Which button allows you to preview the presentation as the audience will see it quizlet?

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Terms in this set (99)


also called a slide show helps deliver a dynamic, professional-looking message to the audience


presentation which delivers a dynamic, professional-looking message to the audience


collection of slides ina presentation


specific design with coordination colors, fonts, and special effects such as shadows and reflections


alternate designs for each theme

why change variant

the title slide will have text and a picture, so yo want to select a theme, like berlin, with an uncluttered backround to go with a certain theme

how do ui choose the words for the slide

all presentations should follow the 7 x 7 rule, which sates that each slide should have a maximum of seven lines, and each line should have a maximum of seven words. Powerpoint designers must choose their words carefully, in turn, help viewers read the slides easily
avoid line wraps

Title slide

purpose is to introduce the presentation to the audience

landscape orientaton

where the slide width is greater than its height


are boxes with dotted or hatch-marked borders that are displayed when you create a new slide

paragraph is a segment of text with the same format that begins when you press the ENTER key and ends when you press the ENTER key again

is a segment of text with the same format that begins when you press the ENTER key and ends when you press the ENTER key again


is a position within a structure, such as an outline, that indicates the magnitude of importance

how do you use the touch keyboard with a touch screen

to display the on-screen keyboard, tap the touch keyboard button on the windows task bar. when finished using the touch keyboard, tap the X button on the touch keyboard to close the keyboard

why use a subtitle

the subtitle gives an additional detail


the view of the slide on the screen so that the text or other content is enlarged or shrunk

why zoom

zooming the slide can help yo see slide elements more clearly so that you can position them precisely where desired

if i change the zoom percentage, will the slide display differently when i run the presentation

no. changing the zoom helps you develop the slide content and does not affect the slide show

other ways to zoom

drag zoom slider on status bar, click zoom level button on status bar, click zoom button, pinch two fingers together


font, style size, and color of characters


typeface, defines appearance and shape of the letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols

style indicates how the characters are formatted

size specifies the height of the chracters


defines the hue of the characters

why format multiple words or paragraphs at once

it is efficient to select the desired text and then make the desired changes to all the characters simultaneously

other ways to format together

position pointer to left of first paragraph and drag to end of line

why use different font styles on different slides

these style changes make the words more appealing to the reader and emphasize particular text

italic text has a slanted appearance

has a slanted appearance

whye mphasize words and characters

you could perform these actions separately, but it is more efficient to select the word and then change the font attributes

why use more colors than just one

the color, orange, is associated with that season, and you want to add more emphasis, subtly, to this word in your title slide text

if the mini toolbar disappears from the screen, how can i display it once again

right-click the text, and the mini toolbar should appear

why did i select the color orange

orange is one the 10 standard colors associated with ever document theme, and it is a universal color repreenting hte fall colors

what is the difference between the colors shown in the theme colors area and the standard colors

the 10 colors in the top row of the theme colors area are two text, two background, and six accent colors in the berlin theme; the five colors in each column under the top row display different transparencies

why does the bullet character display a white dot

the berling document theme determines the bullet characters each paragraph level has an associated bullet character

i clicked the new slide arrow instead of the new slide button what should i do

click the title and content slide thumbnail in the berlin layout gallery

how do i know which slide number I am viewing

the left edge of the status shows the current slide number followed by the total number of slides int he document, in addiction the slide number is displayed to the left of the slide thumbnail

why does the bullet for this paragraph have a different size?

a different bullet is assigned to each paragraph

can i delete bullets on a slide?

yes. if you do not want bullets to display in a particular paragraph, click the bullets button or right-click the paragraph and then click the bullets button on the shortcut menu

I pressed the ENTER key in error, and now a new bullet appears after the last entry on this slide. How can i remove this extra bullet

press the BACKSPACE key twice

why assign emphasis to multiple words at once

the actions could be performed separately, but it is more efficient to select the words and then change the font attributes

why bold

bod characters display somewhat thicker and darker than those that display in a regular font style

why increase font size

to add emphasis, you increase the font size for the words, every saturday


specifies the arrangement of placeholders on a slide

layout gallery

you can choose a slide layout from a gallery o nine

why use comparison layout

the comparison layout has two headings and two text placeholders adjacent to each other; so an audience member easily can compare and contrast the items shown side by side

why use title only layout style

the only text on the slide is the title and the majority of the slide content is the illustration

why use groups that allow you to choose and change the appearance of all the slides or individual slides

at any time while creating the slide deck, you may decide to switch the theme so that the slides have a totally different appearance

are the temes displayed in a specific order?

no. your themes might be in a different orde rthan shown here

how can i determine the theme names

if you point to a theme, a screentip with the theme'[s name appears on the screen

if i decide at some future time that this design does not fit the theme of my presentation, can i apply a different design

yes. you can repeat these steps at any time while creating your presentation

why change the color variation

the new man event theme has a default red color, but you want to emphasize the green color associated with nature, just like you initially did when you chose the green variant for the Berlin theme

if i decide at some future time that this color variation does not fit the theme of my presentation, can i apply a different variant

yes, you can repeat these steps at any time

why should i save the presentation again

so you do not lose the modifications made since you last saved it.

a view

is the mode in which the presentation appears on the screen

normal view

which is composed of three areas that allow you to work on various aspects of a presentation simltaneously

slide pane

displays the current slide

slides tab

on the left of the screen, thumbnails which are miniature views of the slides appear

Notes pane

by default, is hidden at the bottom of the window

scroll bar

bar used to scroll at the bottom or right

scroll arrows

(scroll boxes) will appear on the right edge of the window

why move another slide in normal view

when creating or editing a presentation in normal view, you often want to display a slide other than the current one

slide indicator

shows the number and title of the slide you are about to display

insert picture dialog box

allows you to search for picture files that are stored on you computer or a storage device

how can you design a title slide that holds your audience's attention

develop a slide that reflects the content of your presentation but does so in a thought-provoking way.

why use a image on the title slide

it is likely that your viewers will see an image this slide before they read any text, so you want to include a picture to create interest in the presentation and introduce your audience to the topic

what should i do if no pictures are displayed when i click the pictures button

you may need to click the online pictures button instead of the pictures button

can i double-click the picture or filename instead of selecting it and clicking the insert button

yes. either method inserts the picture

why is this picture displayed in this location on the slide

the slide layout does not have a content placeholder, so PowerPoint inserts the file in an area of the slide you will move and resize the picture later

i am using touch screen and do not see a two-headed arrow when i press and hold the lower right sizing handle why

touch screen may not display pointers; you can just press and slide sizing handles to resize

can i drag any corner sizing handle diagonally inward toward the opposite corner to resize the picture


what if i want to return the picture to its original size and start again

with the picture selected, click the reset picture arrow

what happened to the picture tools format tab

when you click outside the picture, PowerPoint deselects the object and removes the Picture Tools Format tab from the screen

why move pictures

after you insert a photo or illustration on a slide, you might want to reposition i

the firefly still is not located exactly were i want it to display what can i do to align the image

press the CTRL key while you press the ARROW keys this key combination move the illustration in smaller increments than when you press only an ARROW key

can i move or nudge the picture in very small increments

yes, to move or nudge the picture in very small increments, hold down the CTRL key with the picture selected while pressing the ARROW keys you cannot perform this action using a touch screen

what factors should you consider when developing a closing slide for the presentation

After the last slide appears during a slide show, the default powerpoint setting is to end the presentation with a black slide. this black slide appears only when the slide show is running and concludes the slide show, so you audience never sees the powerpoint window. It is a good idea, however to end your presentation with a final closing slide to display at the end of the presentaton this slide ends the presentation gracefully and should be an exact copy, or a very similar copy, of your title slide.

why duplicate a slide

when two slides contain similar information and have the same format duplicating one slide and then making minor modifications to the new slide saves time and increases consistency

why arrange slides

it is a closing slide that reinforces the concept presented in slide 1 and indicates to your audiences that your presentation is ending

drag and drop

dragging a thumbnail to drop it into the desired location

Delete or backspace


Why delete text in a placeholder

to keep the ending slide clean and simple, you want to edit a few words in the slide title and subtitle text

can i drag from left to right or right ro left

yes. either direction will select the letter

could i also have selected the word, autumn, by double-clicking it

yes. either method words to select a word

could i have typed these words, while the word was selected without first cutting the text

yes either method words to replace words. you will use this alternate method in the next step

Why does the text display with all capital letters despite the fact that i am typing uppercase and lowercase letters

the main event theme uses the all caps effect for the title and subtitle text. this effect converts lowercase letters to uppercase letters.

slide transition

A special effect used to progress from one slide to the next

why add transitions

transitions add interest when you advance the slides in a presentation and make a slide show presentation look professional

why does a star appear next to the selected slide in the slides tab

the star indicates that a transition animation affect is applied to that slide

why did the time change from the default 2.00 to 3.00

each transition has a default duration time. the default wind transition time in 2.00

can i adjust the duration time i just set

yes. click the duration up or down arrows or type a speed int he duration box and preview the transition until you find the time that best fits your presenation

document properties

Details about a file such as the project author, title, and subject

standard properties

Associated with all Microsoft Office files and include author, title, subject

automatically updated properties

include file system properties, such as the date you create or change a file, and statistics, such as the file size

why are some of the document properties in my document information panel already filled in

the person who installed office 2016 on your computer or network may have set or customized the properties

why star slide show

you run a presentation for your audience so they can see the slides in their entirety and view any transitions or other effects added to the slides

slide show view

A view that allows the user to preview a presentation on the screen as it will appear to the audience.

what would i have displayed if i had clicked the slide show button instead of the start from beginning button

when you click the slide show button to start the presentation powerpoint begins the show with the currently displayed slide, which in this case is slide 5 only slide 5 would display during the slide show

where is the powerpoint window

when you run a slide show the powerpoint window is hidden it will reappear once you end your slide show

why move manually through slides

you can control the length of time each slide is displayed and change the preset order if you nee to review a slide already shown or jump ahead to another slide designed to display later in the presentation

i see a small toolbar in the lower-left corner of my slide what is this toolbar

you may see the slideshow toolbar when you begin running a slide show and then click a slide or move the pointer. the buttons on this toolbar allow you to navigate to the next slide or the previous slide, to mark up the current slide, or to change the current display if you do ot see the toolbar hover the mouse near the lower-left corner of the screen

do i have to wait until my presentation is complete to print it

no you can print a presentation at any time while you are creating it

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When making a presentation to an audience using PowerPoint you use?

When making a presentation to an audience using PowerPoint, you use Notes Page view. Style defines the hue of text characters. Each document format determines the color scheme, font set, and layout of a presentation. You can insert a new slide by pressing the ____ keyboard shortcut keys.

Does the playback tab appear as part of the presentation?

They do not appear as part of the presentation. 15) _______ view displays thumbnail pictures of the slides in your presentation and is useful in rearranging the order of slides in a presentation. 17) The options in the Playback tab allow you to change the slide show volume, fade the audio in and out, loop the sound, and _________ the sound.

What makes a good presentation?

A view that allows you to see the presentation as your audience will see it. A predefined slide to maintain a standard layout and look and feel. A predefined set of colors, fonts, effects, and layouts.

What determines the hue of text characters in a presentation?

Style defines the hue of text characters. Each document format determines the color scheme, font set, and layout of a presentation. You can insert a new slide by pressing the ____ keyboard shortcut keys. You can advance slides during a slide show by pressing the PAGE DOWN key. ___ are the alternate designs that exist for each theme.

Which button allows you to preview the presentation as audience will see it?

Microsoft PowerPoint 2013.

Which button allows you to preview the presentation as the audience will see it slide sorter slide Sorter notes page notes page Normal View Normal View Slide Show?

Alternatively, click the “Slide Sorter” button in the “Presentation Views” button group on the “View” tab of the Ribbon. You use Slide Sorter view to reorganize, insert, delete and copy the presentation slides. Slide Sorter view in PowerPoint also shows the presentation's visual flow.

Where is the presentation Preview button in PowerPoint?

Click the Start From Beginning command on the Quick Access Toolbar, or press the F5 key at the top of your keyboard. The presentation will appear in full-screen mode. Select the Slide Show view command at the bottom of the PowerPoint window to begin a presentation from the current slide.

Which view gives a preview of the presentation text?

Using Presenter view is a great way to view your presentation with speaker notes on one computer (your laptop, for example), while only the slides themselves appear on the screen that your audience sees (like a larger screen you're projecting to).


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