When conversing with clients who have a less extensive vocabulary (e.g. lower education level)

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Congratulations you have been shortlisted for the position of a Customer Care Executive.

1- This means that you are already among a special group of professionals who have the main skills required for this vacancy.

2- Your profile was reviewed carefully and you have been selected among hundreds of very talented applicants to participate in the Stage 2 of our recruitment process.

Mill World Recruitment Process​

Stage 1

Candidate Application and Profile Reviewed

Your Status - Successful

Stage 2

Skill demonstration and testing

Your Status - Awaiting the submission of the task

Stage 3

Interview with your future manager

Your Status - Not Applicable Yet

Stage 4

Hiring offer for the position, opening a world of possibilities

Your Status - Not Applicable Yet

Career With Mill World is Working with Talents From Around The Globe and a Future Full of Possibilities

Stage 2 - Skill demonstration and testing

What is it and why is it important?

Skill demonstration and testing stage consists of a test that simulates the routine tasks of your position,  providing Mill World Management a direct understanding of your skills, abilities, and strengths. Only those candidates who fully accomplish the test will be further considered by Mill World for the vacancy. 
Your written answers needs to be submitted in the form located at the end of this page.

Task Description

1- Read carefully the below questions and situations to successfully complete the test requirements.

2- There are no right or wrong answers to the following questions and situations, simply choose or answer with how you act normally.

3- Copying, plagiarism, spelling or grammar mistakes in your test results will automatically disqualify your application.

Email (Required for Interview Invitation) *

Do You Have Any Hobbies? what do you do in your spare time? Tell us more about yourself? *

Which is your favorite Social Media Platform and why (short answer)? *

Of all of the things you do, what do you like to do most? *

What do you do (not only professionally) to develop yourself? *

What do you want to achieve personally by joining our team? *

How do you prefer to communicate with customers? *

  • Phone
  • Email
  • Online Chatting
  • Face to Face

The customer regularly receives content (advertisements, posts, and videos) for their social media platforms to review and approve before publishing. The process was smooth during the previous months. This month, they have requested many changes to the content and a few people from the customer side gives conflicting feedback to the content causing big delays in publishing the content on the platforms. Moreover, the customer has now written a long email complaining about the incompetence of the team to deliver good content at the right time, accusing your company of the delay. Write an email response to this customer to attend to their complain and restore good relations. Additional information. 1. You were personally in charge of sending the content to the customer to review and provide approval. 2. The content cannot be published on social media without customer approval 3. Normally, only 1 person provides feedback on the content and the team makes the changes in 1 week. This timeline is communicated to the clients in advance whenever they make a request for a change. 4. You are in charge of following up with the team and informing them about customer needs and the deadlines but you are not in charge of ensuring they finish the tasks on time. 5. Your customer’s name is Maria Samerson. *

What do you value most in your work environment? *

  • Financial rewards, even if it means working under stress.
  • Less work pressure even if it means less financial reward.
  • I’m at a stage when I’m looking to develop my skills. I don't care about the work pressure or financial rewards
  • The most important point is to have minimum supervision from the managers to operate independently.

A customer is chatting with you over the company Facebook page and asks about the new offer advertised online for media production service. You don’t know that the company was providing also media production services and don't know any of the details of the offer. Which of the following actions will you choose? *

  • Tell the customer what you think the answer might be.
  • Refer the customer to your supervisor.
  • Refer the customer to the sales department.
  • Say that you are not allowed to give out that information to the public.
  • Inform the customer that you don't know but will find out the details of the promotion.

A customer angrily informs you about the many complaints they have about your Company. What should you do first? *

  • Assume that the customer is just blowing off steam and try to manage and dismiss the complaints.
  • Check into the legitimacy of the complaints.
  • Regard the complaints as accurate and take steps to correct them.
  • Appologize on behalf of the company and promise that you will take immediate steps to correct his issue.

A customer has signed an agreement to start working with your company. When you send them some more forms to complete, they complain about all the bureaucratic red tape that is slowing down the process of starting the service. In which of the following ways should you respond to the customer? *

  • Simply be patient with her.
  • Tell her the reasons why your company needs the information.
  • Say that you cannot process her application until all the forms have been completed.
  • Register this as a complaint and a suggestion to the management to amend the process to make it easier for customers.

As an administrative assistant, you have been training Mrs. Jane, who is not directly under your supervision. She has not appeared to be particularly competent during the month she has been in her position. You are explaining application procedures to a client when Mrs. Jane. interrupts to ask you a question. You tell her you are busy with a client and will come to her office when you are through. In a low voice, She begins to call you names and say bad things about the company, you are not sure if the client heard you. There are several other clients in the office in addition to the one you are working with. The supervisor doesn't appear to be around. What should you do? *

  • Ignore her and continue to assist the client.
  • Get on the phone and request assistance from a department administrator.
  • Say, "Now Mrs. Jane., I said I'd be with you as soon as I could. Now please let me finish."
  • Ask another employee to help the client while you escort Mrs. Jane. to a room away from the public area.

You overhear your boss giving a client the name of a person to contact for some information. You know this person is no longer the one to reach for this information. The client is still in the office. What, if anything, should you do? *

  • Do not get involved in the situation.
  • Quickly take your boss aside and provide the correct name.
  • Wait until the client leaves, and then provide your boss with the correct name.
  • Give the individual the correct name, and explain that your boss was not aware of a different person being responsible to provide the information.

Your co-worker starts to get on your nerves. What would be your most likely response? *

  • I would tell him/her right away that s/he is getting on my nerves because of X personality trait that I don't like, and that s/he should leave me alone.
  • I would hold it in as long as possible and then finally snap, telling him/her to get out of my face.
  • I would avoid that person until s/he got the point that I need a break.
  • I would explain that I am feeling overwhelmed with work/school/life and need a break from social obligations to be by myself for a while.

When conversing with clients who have a less extensive vocabulary (e.g. lower education level): *

  • I brush them off - I just wouldn't have the patience to carry on.
  • I become very impatient and it's probably obvious.
  • I may become impatient but I try not to let on.
  • I adjust my speech to their level.

When it comes to resolving conflicts: *

  • I usually give in and let the other person have his/her way as it is better to avoid conflicts.
  • I prefer "give and take" even if I’m not happy about it.
  • I try to push for a win on my part but if it is not in the cards I can accept a compromise.
  • It's my way or the highway.

You are asked to push a particular viewpoint with a client. The request makes perfect business sense but you happen to not believe in the particular notion you are to advocate. How do you deal with the situation? *

  • I will ask why this request makes business sense then I will decide.
  • Despite the intention to go ahead with the request, I just can't follow through with it.
  • I try to do my best to "pull it off".
  • I "pull it off" effortlessly.


What is the least important item to write on the message assume that you are taking a telephone message for a co worker who is not in the office at the time?

Assume that you are taking a telephone message for a co-worker who is not in the office at the time. Of the following, the LEAST important item to write on the message is the. Length of the call.

When dealing with an abusive customer on the phone it's important to hang up right away?

When dealing with an abusive customer on the phone, it's important to hang up right away. False. Tell the abusive customer you'd like to help them, and will do so when the conversational tone is calm.

Which of these is a common reason customers complain to a business Mcq?

Not surprisingly, dissatisfaction with a product or service is a common cause of customer complaints.

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