When the removal of a pleasant event weakens the behavior it follows this is known as _____.

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Terms in this set (101)

describe, explain, predict, change

goals of psychology


Experiences lead you to know new information, possess new skills, or demonstrate new behaviors. This is known as ______.


Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior or knowledge that is due to ________.

associative learning

Experiences cause us to link things in the environment together, we refer to this as _______ _________.


One of the most basic ways that we learn is by forming ________ (links) between _______ (things) that happen at about the same time.

classical conditioning

In ________ __________, we learn to associate a neutral (meaningless) stimulus in our environment with a different, meaningful stimulus that is very important to us because of its "ability" to elicit a response.

classical conditioning

Ex. of _____ _______.

Different types of food make dogs drool.


______ discovered classical conditioning.


information that we could then use to figure out what would happen next

temporal contiguity

When things are closely linked together in time, we say they have ______ ________.

neutral stimulus

Ex. The buzzer in Pavlov's Dog Experiment.
A stimulus that creates no reaction.

conditioned stimulus

Ex. The buzzer makes the dog salivate.
A stimulus that reacts with a conditioned reflex.


________ is when learning occurs.



unconditioned stimulus

An _________ ________ is an event or signal that reliably elicits a response without prior learning. (food, breastfeeding)

unconditioned response (UR)

_________ __________ is an automatic or unlearned reaction that automatically follows the unconditioned stimulus. (drooling, feeling secure)


The unconditioned __________ always activates the unconditioned _________ - it is a reflex.

conditioned stimulus (CS)

________ ___________ are learned signals.

conditioned response (CR)

_______ _________ is learned reaction.

delay conditioning

the conditioned stimulus (CS) should start just before (~0.5 sec) and overlap a bit with the unconditioned stimulus (US)

John Watson

Little Albert was conditioned to fear white rats with the sound of a loud noise by ______ ______.

stimulus extinction

This breaking of an association is called _______ _______.
Ex. Losing the fear of white rats after a while because you don't hear loud noise associated with it.

spontaneous recovery

________ _________ is when a conditioned response reemerges after extinction has occurred.

Ex. The dog gets used to the buzzer and food linked, but doesn't hear it for a day. The next day he hears it and the connection is back.

learning vs. performance

When we think we know the answer on a test, but the answer won't come to mind, this is an example of _______ ________.


_______ always helps you perform well.

conditioned taste aversion

You learn to avoid a particular food because of a previous unpleasant experience with it.


Why is conditioned taste aversion such a special case?

Law of Effects

______ ____ _______ suggests that behaviors that have happy endings are repeated, and that behaviors that produce unhappy consequences will instead be avoided in the future.

operant conditioning

Association between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior.


a process that increases the probability of the behavior being repeated

positive reinforcement

_____ _________, or reward, and it means you get something pleasant from your environment to encourage you to do the same thing again.

negative reinforcement

something is unpleasant or undesired is removed to increase a behavior

escape learning

escaping unpleasant things, also known as negative reinforcement is often called ______ _____ .

escape learning

applying aloe vera to a burn is an example of _____ _____.

avoidance learning

the unpleasant thing doesn't even happen because you do a behavior that allows you to avoid it altogether.

punishment by application

The first type of punishment involves giving or applying something unpleasant or undesired to stop a behavior.

punishment by removal

involves taking away something pleasant or desired that is usually already there, again with the goal of stopping a behavior.


positively reinforcing behavior to teach a complicated action to a person or creature.

Ex. Teaching a chicken to play duck-duck-goose.


the animal or person quits responding appropriately

constant, intermittent, fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, variable interval

Rules for the delivery of reinforcement.


On a ______ schedule, behaviors are reinforced every time.

intermittent (partial)

some sort of rule, or schedule, has to be followed to get the reward


A _________ ratio schedule would mean that the child has to say, "please," an exact number of times before she is given candy. (reward after set number of responses)


A _________ ratio schedule would mean that the child has to say, "please," an unpredictable number of times before she gets candy. (reward after unpredictable # of responses)

fixed interval

_______ _______ schedule would mean that the child has to wait an exact amount of time after seeing the candy to say "please" before her dad will buy her candy. (reward for response after set period of time)

variable interval

_______ ________schedule would mean that an unpredictable amount of time has to pass after she sees the candy before saying "please" for her dad to buy her candy. (reward for response after an unpredictable amount of time)


behaviors learned from a _________ schedule are easiest to stop.

learned helplessness

How much punishment or abuse can a person take before they just give up and don't take advantage of ways to save themselves?

Ex. Dogs with shock collars


after repeated exposure to a stimulus, decrease in responsiveness

nonassociative learning

occurs without forming associations between stimuli

observational learning

____ _______suggests that learning can occur when we imitate others.


learning by imitating others

vicarious reinforcement

_____ ________occurs when a behavior increases as a result of watching or observing someone else receive reinforcement.


a reaction from the environment

vicarious punishment

person's punishment warns us about what not to do












increases behavior


decreases behavior

positive reinforcement


negative reinforcement







based on number of behaviors


based on time passing


Which of the following is a reflexive behavior?
a. unconditioned stimulus
b. unconditioned response
c. conditioned response
d. conditioned stimulus


Which of the following starts off as a neutral or meaningless stimulus?
a. conditioned stimulus
b. unconditioned stimulus
c. unconditioned response
d. conditioned response


Which TWO of the following are almost always the same during classical conditioning?
a. conditioned response
b. unconditioned response
c. unconditioned stimulus
d. conditioned stimulus


In order for conditioning to happen, the conditioned stimulus should start ______ the unconditioned stimulus.
a. at exactly the same time
b. just after
c. a few minutes before
d. just before


Which TWO of the following lead to an increase in a behavior?
a. negative reinforcement
b. punishment by application
c. punishment by removal
d. positive reinforcement


Which of the following defines stimulus extinction?
a. things that are similar to the conditioned stimulus also produce the CR
b. the reappearance of the CR which had been previously diminished
c. the breaking of the association between the US and the CS, leading to the diminishing of the CR
d. when things are closely linked together in time


Learning that occurs as a result of watching another person or animal that is modeling that behavior is known as _____.
a. learned helplessness
b. habituation
c. shaping
d. observational learning

BF Skinner

_________ _____________________ studied operant conditioning with experiments using animals in a "Skinner Box"

Negative reinforcement

Taking out the trash to avoid your parent yelling at you.

Negative reinforcement

Taking an aspirin to get rid of a headache

Punishment by removal

Taking away a cell phone due to bad behavior

fixed ratio

giving a child a reward every time they clean their room

variable ratio

buying lottery tickets and winning occasionally

fixed interval

getting a paycheck every 2 weeks

variable interval

checking your phone for text messages, rewarded with a message at random times


after repeated exposure to a stimulus, increase in responsiveness

being bitten, fear, seeing dogs, fear

Nina was bit by a dog when she was four. Now she is afraid of all dogs and gets nervous whenever she sees one. Identify the UCS, UCR, CS, and CR.

getting hurt, fear, water slides, fear

Eli slipped and hurt his leg when going down a water slide when he was four years old. He now refuses to go on any water slides. Identify the UCS, UCR, CS, and CR.

1. positive reinforcement
2. negative reinforcement
3. punishment by removal
4. punishment by application

Donna is trying to get her son to be more cooperative in the morning so that they can get out the door on time for school. Match the terms below.

positive reinforcement
punishment by application
punishment by removal
negative reinforcement

1. Gives him a dime every time he makes it out the door on time.
2. He doesn't have to load the dishwasher on days he makes it out the door on time.
3. Donna takes a quarter out of his allowance every time he is late.
4. He has to mop the floor everyday he is late out the door.

positive reinforcement
negative reinforcement
punishment by application
punishment by removal

Mrs. Price's son Tristin can be a bit of a trouble maker. Match the terms below.
positive reinforcement
punishment by application
punishment by removal
negative reinforcement

1. Brings home an A, gets a video game
2. Cleans his room, doesn't have to mow the lawn
3. Stays out past curfew, has to listen to moms lecture.
4. Uses cell phone at dinner, gets it taken away for a week.

spontaneous recovery

Abby finally got over her fear of airplanes. She has been flying without fear for about three months. Then suddenly, she boards a plane for her next business trip and starts to feel nervous and sweaty. Which concept explains this response?

fixed interval

An employer gives the top performing employee a day off every 6 weeks. Which schedule of reinforcement is he using?

vicarious punishment

One of your co-workers is yelled at by your boss for forgetting to lock up at night. The next night you double check the door before you leave. Which concept explains this behavior?

stimulus extinction

The breaking of the association between the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus, leading to the diminishing of the conditioned response is known as ____.

fixed ratio

Which schedule of reinforcement occurs when behaviors are reinforced after a set number of behaviors are performed?

punishment by removal

When the removal of a pleasant event weakens the behavior it follows this is known as _____.

fixed interval

A father gives his son his allowance every Friday as long as his chores are finished. Which schedule of reinforcement is he using?


A person sitting next to you in the library is chewing gum. You hardly notice it at first, but after two hours the sound seems louder and extremely annoying. Which concept explains this change?

stimulus extinction

The breaking of the association between the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus, leading to the diminishing of the conditioned response is known as ____.

punishment by removal

When the removal of a pleasant event weakens the behavior it follows this is known as _____.


Which of the following is NOT one of the things that makes conditioned taste aversion a special case of classical conditioning?
a. The UCS and the CS need not be presented close together in time.
b. The UCS needs only be paired with the CS one time in order for an association to occur.
c. Even without a repeated experience the taste aversion does not exinguish.
d. No UCR needs to occur for pairing to happen.

fixed ratio

A student is trying to teach herself to focus on her homework. After every third homework question she answers correctly, she rewards herself with a gummy bear. What kind of reinforcement schedule is this?

vicarious reinforcement

You notice that your brother gets praised by your mom when he does well in soccer. The next day you try extra hard at baseball practice. What concept explains this behavior?

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What is the removal of a pleasant stimulus called?

How Reinforcement and Punishment Influence Behaviour: The Research of Thorndike and Skinner.

When the removal of an unpleasant event strengthens the behavior it follows this is known as?

Negative reinforcement: The strengthening of a response through the removal of a stimulus after the response occurs.

When you take away a pleasant stimulus to stop a behavior?

In negative punishment , you remove a pleasant stimulus to decrease a behavior. For example, when a child misbehaves, a parent can take away a favorite toy. In this case, a stimulus (the toy) is removed in order to decrease the behavior.

What is the removal of reinforcement following a behavior?

Negative punishment happens when a certain reinforcing stimulus is removed after a particular undesired behavior is exhibited, resulting in the behavior happening less often in the future.


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