; it should sound like it genuinely comes from your organization and the people who represent you.
    • Clarity: If parts of your messaging sound vague or unclear, look for ways to reword them to make them more concise and concrete. People hearing the message should easily understand exactly what you mean.
    • Inspiration: Your messaging should motivate and inspire your target audiences to take action. If it isn’t compelling enough to do that, you need to make it stronger.

An international retail food company coordinates its consistent strategic marketing message for a new sandwich through marketing tools such as sales promotions, digital marketing, advertising, and public relations campaigns. What impact could the coordination of that message have on the company’s target market? It communicates messages across a variety of platforms and creates fractured marketing communication which impact customers’ perceptions and behavior.
It communicates messages across a variety of platforms and creates fractured marketing communication that impacts customers’ perceptions and behavior.

It reinforces the message across a variety of platforms and creates a more efficient and effective means to impact customers’ perceptions and behavior.

Which type of common marketing communication method uses the development of face-to-face interaction and relationships with the target audience in order to sell products or services?
sales promotion

Which choice includes all of the seven common methods of marketing communication?
advertising, direct marketing, personal selling, sales promotions, public relations, monkey marketing, and digital marketing indirect marketing, personal selling, exhibitions, sales promotions, public relations, guerrilla marketing, and generational marketing

advertising, direct marketing, personal selling, sales promotions, public relations, guerrilla marketing, and digital marketing

A new marketing employee for an international company is learning to coordinate all of the company’s marketing methods. What are the seven most common methods she should make sure to address with the company’s marketing? advertising, direct marketing, personal selling, sales promotions, public relations, monkey marketing, and digital marketing
indirect marketing, personal selling, exhibitions, sales promotions, public relations, guerrilla marketing, and generational marketing PreviousNext

advertising, direct marketing, personal selling, sales promotions, public relations, guerrilla marketing, and digital marketing

VRBO, a peer-to-peer lodging company, consistently communicated its value and marketing message well across its online tools of banner ads, email offers, and website design. However, the messages did not translate as well in the company’s offline marketing. The magazine print ads, radio commercials, and direct mailing campaigns seemed inconsistent with its online messages. What are the probable outcomes of this disconnect? The target audience clearly understood the company’s offerings regardless of which marketing piece they encountered. The effective and consistent message will be reinforced repeatedly through the various IMC campaigns. PreviousNext

The company wasted resources, time, and money only to create customer confusion.

The Just Soup company is designing a marketing campaign with the objective of stimulating a trial of its tomato soup product to reinvigorate its brand in the customer's mind since the soup’s demand has plateaued. Which stage in the AIDA model should Just Soup focus its campaign attention? action
interest PreviousNext

Which of the following is the best definition of an IMC marketing campaign? a coordinated series of marketing communication efforts built around many ideas or themes which are designed to reach a variety of objectives a planned set of objectives fashioned into a series of marketing communication tools built for mass broadcasting of multiple ideas or themes

a planned and coordinated series of marketing communication events built around an idea or theme that is designed to reach a particular objective

The process involving coordination of a variety of different communication tools used to deliver a common message and impact customers’ perceptions and behavior is known as ________. marketing through distribution defining the message

integrated marketing communication

What is one of the major factors for success with a marketing campaign? creating a message that is a broad market message spending a large amount of time on creating a message

having a clear and consistent message

If an organization needs to communicate about a service interruption or an unfortunate development, which type of messaging does it use? corporate messaging brand messaging

What is the primary function of drafting a message statement? It should express multiple complex ideas in a variety of ways. It should create a message to obscure a company’s differences and value so that it blends in with its competitors.

It should resonate with your target audience enough to grab their attention and interest.

A company failed to coordinate a clear message across all of the IMC channels it was using to market its products and services. What are the ramifications of this misstep? The effective and consistent message is reinforced over and over through the various IMC campaigns. The target audience is clear about the company’s offerings.

The customers are confused as a result of the wasted resources, time, and money.

The Softbank telecommunications and internet corporation prides itself on being a forward-thinking, innovative company. To market its various products, Softbank coordinates many marketing tools such as sales promotions, digital marketing, advertising, public relations campaigns, and even some guerrilla marketing with its corporate and marketing strategic message. What impact does a coordinated message have on Softbank’s target markets?
It communicates messages across a variety of platforms and creates fractured marketing communication that impacts customers’ perceptions and behavior.

It reinforces the company’s culture and marketing message across a variety of platforms and creates a more efficient and effective means to impact customers’ perceptions and behavior.

The IRS discovers that a public company has unpaid employee taxes it owes the government. This discovery is about to become public in the media. Which type of messaging should the company use for talking points to communicate about this damaging publicity? brand messaging product messaging

What does it mean when a company speaks about its corporate messaging? how the company interprets the messages coming from the outside market
how the company sends its communications throughout the company

how the company talks about itself and the value it provides to its market

Determining IMC Objectives and Approach

  1. Determine Target Market
  2. Determine Marketing Campaign Objectives: The objectives should explain 1) the impact of campaign activity on target audiences, and 2) the ultimate results or outcomes that align with the organization’s marketing strategy and corporate goals
  3. Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals
  4. Define the Message
  5. Select Marketing Communication Methods
  6. Determine the Promotional Mix
  7. Execute the Campaign
  8. Measure Results

  • A represents attention or awareness, and the ability to attract the attention of the consumers.
  • I is interest and points to the ability to raise the interest of consumers by focusing on and demonstrating advantages and benefits (instead of focusing on features, as in traditional advertising).
  • D represents desire. The advertisement convinces consumers that they want and desire the product or service because it will satisfy their needs.
  • A is action. Consumers are led to take action by purchasing the product or service.

  • places the product in front of the customer, to make sure the consumer is aware of the existence of the product. Push strategies also create incentives for retailers to stock products and put them in front of the customer
  • Push strategies work best when companies already have established relationships with users

stimulates demand and motivates customers to actively seek out a specific product. It is aimed primarily at the end users, rather than retailers or other middle players in the value chain. Pull strategies can be particularly successful for strong, visible brands with which consumers already have some familiarity

marketers should consider how the campaign will draw attention, make an impact, and invite target audiences to take action amidst a crowded marketplace. Exposure alone is no longer sufficient to create brand equity and loyalty; interaction is now the name of the game

  • Specific: target a specific area for improvement
  • Measurable: quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress
  • Assignable: specify who will do it
  • Realistic: state what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources
  • Time-related: specify when the result(s) can be achieved

Select Marketing Communication Methods

  • Budget: What is the budget for the marketing campaign, and what resources are available to execute it
  • Timing: Some IMC methods and tactics require a longer lead time than others
  • Audience: Effective IMC methods meet audiences where they are
  • Existing Assets and Organizational Strengths: When considering marketing communications and the promotional mix, marketers should always look for ways to build on and make the best use of existing assets
  • Advantages of Various Marketing Communication Methods

The Purpose of Advertising

  • Informative Advertising creates awareness of brands, products, services, and ideas. It announces new products and programs and can educate people about the attributes and benefits of new or established products.
  • Persuasive Advertising tries to convince customers that a company’s services or products are the best, and it works to alter perceptions and enhance the image of a company or product. Its goal is to influence consumers to take action and switch brands, try a new product, or remain loyal to a current brand.
  • Reminder Advertising reminds people about the need for a product or service, or the features and benefits it will provide when they purchase promptly.

The creative strategy has two primary components: the message and the appeal.

  • informational appeal: ffers facts and information to help the target audience make a purchasing decision
  • emotional appeal: targets consumers’ emotional wants and needs rather than rational logic and facts

Developing the Media Plan

(a) stating media objectives; (b) evaluating media; (c) selecting and implementing media choices; and (d) determining the media budget.

  • Reach: number of different persons or households exposed to a particular media vehicle or media schedule at least once during a specified time period.
  • Frequency: the number of times within a given time period that a consumer is exposed to a message.
  • Continuity: the timing of media assertions

Selection and Implementation

  • Continuous advertising runs ads steadily at a given level indefinitely. This schedule works well products and services that are consumed on a steady basis throughout the year, and the purpose of advertising is to nudge consumers, remind them and keep a brand or product top-of-mind.
  • Flighting involves heavy spurts of advertising, followed by periods with no advertising. This type of schedule makes sense for products or services that are seasonal in nature, like tax services, as well as one-time or occasional events.
  • Pulsing mixes continuous scheduling with flighting, to create a constant drum-beat of ads, with periods of greater intensity. This approach matches products and services for which there is year-round appeal, but there may be some seasonality or periods of greater demand or intensity. Hotels and airlines, for example, might increase their advertising presence during the holiday season.

need to balance the cost of advertising–both of producing the advertising pieces and buying placement—against the total budget for the IMC program

Anatomy of an Advertisement

  • The visual is the picture, image, or situation portrayed in the advertisement
  • The headline is generally what the viewer reads first
  • The subhead is a smaller headline that continues the idea introduced in the headline or provides more information. It usually appears below the headline and in a smaller typeface.
  • The body copy provides supporting information. Generally it appears in a standard, readable font.
  • The call to action may be part of the body copy, or it may appear elsewhere in a larger typeface or color treatment to draw attention to itself
  • brand elements may also appear in an advertisement

Ad Testing and Measurement

  • It is wise to conduct marketing research to test the advertisements with target audiences before spending lots of money on ads and messages that may not hit the mark
  • Companies may also measure sales before, during, and after advertising campaigns run in the geographies or targets where the advertising appeared

is the process of maintaining a favorable image and building beneficial relationships between an organization and the public communities, groups, and people it serves (free advertising)

The Purpose of Public Relations

  • Build and maintain a positive image
  • Inform target audiences about positive associations with a product, service, brand, or organization
  • Maintain good relationships with influencers—the people who strongly influence the opinions of target audiences
  • Generate goodwill among consumers, the media, and other target audiences by raising the organization’s profile
  • Stimulate demand for a product, service, idea, or organization
  • Head off critical or unfavorable media coverage

When to Use Public Relations

  • Your organization develops an innovative technology or approach that is different and better than anything else available.
  • One of your products wins a “best in category” prize awarded by a trade group.
  • You enter into a partnership with another organization to collaborate on providing broader and more complete services to a target market segment.
  • You sponsor and help organize a 10K race to benefit a local charity.
  • You merge with another company.
  • You conduct research to better understand attitudes and behaviors among a target segment, and it yields insights your customers would find interesting and beneficial.
  • A customer shares impressive and well-documented results about the cost savings they have realized from using your products or services.
  • Your organization is hiring a new CEO or other significant executive appointment.
  • A quality-assurance problem leads your company to issue a recall for one of your products.

Standard Public Relations Techniques

  1. Media relations
  2. Publications that convey the company’s identity, vision, and goals
  3. Events, such as industry conferences or user group meetings, offer opportunities to present the company’s value proposition, products, and services to current and prospective customers
  4. Sponsorships go hand-in-hand with events, as organizations affiliate themselves with events and organizations by signing on to co-sponsor something available to the community
  5. Award programs are another common PR tool
  6. Crisis management is an important PR toolset to have on hand whenever it may be needed

Advantages of Public Relations

  1. The opportunity to amplify key messages and milestones
  2. Believable
  3. Employee pride
  4. Engaging people who visit your Web site

Disadvantages of Public Relations

  1. Cost
  2. Lack of control
  3. Missing the mark

PR and Integrated Marketing Communication

PR focuses heavily on communication with key stakeholder groups, it stands to reason that other marketing communication tools should be used in conjunction with public relations

Consumer Sales Promotion Techniques

  • A sample is a sales promotion in which a small amount of a product that is for sale is given to consumers to try
  • Coupons provide an immediate price reduction off an item
  • Point-of-purchase displays encourage consumers to buy a product immediately
  • A premium is a product or offer a consumer receives when they buy another product
  • Contests are games of skill offered by a company, that offer consumers the chance to win a prize
  • Sweepstakes are games of chance people enter for the opportunity to win money or prizes
  • Loyalty programs are sales promotions designed to get repeat business
  • Rebates When you get a rebate, you are refunded part (or all) of the purchase price of a product after completing a form and sending it to the manufacturer with your proof of purchase

Trade Promotion Techniques

  • Trade show is an event in which firms in a particular industry display and demonstrate their offerings to the organizations and people they hope will buy them
  • Sales contests, which are often held by manufacturers and B2B companies, provide incentives for salespeople to increase their sales
  • Trade allowances give channel partners—for example, a manufacturer’s wholesalers, distributors, retailers, etc.—different incentives to push a product to its customers
  • Training to help their salespeople understand how the manufacturers’ products work and how consumers can be enticed to buy them
  • product demonstrations to show a channel partner’s customers how products work and answer any questions they might have
  • Free merchandise, such as a tool, television, or other product produced by the manufacturer, can also be used to induce retailers to sell products to consumers

two-way flow of communication between a buyer and a seller that is designed to influence the buyer's purchase decision.

Common Personal Selling Techniques

  • Sales presentations: in-person or virtual presentations to inform prospective customers about a product, service, or organization
  • Conversations: relationship-building dialogue with prospective buyers for the purposes of influencing or making sales
  • Demonstrations: demonstrating how a product or service works and the benefits it offers, highlighting advantageous features and how the offering solves problems the customer encounters
  • Addressing objections: identifying and addressing the concerns of prospective customers, to remove any perceived obstacles to making a purchase
  • Field selling: sales calls by a sales representative to connect with target customers in person or via phone
  • Retail selling: in-store assistance from a sales clerk to help customers find, select, and purchase products that meet their needs
  • Door-to-door selling: offering products for sale by going door-to-door in a neighborhood
  • Consultative selling: consultation with a prospective customer, where a sales representative (or consultant) learns about the problems the customer wants to solve and recommends solutions to the customer’s particular problem
  • Reference selling: using satisfied customers and their positive experiences to convince target customers to purchase a product or service

When to Use Personal Selling

  • Product situation: Personal selling is relatively more effective and economical when a product is of a high unit value, when it is in the introductory stage of its life cycle, when it requires personal attention to match consumer needs, or when it requires product demonstration or after-sales services.
  • Market situation: Personal selling is effective when a firm serves a small number of large-size buyers or a small/local market. Also, it can be used effectively when an indirect channel of distribution is used for selling to agents or middlemen.
  • Company situation: Personal selling is best utilized when a firm is not in a good position to use impersonal communication media, or it cannot afford to have a large and regular advertising outlay.
  • Consumer behavior situation: Personal selling should be adopted by a company when purchases are valuable but infrequent, or when competition is at such a level that consumers require persuasion and follow-up.

advantages of personal selling (4)

1. greater impact on specific consumers 2. provides immediate feedback 3. allows for message adjustment 4. kinesic, proxemic, tactile communications

Disadvantages of Personal Selling

  • expensive
  • difficult to have consistent message delivered to all customers

Sales and promotional techniques that deliver promotional materials individually to potential customers

The Purpose and Uses of Direct Marketing

to reach and appeal directly to individual consumers and to use information about them to offer products, services and offers that are most relevant to them and their needs

The Key to Effective Direct Marketing

depends on marketers using databases to capture the information of target customers and the use of this information to extend ever-more-personalized offers and information to consumers

Advantages and Disadvantages of Direct Marketing

  • less public
  • more immediate and customized
  • interactive
  • well suited to highly targeted marketing efforts and building one-to-one customer relationships

uses all digital media, including the internet and mobile and interactive channels, to develop communication and exchange with customers

What Makes Digital Marketing Tools Unique

  • Interactive
  • Mobile and portable
  • Highly measurable and data driven
  • Shareable
  • Synergistic with other marketing activities

The Imperative to Use Digital Marketing

For virtually every organization that wants to do business in the world today, having some level of digital marketing presence is a requirement

A Web site that interacts with consumers to move them closer to a direct purchase or other marketing outcome.

Web Sites As Marketing Tools

  • Providing general information about an organization such as the value proposition, products and services, and contact information
  • Expressing the brand of an organization through design, look and feel, personality, and voice
  • Demonstrating products, services, and expertise, including the customer experience, features, benefits, and value they provide
  • Proof points about the value a company offers, using evidence in the form of case studies, product reviews, testimonials, return on investment data, etc.
  • Lead generation, capturing information about Web-site visitors to use in ongoing sales and marketing activity
  • Communities and forums for target audiences to share information and ask/answer questions
  • Publishing value-adding content and tools for informational or entertainment purposes to bring people in and draw them back to the Web site
  • Communication about company news, views, culture, developments, and vision through an electronic newsroom or a company blog, for example
  • Shopping, providing tools for customers to research, find, and select products or services in the digital environment
  • Recommendations that direct customers to information, products, services, and companies that meet their interests and needs
  • Sales, the ability to conduct sales and transact business online
  • Capturing customer feedback about the organization, its products, services, content, and the Web-site experience itself

Advantages and Disadvantages of Web-Site Marketing

  • many advantages that there is almost no excuse for a business not to have one
  • costs and risks

Search-engine optimization (SEO) 

is the process of using Internet search engines, such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo, to gain notice, visibility, and traffic from people conducting searches using these tools

  • Organic search results are the unpaid listings that appear solely because of their relevance to the search terms entered when you conduct an Internet search
  • Inorganic, or paid search results, appear because companies have paid the search engine for a high-ranking placement based on the search terms used

the use of online applications, networks, blogs, wikis, and other collaborative media for communicating brand messaging, conducting marketing, public relations, and lead generation

  • Creating buzz: Developing and publishing messages (in a variety of formats–e.g., text, video, and images) that is disseminated via user-to-user contact
  • Fostering community: Building ways for fans to engage with one another about a shared interest in a brand, product, or service
  • Facilitating two-way communication: Online conversations are not controlled by the organizations. Instead, social media promotes and encourages user participation, feedback, and dialogue

How Social Media Marketing Works

  • Paid
  • Earned
  • Owned

Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing

  • Social media offers a virtually unlimited audience for communicating and sharing key messages in the market. It also offers marketers the ability to relatively easily target and test the effectiveness of content using the various targeting capabilities of social media for location, interests, income, title, industry, and other sociographic differentiators
  • carry a number of inherent challenges

promotional strategies that use unconventional means and venues to encourage word of mouth about products; "ambushes" recipient

Advantages of Guerrilla Marketing

  • inexpensive
  • word-of-mouth marketing

Disadvantages of Guerrilla Marketing

  • misinterpret
  • negative impressions
  • there’s a risk of backlash, anger, and frustration.

  • Generate and Qualify Leads
  • Build Relationship and Discover Needs
  • Present Solution and Resolve Concerns
  • Close the Sale
  • Monitor and Follow Up

  • Company-level KPIs
  • Department-level KPIs
  • Team-level KPIs
  • Campaign-level KPIs
  • Marketing tactic-level KPIs

  • promotional mix: identify the marketing communication methods to be used
  • resource and budget requirements: outline the funding and other resources needed to execute the plan and explain how the plan will use the available budget
  • tactics: identify the specific marketing communication tools and tactics to be used, as well as the target audience for each
  • timing: clarify when each tactical step needs to take place, in order to meet the campaign objectives
  • ownership: identify which team or team member is responsible for executing each step
  • measurement: select the metrics to be tracked in order to gauge the campaign’s impact, and explain how the data will be captured

Something that is measurable and specifies the progress a business or organization is making toward reaching its goals or objectives is the definition of a: key developmental indicator (KDI) progress performance key (PPK)
How sure are you of your answer? Click belo

key performance indicator (KPI)

If a marketer is thinking through the details of the promotion mix for the campaign, listing the key tools and methods to be used, and subdividing the amount of money to be spent in each area, then the marketer is working on which portion of the campaign plan? the campaign impact the communication action plan

the budget of the campaign, specifically the promotional mix budget

Tiana is planning a marketing campaign for her employer, Catering Queen. She is identifying the types of IMC tools she will be using for the marketing message and associating the amount of money to be used for implementing each tool. Which portions of the campaign plan is Tiana working on right now? the communication action plan
the campaign impact PreviousNext

the campaign budget, specifically the promotional mix budget

In order to begin an action plan, what must a marketer know first? the budget, the accounting method, and the fiscal reporting template

the campaign deadline date, any date conflicts, and the people’s time limitations and availabilities

What is the purpose of a communication plan for a marketer? to address the business’s needs for brand awareness and to keep its marketing mix fresh in the public’s eyes

to think ahead about the promotions mix execution, to ensure the whole marketing team agrees on a common vision for their work, and to identify what role each individual plays to achieve that vision

The Sweet Candy Company needs a new marketing campaign to address its new candy products launching next quarter. After speaking with the confectioners and seeing their creations, Sweet Candy Company’s marketing director has a good idea of the type of market for these new candies. Now it is time for her to plan a campaign around the new candy market. Why would it be a good idea for her to create a communication plan for the marketing of these new candies? to address the business’s needs for brand awareness and to keep its marketing mix fresh in the public’s eyes to prepare for how the target market will react to certain kinds of marketing activities and to plan for contingencies to address market concerns PreviousNext

to think ahead about the promotions mix execution, to ensure the whole marketing team agrees on a common vision for their work, and to identify what role each individual plays to achieve that vision

How can marketers estimate the impact of various marketing campaigns if they have little prior experience in estimating campaign impact? They can ask what types of IMC tools the company will be using and how costly they are to use. They can determine the measurement of impact by how well upper management reacts to the plan.

They can ask what the goals are for the campaign and determine whether those goals have been met.

What should be included in a communication action plan template to keep responsibilities and information clear for everyone? activity type, audience, owner, follow-up, cost

timing, activity type, brief description, audience, owner

How does a company or organization decide which key areas to measure? A company or organization starts by considering the product objectives and design. A company or organization starts by considering department level goals and objectives as well as product level designs.

A company or organization starts by considering its overall goals and objectives and the marketing goals and objectives.

If a marketing communications campaign uses SEO or website tools for its marketing campaign, what are some of the KPIs used to measure the campaign’s effectiveness? likes, shares, comments, retweets/reposts, positive/negative sentiment open rate, bounce rate, unsubscribe rate

SEO keyword ranking, number of unique visitors, average time on site/page

A taxi company’s marketing team launched a new website supported by a marketing campaign that used SEO to increase website traffic through SEO strategies. Now the marketing team is looking to measure KPIs to see what areas of the website are working well and whether their use of SEO is driving more people to the website. What types of metrics should the marketing team be measuring? likes, shares, comments, retweets/reposts, positive/negative sentiment open rate, bounce rate, unsubscribe rate

SEO keyword ranking, number of unique visitors, average time on site/page

A company is monitoring campaign-level KPIs. Select all of the following that campaign-level KPIs would include.

  • total revenue, customer-satisfaction rating, market share, profitability
  • metrics across multiple campaigns, number of people that open emails, cost per impression

An insurance company runs a marketing campaign to capture new drivers as they seek out car insurance services. The marketing team uses a combination of social media videos, Instagram photos, and an email campaign. Now the marketing team wants to measure the results and make any adjustments necessary to improve the marketing campaign’s impact. What type of campaign-level KPI metrics should they measure?

brand awareness, costs per leads, conversion rate, number of new qualified needs generated PreviousNext

  • total revenue, customer-satisfaction rating, market share, profitability
  • metrics across multiple campaigns, email open rates, cost per impression, conversion rate

A company can have many different levels of measuring KPIs. What types of KPIs can be measured besides company-level, campaign-level, department-level, and team-level KPIs? product-level KPIs
industry-level KPIs

marketing tactic-level KPIs

In order for the sales process to begin, which initial step must be taken? solutions need to be presented and concerns resolved relationships need to be built and needs discovered

leads need to be generated and qualified

A company conducts most of its business online or through mobile web tools and does little to no personal selling. What types of IMC tools could be used by marketers to support the company’s sales process? flyers, posters, direct mailings, postcards
trade shows, conferences, door-to-door sales

social media, videos, email, web content, mobile text push offers

Advertising encompases three primary objectives. One objective is to remind customers of the need for the product or service and the benefits it provides. A second objective is to persuade customers try a new product, remain loyal, or switch brands. What is the third primary objective of advertising? comparative abstraction advertising

A customer has worked her way through the decision-making process steps and is now in the final selection process. She is discussing the specific terms of the sale with a salesperson. Which set of IMC tools are especially useful at this stage? email, surveys, social media case studies, videos, product demonstrations, presentations

discounts, sales promotions, testimonials

If a customer is in the information research and processing stage of the consumer decision-making process, how should a salesperson support him or her in this stage? Provide the consumer with solutions and resolve the consumers needs.
Work at closing a sale with the consumer with the business's product or service.

Build a relationship with the consumer and discover what the consumer’s needs are.

What are the vital roles marketers play in supporting the sales process? Marketers need to provide motivational coaching for salespeople to do their job.

Marketers need to provide tools to the salespeople to assist them in closing deals.

A company can use the information gathered from a CRM system to support the development of its marketing strategy and sales. CRM systems can also help a company discover information about which of all of the following key areas? identifying which salespeople are the most effective with customers

  • identifying who the business’s most profitable customers are and how to improve product offerings
  • identifying customer segments and improving customer experiences

What are some of the main supporting strengths of a CRM system for the marketing team and their use of IMC tools?

  • The CRM system makes it possible to measure the effectiveness of multichannel campaigns such as email, social media, telephone, direct mail and search.
  • The CRM system reports overall campaign metrics like lead generation, clicks, likes, revenue, and deals closed.
  • The CRM system makes it possible to monitor in great detail responses, clicks and participation in calls to action.

The marketing team for an audio equipment company pulled information out of their CRM system and identified the target segment of professional audio studios and sound engineers to receive the company’s social media and email campaign that showed its latest high-end mixing board product. The campaign ran for a week and the marketing team then needed to see how effective the various tools had been, who seemed interested, and other data to identify potential customers for this product. Identify all of the ways the CRM system can assist the marketing team with their campaign effectiveness report.

  • The CRM system reports overall campaign metrics like lead generation, clicks, likes, revenue, and deals closed.
  • The CRM system makes it possible to measure the effectiveness of multichannel campaigns such as email, social media, telephone, direct mail, and search.
  • The CRM system makes it possible to monitor in great detail responses, clicks, and participation in calls to action.

Sales force automation (SFA) is a function in many CRM systems. How can this type of tool assist with the sales process? It enables businesses to use more salespeople to manage clients. It manages contacts by tracking and recording only the final two stages of the sales process for prospective clients.

It streamlines each phase of the sales process and minimizes the time salespeople need to spend in each step.

CRM systems have business goals to assist businesses in capturing new leads and move them through the sales process as well as managing and supporting relationships with current customers to maximize their lifetime company value. What other overall business goals do CRM systems help organizations achieve? They help create intricate and complex processes and business functions to implement.
They help maintain productivity and keep costs for sales, account management, and marketing steady.

They help decrease costs for sales, account management, and marketing and increase productivity

A CRM system generally captures and maintains information that is very useful to the sales and marketing process. Which types of information does the CRM system capture? current company organization information and inventory data current customer information exclusively

current and prospective customer information and the businesses interaction with them

A company is developing its advertising media plan and recognizes that it needs to target a highly specific market and be able to have high measurement capabilities for its advertisement effectiveness. Which type of media would best support the company’s media plan goal to meet its stated requirements?

A zipline company is developing its advertising media plan for its seasonal business and is deciding on the type of media to use that would best facilitate its campaign. The plan calls for a seasonally flexible, flighting approach that will expose the company’s message to a mass market but not be too expensive. Which of the choices best meets the zipline company’s marketing plan objectives?
television ads

A paid form of communication from a specific source or sponsor that accentuates goods, services, and/or ideas, of the sponsor is the definition of ________.
public relations personal selling How sure are you of your answer? Click

If a company or organization is working on building a favorable community relationship with organizations, people, customers, groups, and the public in general, it is working on growing and maintaining a favorable image through ________. advertising direct marketing

What are the first three planning steps for marketers to define what they want to accomplish and with whom? set S.M.A.R.T. goals, define the message, select marketing communications methods and tools select marketing methods and tools, determine the promotion mix, execute the campaign

determine the target market, purpose and objectives for IMC campaign, set S.M.A.R.T. goals

If a marketing team is deciding between using a direct mail marketing campaign or a social media marketing campaign, then where are they in stages of the planning steps? the fourth step: defining the message the seventh step: executing the campaign

the sixth step: determining the promotional mix of which tools to use, when, and how much

If the strategy a company is using stimulates demand and motivates customers to seek out its specific products or services, this strategy is known as a ________? personal selling strategy push strategy

A marketing team has designed a marketing campaign with the objective of stimulating a trial of their company’s product since demand has become stagnant. Which stage should the AIDA model should the team focus their efforts?


As a company moves a customer through the purchasing process, the percentage of prospects changes. Which stage of the AIDA process has the smallest percentage of prospects associated with it? the awareness stage the interest stage

The PlentyofFish dating site company is designing a marketing campaign with the objective of reducing the purchase risk of its dating service in the customer's mind. PlentyofFish is offering a limited free 30-day trial to test out the site. Which stage has the smallest percentage of prospects associated with the AIDA model is PlentyofFish implementing for its campaign ? desire stage

The Burger House chain wants to introduce a new low-calorie menu across its chain and the marketing team has ruled out using reminder or persuasive advertising. Which primary advertising objective did The Burger House chain decide was the best approach to position its advertising efforts? It will use mindfulness which creates a raised awareness of the social responsibility of a company or using a product or service. It will use comparative abstraction which highlights the qualities of a new product or service in comparison to other products or services PreviousNext

It will use informative which creates awareness of a brand, service, or product through educating potential customers about attributes and benefits of the new offering.

A crude oil company is recovering after a oil tanker spill this month. It is trying to rebuild a positive image about its brand while at the same time strengthen its good relationships with influencers and generate public goodwill. What is the most effective marketing tool for it to use to accomplish all of its goals? focus its efforts on advertising focus its efforts on direct marketing PreviousNext

focus its efforts with public relations

Lynn is fresh out of school and has applied for a variety of jobs. He interviews with a few companies and decides to take a sales position for a tutoring company. After his first two weeks of training, he is expected to jump fully into the sales process for the company. Which of the following should be Lynn's first step in the sales process? Start building relationships with potential customers and discover their needs. Present solutions for potential customers’ needs and resolve their concerns.

Generate and qualify potential customer leads.

Lounge Lizard, a website and mobile app design company for small businesses, receives the majority of its new customer leads from web searches or other online sources. The marketing team at Lounge Lizard provides a variety of tools in order for the company’s sales process to move customers through their decision-making process. Which type of IMC tools would you expect the Lounge Lizard marketing team to provide, given the company’s type of business? flyers, posters, direct mailings, postcards trade shows, conferences, door-to-door sales PreviousNext

social media, videos, email, web content, mobile text push offers

Wells Fargo, one of the largest banks in the United States, uses a robust CRM system to manage its 70 million individual customers. The system has helped the bank improve its service sales and optimize the use of IMC tools such as email and social media to keep in touch on a regular basis with its customers. What other information can Wells Fargo’s CRM system tell the company? which salespeople are the most effective with customers PreviousNext

  • who the most profitable customers are and how to improve customer experiences
  • its customer segments and how to improve product offerings

What would you take into consideration when planning a global marketing strategy?

What's most important to your global expansion strategy?.
Market research. Of course, you cannot expand into a global market if you don't understand the various regional markets you plan to enter. ... .
Goal identification. ... .
Financial readiness. ... .
Organizational change management. ... .
Legal considerations..

What are some of the factors that a marketer should to consider?

Here are five factors that can make or break your marketing strategy..
Your Understanding Of Your Target Market. Every marketing strategy has a target market that you want to reach. ... .
Communicating The Value To Your Customers. ... .
Watching The Data. ... .
Focus. ... .

Which areas need to be addressed in a promotional campaign when entering a global marketing place?

Promotion: Global marketers must balance four potentially competing business objectives when developing worldwide advertising: 1) building a brand while speaking with one voice, 2) developing economies of scale in the creative process, 3) maximizing local effectiveness of advertisements, and 4) increasing the company's ...

What are the objectives of global competitive marketing strategy?

Your strategy should aim to increase global brand awareness, gain a competitive advantage, and position your company as a valuable solution for your customers.


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