When an experimenter actively lies to a participant this is considered which of the following?


  • Homework #2

    The principle of “beneficence” of the Belmont Report was violated, since Milgram did not ensure the psychological well being of the study subjects during the experiment. The stress the participants underwent exceeded that of every day stresses, all while Milgram actively lied to the participants about the purpose of the study and what was actually happening to the “learner” as “shocks” were administered. Thought the participants were debriefed afterwards and followed up with long after the study’s completion, they still may have felt affected by realizing their ability to hurt another person when pressured under authority. Milgram’s study epitomized the prime ethical objective of psychological research: balancing the risk to participants against the value of the knowledge to gain.

    • 651 Words
    • 2 Pages

  • ;oojbnljkbjlk

    Conclusion As noted above, deception is intrinsically wrong. Deceiving for the purpose of any gain is treating the patient as a means to an end, which according to Kant is immoral. The reason deception is immoral is because it is not made out of good will, as shown in the tests of the categorical imperative. The most a psychologist can do is inform the participant ahead of time (perhaps through a waiver) that information will be held from them for the purpose of the experiment. If the participant agrees on terms, the action of deception becomes morally neutral.

    • 1577 Words
    • 4 Pages

  • Ethical Guidelines that are Broken in Milgram's Study on Obedience

    ‘ Although the shocks may be painful, there is no permanent harm.’ In terms of psychological harm, this may cause the participants with long-term mental harm; when the participants refuse to go further with putting through the electric shocks, the authority figure takes away the right of the participants to withdraw from experiment with prods such as ‘ Please continue’, ‘ You have no choice, you must go on.’ which can make the participants feel uncomfortable and depress. As a whole, this is a defense because Milgram did not expect people would go that far from his research. First problem Milgram will face in attempting to produce ethical work is that sometimes it will be difficult to gain informed consent, because if the participants fully understand the experiment’s aim their behaviour will change. He cannot tell the participants that the study is about obedience levels being investigat... ... middle of paper ... ...y are not told to be blame if things go wrong. The participant will only be told off for several times when they do not obey or listen to the policeman.

    • 663 Words
    • 2 Pages

  • The Degrees of Deception

    I will delve into the moral issues that people have when they think about deceit. My personal definition of deceit is when someone manipulates another person into believing what they are saying is the truth even if it may not be. In this paper I will argue that there are different degrees of deceit that don’t always break someone’s trust. The evidence I provide will show that our definition of deceit in our Western culture is impaired. It will show people who believe that deceit is morally wrong and it can only bring about distrust may need to re-evaluate their definition of deceit.

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    • 3 Pages

  • Unethical Lying Case Study

    Someone who truly deserves the promotion could be losing their chance to another who may not be as capable. To gain a promotion you must meet certain expectations, and having to lie in order to get the promotion means that you lacked in some area. Lying in this case can just set you up for failure because you aren’t qualified enough. 2. It is not ethical to lie to your partner because imagine how you would feel if you found out you were lied to.

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  • Quasi-experimental Design

    Repeated testing may lead to better or worse performance. Changes in performance on the test may be due to prior experience with the test and not to the independent variable. In addition, repeated testing fatigues the subjects, and their performance declines as a result (Jackson, 2012). Because the professor is interested in determining if the implementation of weekly quizzes would improve test scores, an experimenter and/or an instrumentation effect may also affect results. In a single group post-test only design, possible confounds include the lack of a comparison group and the absence of an equivalent control group.

    • 2375 Words
    • 5 Pages
    • 7 Works Cited

  • Importance Of Lying

    People will not only lose their trust in you after they have figured out the truth, but they will lose their respect for you. Nobody wants to be friends with a liar, associate themselves with a liar, or marry a liar. Guilt is another underlying consequence that comes with the liability of lying. Lying to family or friends or both can and will leave you feeling guilty because you are killing the trust they have put into you. Lying is an art which can be successfully determined by its effectiveness and ability not to be caught and the morality of lying is determined by the intentions of the liar.

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  • essay

    If the psychologist feel the need, he could also consult with other professionals regarding this situation. In conclusion, terminating therapy as a result of the client’s inability to pay for the treatment would be unnecessary and harmful to the client. Rigid boundaries could interfere with the psychologist building rapport as he/she will be seen as cold and distant (Zur & Lazarus, 2002). The boundary crossing could be carefully managed so that it does not interfere with the therapeutic goal and relationship.

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    • 3 Pages

  • Psychologists' Ways of Dealing With Ethical Issues

    Participants should never be deliberately misled without extremely strong scientific or medical justification.’. Some forms of deception involve lying to participants about the nature of a study, such as Milgram’s study on obedience to authority. Participants were told that they were taking part in a study of how punishment affects learning, when in fact the study was on whether ordinary people will obey a legitimate authority even when required to injure another person. Other forms of deception involve the unfolding of important information that may effect participants willingness to take part in the study. An example of this is Zimbardo et al.’s prison stimulation experiment.

    • 551 Words
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  • Ephesians

    (Carson 1240) By not telling the truth, we can jeopardize the relationship of the believers. (Fee 189) People sometimes do not tell the truth because they are afraid. In the end the consequences of not telling the truth tend to be worse than if someone had told the truth in the first place. Often, this is hard to see, this is what makes telling the truth difficult for many people. When someone doesn’t tell the truth, it is good to let him or her know how their decision has hurt people.

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What must a researcher do when using deception in an experiment quizlet?

Avoid telling the participant about the deception before, during, and after the experiment. Which of the following statements concerning the use of animals in research is true? C.

What type of research misconduct involves representing the ideas or words of others as one's own?

Plagiarism is, perhaps, the most common form of research misconduct. Researchers must be aware to cite all sources and take careful notes. Using or representing the work of others as your own work constitutes plagiarism, even if committed unintentionally.

Why are data falsification and fabrication problematic?

In addition to being an ethical violation, why are data falsification and fabrication problematic? Because they impede scientific progress.

Which of the following are ethical issues that apply to the Milgram obedience studies?

The ethical issues involved with the Milgram experiment are as follows: deception, protection of participants involved, and the right to withdrawal. The experiment was deemed unethical, because the participants were led to believe that they were administering shocks to real people.


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