Where are all of the alleles contained within a group of interbreeding individuals together are known as?

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Bites from infected mosquitoes

Together, all of the alleles contained within a group of interbreeding individuals is known as a

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium assumes

No gene flow, mutation, or natural selection

In certain species of nonhuman primates there are groups where only one dominant female has female has access to mates. The other females must wait until the opportunity to gain mate access presents itself. This will have direct impacts on "fitness," influencing which of the following?

Another name for the evolutionary force called gene flow is

Australian aborigines are an endogamous society. This means that marriage and reproductive take place within the group, leading to

Decreased genetic diversity due to a lack of admixture

A point of mutation that does not result in a change to the amino acid codes for is said to be a

Over a period of two generations, the frequency of green dung beetles in a population shifts from 75% to 71% while the frequency of brown dung beetles within this population shifts from 25% to 29%. This is an example of

Spontaneous mutation is the result of

The evolution of the modern horse with a single hoof on each limb from a dog-sized ancestor with multiple digits is an example of

bites from infected mosquitos.

Together, all of the allele contained within a group of interbreeding individuals are known as a:

The physical location of a gene within the genome is called the:

Evolution can best be defined as:

a process that occurs only over extremely long periods of time.

When individuals of the same species are reproductively isolated, genetic differences may accumulate in sufficient number so that new species could, emerge. Such an event would be an example of:

The ABO and MN blood-type frequencies of the Dunkers differ significantly from those of current American and German populations due to:

Australian aborigines are an endogamous society. This means that marriage and reproduction take place within the group, leading to:

decreased genetic diversity due to a lack of admixture

Transposable elements are DNA sequences that:

can copy themselves into entirely new areas of the chromosomes.

Studies of Galapagos finches have found that at certain points in time all finches on the island have either wide beaks or sharp narrow beaks. The type of evolution that leads to this phenotype distribution is ______ selection.

Patrilocal societies are expected to display:

greater mtDNA diversity than Y chromosome diversity.

The evolution of the modern horse with a single hoof on each limb from a dog-sized ancestral species with multiple digits is an example of:

An individual who displays the disease sickle-cell anemia must have inherited the deleterious allele from both phenotypically normal parents. This individual is therefore:

homozygous, with two recessive alleles.

The type of selection that favored progressively larger brain size in human evolution is ____ selection.

The clinal decrease in type B blood from East Asia to Western Europe is probably the result of:

Mutations in DNA found in which cells are most likely to have significant evolutionary consequences?

Sex cells (gametes) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You are reading a scientific article about cheetahs that have stripes instead of spots. the article refers to this as a genetic mutation. Though you see they have no negative impact on the cheetah's fitness, the stripes are nevertheless considered a genetic mutation because mutations:

can result in an evolutionary advantage/ disadvantage and may have no effect on the phenotype ; all of the above

The best-documented case of industrial melanism involves:

What effect does natural selection have on population variation?

The mutation known as trisomy 21. in which an extra copy of chromosome 21 is present, is more commonly known as _____ syndrome.

Together, all of the alleles contained within a group of interbreeding individuals is known as a:

Fitness trade-off refers to selection favoring which genotype?

While conducting research with a small population in South America you note that an overwhelming majority of individuals exhibit signs of a specific genetic abnormality. This is most likely the result of:

Evolution can best be defined as:

a change in allele frequencies in a breeding population over time.

When individuals of the same species are reproductively isolated, genetic differences may accumulate in sufficient number so that new species could emerge. Such an event would be an example of:

Another name for the evolutionary force called gene flow is:

Australian aborigines are an endogamous society. This means that marriage and reproduction take place within the group, leading to:

decreased genetic diversity due to a lack of admixture

What effect does natural selection have on population variation?

The vector for transmitting the malarial parasite to humans is:

The evolution of the modern horse with a single hoof on each limb from a dog-sized ancestor with multiple digits is an example of:

showed that U.S.-born children had different head shapes than their immigrant parents.

is advantageous because it provides protection from solar radiation

Johann Friedrich Blumenbach:

categorized skulls into five racial types

R.C. Lewontin found that human “races” have no taxonomic significance. He demonstrated this:

through research indicating that most genetic variation is found across human populations

The prenatal stage in humans consists of:

Allen’s rule indicates that humans will have:

longer limbs in hot environments and shorter limbs in cold environments.

Sexual maturation or puberty is marked by:

David Barker’s research on poor early health led to the hypothesis that:

poor health during the fetal period results in the reduced ability to maintain homeostasis.

The obesity pandemic is due to:

the increased ability to produce and consume inexpensive, high-fat foods

The maintenance of homeostasis

involves all levels of any organism’s biology.

The increased brain size observed in the order Primates:

results in extended periods of nursing and development to accommodate increasing behavioral complexity and demonstrates the importance of intelligence in primate evolution.

Modern primates are characterized by arboreal adaptations, including:

Primates are characterized by:

arboreal adaptation, dietary plasticity, and parental investment

give birth to fewer offspring than do many other mammals

The genetic classification for apes and humans:

includes three subfamilies within hominids: pongines, gorillines, and hominines

Relative to other primates, prosimian adaptations include:

an enlarged olfactory bulb and enlarged scent glands.

While observing primates at the zoo, you notice that the particular monkey you are watching uses its hands, feet, and tail to move throughout the trees in its enclosure. This is most likely:

a New World monkey, because many of these species have a tail with grasping abilities similar to those observed in nonhuman primate hands and feet

The typical catarrhine dental formula is:

A feature unique to human teeth and human ancestors’ teeth is:

a canine that shows wear on the tip.

a wet nose, a snout, a tooth comb, and a grooming claw.

What are all the alleles contained within a group of interbreeding individuals known as?

Populations are made up of members of the same species that interbreed. Population geneticists study the variation that naturally occurs among the genes within a population. The collection of all the genes and the various alternate or allelic forms of those genes within a population is called its gene pool.

What is gene pool in genetics?

A gene pool refers to the combination of all the genes (including alleles) present in a reproducing population or species. A large gene pool has extensive genomic diversity and is better able to withstand environmental challenges.

How many alleles are there in a gene pool?

Allele Frequencies In a sexually reproducing species, each member of the population has two copies of each gene. Therefore, the total number of copies of each gene in the gene pool is 200. The gene in the example exists in the gene pool in two forms, alleles A and a.

Does a gene pool include the genes of individuals that Cannot reproduce?

Answer and Explanation: A gene pool can have individuals that cannot reproduce. A gene pool is a collection of organisms from a single population.


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