What was one difference between life in New England and in the Chesapeake in the Seventeenth Century quizlet?

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Townshend Acts - passed by Parliament in 1767, placed taxes on imported materials such as glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea. Led to outrage and tons of people boycotted British goods.

Boston Massacre - In 1770, British soldiers fired into a crowd of colonists who were teasing and taunting them. Five colonists were killed, including Crispus Attucks, a sailor of African and Native American ancestry.

Tea Act - 1773 act which eliminated import tariffs on tea entering England and allowed the British East India Company to sell directly to consumers rather than through merchants. Hurt colonial merchants. Led to the Boston Tea Party protest.

Boston Tea Party - A 1773 protest against British taxes in which Boston colonists, led by Samuel Adams, the Sons of Liberty, and John Hancock, and some disguised as Mohawk Indians, dumped valuable tea into Boston Harbor. This led to the Intolerable Acts.

Intolerable Acts - in response to Boston Tea Party, 4 acts passed in 1774, Port of Boston closed, reduced power of assemblies in colonies, permitted royal officers to be tried elsewhere, quartering of British soldiers.

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Economy: small towns, made up of agriculture and commerce, slavery was much smaller in these colonies

Demographic: grandparents, more families than other regions, higher life expectancy because of cooler weather and less disease

Politics: town hall meetings (anyone could attend), only white, land owning males could vote, early forms of democracy

Religions: majority of Puritans in Massachusetts, Rhode Island offered more religious tolerance

Richard Frethorne, an indentured servant, wrote
a letter home to his parents in England begging for help on 3/20/1623. He was serving at a settlement 10 miles outside Jamestown. He reported sweeping sickness, lack of food, danger from the natives, shortage of workers due to many deaths, being penniless and without any real belongings. He begged for rescue or, at the least, for them to send him beef, cheese, and butter through a local gunsmith who would receive his packages. 10 miles from nearest settlers, mentions "saving people", no money or belongings, eats more in 1 day at home than a week there, begs to be rescued or, at the least, have some "beef, cheese and butter" sent to him through Goodman Jackson, a Gunsmith. This document is historically significant because it documents the conditions that colonial indentured servants endured and it disputes reports that the colonies were being run in a just and Christian way.

What is the difference between New England and Chesapeake?

The New England colonies were strictly Puritan whereas the Chesapeake colonies followed no universal religion; also, while the New England colonies relied on fishing, shipbuilding, and farming, the Chesapeake colonies relied on their strong tobacco based economy.

What was the main difference between the Chesapeake and New England colonies quizlet?

One of the most significant differences between the New England and Chesapeake colonies was in their economies. The fertile land and warm weather meant the people in this region largely relied on farming and agriculture. They were populated by indentured servants and farmers.

What were some of the differences between the New England colonies and the Chesapeake Why did people come what types of industries dominated these areas?

While religion moulded the daily life in New England, Money and tobacco farming dominated the Chesapeake. Puritans fleeing religious persecution in England settled New England. They were a highly religious people.

How did New England and the Chesapeake develop differently by 1700 and what caused these differences in development to occur?

By the 1700s, the New England and the Chesapeake regions developed into two different colonies due to each colony's reason for settlement, consisting of religious and economic reasons, their personal beliefs, and their growth in their society.


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